New Catholic Bishop Spells out Priorities for Diocese of Kalamazoo
Bradley's Concerns Include Parishioner Struggles, Priesthood Numbers, Lay Leadership

By Lee A. Dean
Kalamazoo Gazette
May 30, 2009

KALAMAZOO — The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley is preparing for his installation as the bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo on Friday, but he's anticipating another day even more.

"Even though the installation is the big event that launches this whole thing officially, I'm anxious for June 6," Bradley said.

The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley, center, will be installed as the bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo on Friday. Current Bishop James Murray, left, and Bishop Emeritus Paul Donovan appeared with him at an April 6 press conference announcing his selection.
Photo by Mark Bugnaski

That's when Bradley, 63, who most recently has been general secretary, vicar and auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, will begin his first full day as bishop here, replacing James A. Murray, who submitted his resignation upon reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75.

In a recent interview, Bradley laid out some of the major issues he'll face and the priorities he has set as he begins his tenure in Kalamazoo:

• The economy: Bradley has met with the diocese's financial council to get a clear understanding of how the economy is affecting southwestern Michigan. "While we have concerns about the financial health of the diocese and its parishes, we also need to be equally concerned about how we as a church can help people financially and help them hold fast in their faith," Bradley said.

• The priesthood: Bradley said he wants to establish strong and open communication with priests and plans to help them grow so they can better serve the needs of the laity. He also will continue to encourage young men to consider the priesthood.

"The most important way to do that is to make sure we have happy and effective priests. The way priests live their lives, including myself, should communicate to others that this is a way of life worth considering," he said.

The Diocese of Kalamazoo serves nearly 102,000 Catholics in 46 parishes and 13 missions over nine southwestern Michigan counties. Bradley will be responsible for the leadership of 75 priests and 36 deacons.

• Involvement of laity: Bradley calls this "a significant priority." He wants laypersons to assume more leadership roles in worship, religious education and faith-formation ministries at both the parish and diocesan levels.

• Protection of youth: Bradley said the Diocese of Kalamazoo "is in a very good position. This (issue of sexual abuse by priests) has not been as significant an issue here as it has been in other places. There's just no question that steps are always taken, no matter the consequences, to make sure children are protected. That's my attitude as well."

• Political and social issues: Religion and politics cannot be separated from one another, Bradley said. "One of the principles of Catholic social teaching is to be involved in the political process in appropriate ways," he said. These ways include supporting the Michigan Catholic Conference, which is the public policy voice of the Roman Catholic Church in Michigan.

• Family life: Bradley said the diocese will keep working to strengthen married life and to help make the church more attractive to younger people.

• Hispanic outreach: Bradley plans to find ways to reach out to the area's growing Hispanic population.

There are about 40,000 Hispanics living in the diocese, along with an additional 20,000 Hispanic migrant farm workers. He is studying to become fluent in Spanish.

Learning about the diocese

Bradley said he has been gathering information about his new diocese from visits to the area, from conversations with Bishop Murray and other leaders, and from reading materials. He plans an active round of parish visitation to learn about his new territory and become better acquainted with its people.

"I wouldn't foresee these as quick visits, but as ways to go and spend time at the parishes, meeting with the staffs, parish councils, finance councils and with any parishioners who come.

"When I come, each parish will be invited to have that (visitation day) as a special eucharistic day of prayer. This will enable me to get to know as many of the people as quickly as I can," Bradley said.

Bringing experience

Bradley's appointment as bishop by Pope Benedict XVI was announced in Kalamazoo on April 6.

Bradley was born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, was ordained as a priest in 1971 and has been serving the Diocese of Pittsburgh in a variety of capacities. In 2003, he was appointed general secretary and vicar, and the next year was also named auxiliary bishop. When the diocese was between bishops for 16 months in 2006 and 2007, Bradley served as administrator of the diocese — in effect, as an acting bishop.

"Certainly in my role as an auxiliary bishop, I've been as close to being a bishop as one can be," Bradley said.

Bradley also brings experience in social work. He earned a master's degree in social work from the University of Pittsburgh in 1987 and has served the Pittsburgh diocese in a variety of assignments related to families and social work.

"By extension, a social work background helps to emphasize so much of what the teaching of the church really encourages us to do," Bradley said. "It's not just about spiritual well-being but about the whole person."


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