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Mcaleese: Abuse Victims Suffered "Betrayal of Love" Ireland Online May 21, 2009
President Mary McAleese today praised the victims of Ireland’s abusive childcare institutions, describing their suffering as an atrocious betrayal of love. Mrs McAleese claimed those responsible, which includes priests, nuns and Church and state officials, would be reflecting on the Ryan Inquiry’s devastating findings. “It is shocking and shameful that so many children had to endure such appalling suffering and abuse in institutions whose obligation and vocation it was to provide them with safe and loving care,” the President said. “It was an atrocious betrayal of love. “My heart goes out to the victims of this terrible injustice, an injustice compounded by the fact that they had to suffer in silence for so long. “This report utterly vindicates their determination to break that silence and to have their voices heard. “They are deeply courageous people who deserve the understanding and support of all of us at this very difficult time. Government ministers will hold a special Cabinet meeting in the coming weeks to discuss the Commission’s report. A full Dail debate is also planned for after the local and European elections in early June. The president praised the work of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, chaired by Judge Sean Ryan. “This clear and thorough report has discharged an important public service in bringing these terrible matters to full light,” she said. “We all need to reflect carefully now on its findings and recommendations and I know that everybody with a responsibility in the matter will be doing so carefully and fully.” |
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