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If I Offend You, Just Give Me the Pro Pedophile Side of the Argument By Kay Ebeling Examiner May 4, 2009 [with video]
Letters to City Buzz: “Pedophile crucifixions might be the way to save the church,” says Chris Titus in video below, whose ideas sparked headline above. The link came in an email as well as two more letters about the beheading of a statue in Santa Monica, posted below. Also, something is brewing in the Supreme Court of California that will affect civil cases recently filed and to be filed in the future, regarding crimes of sexual predators against children and the statute of limitations in this state. This comes from my notes in court April 20th: JUDGE: I'm staying that per the Hightower issue. Let’s just see if the Supreme Court takes this issue….I'm not going to do anything more until 30 days from Tuesday - (Judge Emilie Elias on April 20, so watch around May 20 for a decision re Hightower vs. Bishop of Sacramento 2006 that will affect cases filed since the 2003 window.) HERE IS CHRIS TITUS VIDEO From which quotes above come. Photo at right is Titus performing for the troops in Iraq November 2006: In viceo above he says: “All the little children this bastard messed with please step up, oh all of you…?” I feel the same as Chris Titus when he says: ***************************** “If I offended you with any of that material, well, just give me the pro raping little kids side of the argument” - From Pedophile Priest routine above by Chris Titus at Comedy Central dot com *************************************************** (Link credit for Chris Titus video (Find!) goes to David Fortwengler creator of Anti Catholic : , David forwarded the link to me last night. ) LETTERS: We got a few RE Beheading of St. Mary Statue at St. Monica’s in Santa Monica story : I read your article regarding the decapitation of the Virgin Mary statue at St. Monica's and remembered the Virgin Mary's hands were severed off the statue of The Virgin Mary outside of St. Genevieve's in Panorama City a few years ago. They have since been replaced and it is obvious they were because her newer hands are too large (she could probably palm a basketball) It might be worth a trip up to Northridge to see how their Virgin is holding up. That's it From Name Withheld by Request Van Nuys Another letter re the beheading of the statue from an international reader who is also name withheld by request: I am one of Sean Cronin's victims. I was in Thailand for Easter so it wasn't me (who cut off her head). Funny thing about St. Monica's. When I initially started going after Sean Cronin, I contacted Msgr. Torgerson at St. Monica’s and he totally ignored my e-mails. That really pissed me off so I then contacted the old Dean of Students Jim Dela Torre by e-mail and he did respond only to tell me he didn't know about any of this, then nothing . I gave St. Monica's a chance to talk to me and I was even willing to go to the school and the church and meet with them or talk to the parishioners but they just blew me off. Cronin’s case is at the Vatican, according to the Archdiocese. One last thing, Sean Cronin is one of the priests who are fighting the release of his confidential files. ******* By the way, about that one-year window we had in California in 2003: 244 PREDATOR PRIESTS IDENTIFIED IN LOS ANGELES ALONE DURING ONE-YEAR WINDOW IN 2003 Credible accusations of pedophilia were filed on 244 total priests in Los Angeles Archdiocese alone in the one-year window that opened January to December 2003. New York is trying to get a similar window opened for that state with hearings on two bills to change statute of limitations going on in Albany right now... Stay tuned. . . One more item from April 20 hearing ATTORNEY APPEARING BY PHONE: The issue is it might not be a Hightower issue. JUDGE: Bring it up the next time and we'll see what the Supreme Court does. If Hightower is not involved, then you don’t have any issue. That was my thinking, so see what happens with the Supreme Court. |
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