Twittering Twits for John Campbell

Liberal OC
July 16, 2009

One of our readers dropped me a note last night:

Thought I'd bring this to your attention…

As you know, Beth Krom lost her 22-year-old son after he fell off a cliff June 6. For a considerable portion of the fundraising period, she's been mourning this loss, spending as much time/energy as she could muster on the fundraising circuit. Had she not lost her son, she still probably would have been handedly out-raised by incumbent John Campbell in this reliably red district. Even so, the former used car salesman turned pol says this via Twitter:

CampbellTwit1 450x293 Twittering Twits for John Campbell

It was followed by a correction, but not the type you'd think…


I've got a couple questions. Does Campbell really write this stuff or is it written by some punk? Does Campbell really only have 52 friends following him on Twitter?

I have to believe that this isn't something written by John's Red County consultant Matt Cunningham. Matt, can you give someone a call and suggest that the campaign stop allowing TWITS to Tweet for Campbell on Twitter.


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