Archdiocese Defends Its Actions in Sex Case

By Niraj Warikoo
Detroit Free Press
May 5, 2009

Members of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests delivered a letter Monday to the Archdiocese of Detroit that asked for greater accountability and openness when dealing with abuse cases, in light of the resignation of an Oakland County priest.

Barbara Blaine, president of the Chicago-based group known as SNAP, and three others went to archdiocesan offices to deliver the letter. The archdiocese said in a statement that it was misleading.

The archdiocese announced last month the resignation of the Rev. Kenneth Kaucheck, 62, from St. Mary Catholic Church in Royal Oak and St. James Catholic Church in Ferndale. He resigned after allegations reported in January by a woman who said he engaged in sexual misconduct with her when she was a minor.

Blaine said the archdiocese took too long to act. The archdiocese said it immediately turned over the complaint to civil authorities; a board then commissioned an independent investigation that ended in Kaucheck leaving. The archdiocese said it also extensively publicized information about Kaucheck.

Contact NIRAJ WARIKOO: 248-351-2998 or


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