Grand Rapids Diocese Won't Release Name of Deceased Accused Priest Who Can't Defend Himself

By Charles Honey
The Grand Rapids Press
March 18, 2009

GRAND RAPIDS -- Officials of the Grand Rapids Catholic Diocese say they will not release the name of a deceased priest alleged to have committed sexual abuse because he has no way to defend himself.

"There's no way he can speak on his behalf," diocesan spokeswoman Mary Haarman said this morning. "It's just a basic policy that even civil authorities follow.

"We also want to respect the victim (regarding) how much information we give," she added.

In an annual survey by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Grand Rapids Diocese reported it received credible allegations of sexual abuse against two priests in 2008. It named the other priest as Shamaun Beas, who is in prison after being convicted of sexually molesting two teen-age girls and being caught in a 2004 Internet sex sting.

The alleged abuse by the deceased priest occurred 40 years ago, Haarman said. She did not provide further details.

"The bigger story is this diocese has been compliant every year" with the bishops' survey now in its sixth year, Haarman said. Officials take every allegation seriously and urge victims to contact the diocese at 243-0491, she added.

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