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Rise in Child Sex Crimes While Catholic Priests Get Away with Them Is No Coincidence By Kay Ebeling Examiner February 28, 2009 2d28-Rise-in-child-sex-crimes-at-same-time-Church-enables-pedophile-priests-is-no-coincidence Part two w/video: As a crime victim who never saw justice, I like to hear Nancy Grace in the background. Her rage satisfies me the way Mozart would satisfy a saner person. So I often have Nancy Grace in the background as I write about these criminals, to get out the truth, and as a kind of therapy. Listening to her outrage at sex crimes against children helps me express my own rage.
She asked on her show last week What kind of world is it when a 14 year old girl can be picked up and disappear on her way to school? Amber Dubois missing from Escondido. In 2002 Samantha Runyon was kidnapped in Escondido, raped, then her body thrown down a mountainside, where it was found by two men who were hang gliding days later. 13 year old Alycia Nipp in Washington State died in much the same way on February 22nd. It took time to segue from a culture where children could run downtown errands and play safely near their homes, to today when, well for example, here are the news stories just this evening when you Google Child sex crimes: 1. News results for sex crimes children on a recent evening: Dagger seized as evidence in Hazel Dell girl's murder - 2 hours ago Sanford touched an 8-year-old boy on the buttocks and offered other children money in exchange for oral sex; they refused, according to the report. ... MSNBC - 42 related articles » Ex-Mich. cub scout leader charged with sex crimes - Chicago Tribune - 13 related articles » Bill targeting online predators calls for Texas sex offenders to ... We didn't get here overnight. In the case of Amber Dubois. She was an an honor student, at 7 AM on her way to school, she disappears without a trace. San Diego News Examiner wrote a story about it here today: Dubois parents appeared last week on Nancy Grace, link to video is at the bottom of this post. In the case of Alycia Nipp Here is a description from Free Republic of what happened to Alycia Nipp: "Clark County, especially the Hazel Dell neighborhood, was shocked to wake up Sunday morning, February 22, 2009, and hear of the brutal murder of 13 year-old Alycia Nipp, allegedly at the hands of convicted level III sex offender Darrin Eugene Sanford, who has since confessed to the brutal murder, the GPS tracking device on his ankle placing him the vicinity of the crime at the time of the crime. Darrin Sanford was already known to be a sex offender and he still got to a little girl. Because the moral base, the spiritual icon for the country, is run by felony bishops itself. Darrin Sanford tried to rape Alycia and couldn't, so ruthlessly he stabbed her to death. Alycia Nipp died of multiple stab wounds. When the predator Darrin Sanford could not complete the sexual act, she "giggled at him," he told a detective. Her laughter enraged him and he hit her repeatedly, knocking her to the ground. We have institutions that we look to for guidance and leadership. The Catholic Church is one of them, and now that we've seen they harbor, aid and enable, and protect predator pedophiles, inevitably we end up with more sex crimes against children. The behavior of the bishops in the United States is in a large part responsible for the wave of child sex crimes in the nation today. It's been my theory for years: one reason there are so many violent - reckless, out of control wild manic-ness to the acts and something below human in them - crimes being committed against children in the United States today is the way Catholic bishops allowed priests who were pedophiles to have easy access to children, and assured they would be protected and their crimes hidden. Laymen don't realize the extent of the pedophilia in the Catholic Church. That there are more than five thousand (5000) priests on a database run by Bishop Accountability in Boston ( There are hundreds of thousands of damaged people walking around the United States with strange sexual compulsions as a result of being raped by a Catholic priest as children. Hundreds of thousands of victims in this country right now from sex crimes in the Catholic Church. Some of the crime victims will be acting out, living out weird compulsions. So don't expect the wave of pedophile crimes in this country to ebb anytime soon. UNLESS maybe if the church turned around and got honest, it would have the same ripple effect, and sex crmes against children would ebb. .. Here is video of Nancy Grace interviewing Amber Dubois' parents, from CNN. Read: Pedophiles are now empowered thanks to Catholic Church Posted earlier today Part 1 of this story. |
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