Former Policeman Who Claimed He Was Black Magic Priest Convicted of Abuse
Victim Was Told Demons and Spirits Would Kill Him Unless He Carried out Sex Acts.

June 10, 2009

A former policeman who claimed he was a black magic high priest has been convicted of sexually abusing three youngsters.

John McFadden, 42, told one of his victims, a 12-year-old boy, that demons and spirits would kill him and drag him to hell unless he carried out vile sex acts.

McFadden dressed in a black cloak and used a crucifix with a skull and crossbones and an onyx ring, which he claimed gave him power, to terrify the youngster into keeping the abuse a secret.

His victim told the court that McFadden abused him almost every day for four years using the evil threats to keep him silent.

McFadden from Bearsden, was found guilty at the High Court in Glasgow of using lewd and indecent behaviour towards the youngster at a house in Kirkintilloch, between 1988 and 1990 and sexually assaulting him on several occasions between August 1990 and 1992.

McFadden befriended him after he joined a martial arts club that was run by him. The abuse began when McFadden, who still lived with his parents, invited him to stay overnight.

The court heard that the abuse came to an end when McFadden's victim joined the Royal Marines and moved away.

Another man came forward in 1999 to complain that he had been indecently assaulted by McFadden at the age of seven while the paedophile was babysitting him. McFadden resigned from the police that year but was not convicted at that time.

He was finally charged several years later after two others came forward to report similar incidents.

When police searched McFadden's home lair they found a devil mask, two wands and other items.

He tried to claim that his victims were making up the abuse but a jury refused to believe him.

Judge Lord Matthews deferred sentence until next month for reports and McFadden was remanded in custody.


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