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Priest: Every Diocese Has Secret Archives By Bryan Johnson KOMO May 14, 2009 [with video]
SEATTLE -- Two victims of sexual abuse by of a former Catholic priest learned on Wednesday they are not the only victims of their church. The assault came after the priest was told to leave Spokane and go to Seattle for sex therapy. The trial's aim is not to determine whether Father Pat O'Donnell is guilty. O'Donnell has admitted to molesting at least 30 and perhaps as many as 60 boys. The trial questions what the Seattle Catholic Archdiocese knew of the potential dangers of abuse when it allowed O'Donnell to be a minister at St. Paul's parish. O'Donnell on Wednesday said he abused at least six boys while serving as the priest at St Paul's in South Seattle, but only the boys knew of the abuse. The priest said he didn't discuss the abuse with anyone other than his confessor about the abuse O'Donnell abused Brian Adam and Rich Moffat, as well as others at the same church -- kids named Paul, Dan, Jim and Ed. The Spokane Catholic Diocese ordered O'Donnell out of that city after complaints of sexual misbehavior there. He came to Seattle, where the victims are now suing the Seattle archdiocese for not warning kids and parents here. But the archdiocese claims it wasn't warned, that it didn't even know about an apparent warning from O'Donnell's seminary, which stated he works well with kids "in whom he has a special interest. He has, however, been cautioned about an over-interest," according to Michael Patterson, attorney for the archdiocese. In fact, when O'Donnell came to Seattle, the only record made was a note which said a short discussion took place in September 1976, and the matter was referred to the bishops of Seattle and Spokane. Father Michael Ryan of the Seattle archdiocese attended that meeting, but said he doesn't remember what happened. "I wouldn't be able to have that kind of recall at this late date, this far removed," Ryan said. Attorneys for victims Adam and Moffat asked if there are secret archives at the Seattle archdiocese. "Every diocese has such archives. They are mandated by church law," Ryan said. The sensitive information contained in the secret archives, Ryan admitted, would include documents relating to priests who have sexually abused minors. The question of secret archives and whether there is anything in those archives about O'Donnell is expected to be among the questions former Seattle Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen is likely to be asked. He is scheduled to testify on Thursday. |
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