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Surprise. Bishops in Australia Use Same MO with Pedophile Priests As Bishops in America By Kay Ebeling Examiner May 6, 2009
The Prime Minister of Australia on Islamic teachings on wife beating and rape: "Under no circumstances is sexual violence permissible or acceptable in Australia, under no circumstances." The Prime Minister of Australia on children sexually abused and raped by Catholic clergy: "This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgments of the church. I don’t stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave..." John B: “Australia does not tolerate these sort of remarks. They don't belong in modern times.” I have a new friend in Australia who stays up late so he can phone me early in the AM in California. John B sent me that quote from Kevin Rudd yesterday. A survivor of predator priest Kevin O'Donnell. John B has a passion for exposing the international extent of Catholic priest sex crimes, so he has set September 1, 2009, as a date “when they all will start looking for a solution.” He really doesn't know for certain what he plans to do on September 1, 2009, but one plan is for bloggers and authors and others who produce print and media about Catholic Clergy Sex Crimes focus on September 1, 2009, as a date to do something extraordinary, internationally, if nothing else focusing on the extent of hypocrisy that extends from the clergy sex crimes in Catholic churches all the way from Rome to Los Angeles to Queensland, in Australia. One perpetrator priest in Australia has dozens of victims: Father Kevin O'Donnell was a child abuser for 50 years — from 1942 to 1992. “He fitted Masses, weddings and funerals in between his sex-abuse activities,” reads the Broken Rites website about the Queensland area priest. They continue:
The Catholic Church now admits that O'Donnell was a child-abuser from day one. When Kevin O’Donnell came to court in early 1995, he was charged with indecently assaulting 12 victims (ten boys, two girls), all aged between eight and 15, at each of the five main parishes (Chelsea, Seymour, Dandenong, Hastings and Oakleigh) in which O'Donnell served between 1946 and 1976. Each victim was assaulted numerous times, generally over several years. After discussions with the prosecution, O'Donnell pleaded guilty to one representative incident for each victim. Satisfied, the prosecution dropped all the other incidents. John B on the Quote from Kevin Rudd “This is perhaps the most horrific act of abandonment perpetrated against the children of a specific religion by an Australian head of State and is recorded in our history for perpetuity as being made by Kevin Rudd on 17 July 2008, when he spoke in regards those affected by the sexual abuses carried out by Catholic clergy.” “Australia and the Prime Minister should stand up, repudiate them and apologize,” says John B. “There is no excuse for sexual abuse according to our law and government. We are told we are all equal before the law. The exceptions are found when you have been sexually abused by Catholic clergy. The Prime Minister instead says: ‘This is a matter for the church and I respect the internal judgments of the church. I don’t stand outside the church and provide them with public lectures in terms of how they should behave..." |
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