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Fired Again: Examiner Dot Com Bows to Pressure from Church, Eliminates My Job As LA City Buzz By Kay Ebeling City of Angels May 19, 2009 So here I am back at City of Angels again. After a post I put up April 29th-30th, the L.A. Archdiocese "General Counsel" contacted Examiner Dot Com and pressured them to remove me from their site. So far I have not been able to get a copy of that letter. But I was fired from Examiner Dot Com this afternoon. Oh well, that means: City of Angels is Back. After getting a letter from a Church Attorney, Examiner Dot Com decided they also did not like my side quips and snide remarks and as a matter of fact, they don't approve of on any of the stories I wrote in the last few months. Examiner Los Angeles, which promotes stories such as "Actress Reveals Chubby Belly in Bikini" with pictures stolen from copyrighted sites, found my stories about criminals being sleezebags to be "not in line with our guidelines."
Meanwhile Monsignor Richard Loomis is still listed as Pastor of Sts. Felicitas and Perpetua Church in San Marino, pictured here, and Loomis was supposed to be the focus of the April 29 stories that got me fired. Loomis, when he was known as Brother Becket in the late 1960s, had one good enough allegation against him to be one of the priests named in the 510 civil cases settled against the Los Angeles Archdiocese July 2007. Monsignor Loomis has been on "leave" for more than two years and no one at the church can say where he's gone, as I caught the nun saying on video that was posted with the April 29-30 post. Loomis is still listed as pastor of Sts. Felicitas & Perpetua Church in San Marino. Unfortunately I got sidetracked and went on a rant about a nun at the church being dressed in a way that I felt was too provocative for a nun, when I wrote that April 29 and 30th post. I still think it was a genuine observation. It seems nuns in that church have gone full circle from 30 years ago wearing a habit, to today wearing anything they find at Target, cropped short tight dresses that barely fit, no matter how revealing. Maybe I should not have actually used the word sl--ty to describe the way I think the nun looked, but to me that word was an accurate description of her outfit. Plus it still bothers me very much that a nun dressed like that was spending time in that room behind the altar with the priests before Mass that day at Sts. Felicitas and Perpetua Church in San Marino. I stand by what I said, even though it got me fired. A lot of kids were raped in those rooms behind altars in Catholic Churches. It's not like they are some kind of sanctuary or anything. . . I will try to find out more about Richard Loomis aka Brother Becket. I am driven now to find out more about Loomis. And it feels good to be back in this site writing again. This template is so much friendlier. The Los Angeles Archdiocese provides security for Sts. Felicitas Church, I recognized the jackets the guards were wearing when I was there last month, and the L.A. Archdiocese is apparently behind the pressure to remove me from my L.A. City Buzz Examiner post. Oh well, in the long run, this means I can put all my focus on stories here and our pursuit of justice as adult vicims of pedophile priest sex crimes. In the end I think I am better off here. Although I will miss that extra $80 a month or so. So Yes That means once again, I'm asking my readers to Click the PayPal button in the top left column and put cash on my Account. To help pay for the work time and resources needed to produce - Ta Da City of Angels 5, at City of Angels Network Now back in action I am really proud of this site. And glad to be back. Oh well, we'll have a new post here at City of Angels 5 within about two days. . . - Kay Ebeling Producer, City of Angels Network PS: Been fired so many times, I start making plans for unemploiyment before it is even official: I was already taking a break, when I got fired from Examiner Dot Com. Funny thing is, I was taking the break because I was considering moving the ongoing coverage of sex crimes in the Catholic Church back to City of Angels anyways. The entire time I was at Examiner, I had to produce stories on other topics. As a result, in the last few months, I lost my momentum in the pursuit of truth concerning the epidemic of pedophilia in the Catholic Church. It's good to be able to say that. There was an epidemic of pedophilia in the Catholic Church and it has not been eradicated. Instead they want to eradicate the crime victims. Anyway, Examiner dot com was only paying me $3 to $4 dollars a day. Hardly worth being harrassed about my content. And harrassed about being too creative with my fonts. I mean... So, I'm ba-a-a-ack |
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