Weakland Book on Shelves

By Mick Trevey
June 15, 2009

WAUWATOSA - Former Archbishop Rembert Weakland's book is now on store shelves. The book has drawn controversy for the way Weakland writes about the priest sex abuse scandal and his own sexuality.

"A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church" chronicles Weakland's life. He talks frankly about being a liberal Catholic Church leader, about his sexual relationship with a graduate student, and the way he handled the church sex abuse scandal.

At The Little Read Book in Wauwatosa, the store's owner says the first shipment sold out. The store is now selling a second shipment. "In a lot of ways, he's an extremely well respected man in a lot of circles," said store owner Linda Burg. "I think most of the people who bought it have known him, worked with him."

Gwen Plunkett bought a copy of the book for her husband's aunt. However, Plunkett plans to ask for it back after the aunt is done reading it. "I'd definitely like to read it too," Plunkett said.

Barnes and Noble says they have a list of customers who pre-ordered the book and get priority. The story says it could still be days or weeks before there are enough copies to stock the regular shelves. Borders does not expect to have copies until July.

The Milwaukee Public Library says there are 52 people on the county's list waiting to check-out the book. "I think a lot of people are curious to see what he had to say in his own words," said library book buyer Tom Olson.

Weakland has declined numerous interview requests to discuss his book.


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