The Effort to Save St. Thomas Has Begun
By Eugene Michael
Rochester Catholic
July 29, 2009
Following is the text of a letter that was sent out to the parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle. The letter was written by a group at St. Thomas that is dedicated to the saving of their church.
Here is the letter:
July 15, 2009
Dear Fellow St. Thomas the Apostle Parishioner,
"The most fundamental right of a parish in canon law is the right to come into existence,
be acknowledged and continue in existence (c.374.1). Once a community of faith is
formed and recognized it becomes a "juridic person" which by nature is perpetual unless
it is legitimately suppressed or stops all activity for 100 years (c.120.1). To be
suppressed, the impossibility of continued life must be clearly demonstrated."
In the context of the above statement, prayer, and discussion, a number of us have concluded that the diocese does not have legitimate cause to close St.Thomas the Apostle church.
• We have not had yearly financial disclosures as required by canon law.
• We have stable rental income.
• We are best situated to serve northern Irondequoit.
• We have the largest building and best parking in the Cluster.
• We are home to the gravesite of Msgr. Richard K. Burns.
• We are home to the Knights of Columbus' Memorial to the Unborn.
• We have a property that is unique and irreplaceable.
One parish may not be closed due to the financial difficulties of other parishes, or the
diocese at large. In any case, we believe it is foolhardy to pursue a course of action of
this magnitude and this permanent, based on the present economic environment.
We have a rich history of tradition and faith, built and maintained by the loving sacrifice
of those that came before us. We feel we have an obligation to our past, and to the
Irondequoit community of today and tomorrow, to stand in defense of our beloved parish.
Time is short. There are only ten days from the notification of closure within which to
file an appeal. With that in mind, after prayerful discernment, the enclosed letter was
sent to Bishop Clark.
Our plan is to pursue actions intended to save St. Thomas. If you would like to join our
efforts, first pray, and then feel free to contact any of us.
Tonight, the St. Thomas the Apostle parish council will be meeting in order to review the proposal to close their church. Hopefully they have the good sense to officially reject the proposal. No one should be taking ownership of this plan other than the Irondequoit Pastoral Planning Group. Let the guilt for this fiasco rest squarely on their shoulders.