Irish PM to Meet Abuse Victims

BBC News
June 3, 2009

The abuse happened at institutions run by religious orders

The Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen is due to hold talks on Wednesday with groups representing victims of child abuse in Catholic institutions.

The meeting will discuss the Ryan report, which revealed the scale of abuse of children by members of some religious orders.

There will also be a "march of solidarity" with former residents of the institutions in Dublin.

The orders which ran the institutions are due to meet Mr Cowen on Thursday.

There have been calls for the orders of monks and nuns mentioned in the Ryan report to fund a much greater share of the 1.3bn euros compensation paid to the victims.

The Irish government is meeting most of the cost after a controversial deal in 2002 capped the amount the orders would pay.

The Irish Minister for Education Batt O'Keeffe said on Tuesday that the government is to seek "a substantial increase" in compensation from the religious orders.

Another major report is due soon on abuse by Catholic priests working in parish churches around Dublin.

The Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, warned earlier this year that it would "shock us all."


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