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Cardinal Mahony's Preferred Pedo-priest Attorney Representing Latest Oc Pedo-priest By Gustavo Arellano Orange County Weekly February 17, 2009 [See also other articles by Gustavo Arellano.]
In recently covering the legal maneuverings of pedo-priest Denis Lyons, the name of his attorney kept bugging me. Donald Steier...where had I heard that name before? Gracias to the magic of Google, I quickly found out who he was: the defense attorney du jour for pedo-priests in Southern California. Steier's short list of previous clients reads like a who's who of child molesters: Michael Stephen Baker, Michael Wempe, Lynn Caffoe, George Neville Rucker, and the first two got criminally convicted for their crimes (Google their names to read about the horror stories those demons inflicted on innocents). In the past, news accounts have reported Archdiocese of Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony has paid Steier to defend his pedo-princes from the law with nary a denial from either party; given that Steier is trying to argue that Lyons is too poor to pay most of the bills in the latest lawsuit against him, wonder who's paying Steier this time? E-mail: GARELLANO@OCWEEKLY.COM |
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