Archbishop Weakland Apparently Contradicted Himself in Depositions on Secret Archives

Catholic Culture
November 5, 2009

Archbishop Rembert Weakland, whose 25-year tenure as archbishop of Milwaukee ended after the revelation that he had used $450,000 in archdiocesan funds to settle a man’s sexual assault claim, has apparently contradicted himself on the existence of diocesan secret archives where some documents related to clerical sexual abuse were allegedly stored.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Archbishop Weakland in a 2008 deposition said, “I've heard about it, but I've never seen those files, and I don't know if the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has such things.” He mocked the idea of a secret archive as “antique” and “medieval.” However, the text of a 1993 deposition has come to light in which Archbishop Weakland acknowledged the existence of the files.

Archdiocesan spokesman Jerry Topczewski readily acknowledged the existence of the secret archives, which are discussed in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. “Secret doesn't mean secret,” he said; “it's just another form of official file that can be kept for particular reasons.”


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