Minister Guilty of Preying on Woman
Judge Denounces Pastoral Counselling Mixed with Sex

By Peter Small
Toronto Star
February 14, 2009

When a 42-year-old depressed mother of four joined Manor Road United Church in Toronto, she sought the minister for support and counselling.

She soon entered into a nine-year sexual relationship that Rev. William Major insisted was mutual and full of "caring and love."

Yesterday, Ontario Superior Court Justice Elizabeth Stewart ruled otherwise, finding the 65-year-old retired minister guilty of sexual assault against the woman with whom he had a relationship of power, trust and authority.

"He knew at the time of his conduct that it was wrong and he was aware of the church's policies and protocols prohibiting that behaviour," Stewart said yesterday.

The father of two adult children had pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting the woman between 1996 and 2005.

The victim, who cannot be named, was raised a staunch Roman Catholic and grew up thinking that priests and ministers were "next to God," court was told.

Subjected to childhood sex abuse from her father and brother, she lacked confidence and had contemplated suicide. When she joined the church she saw major for weekly pastoral counselling. She believed "he was the answer to all her prayers," Stewart said.

She started weekly pastoral counselling and what followed was sexual activity ranging from fondling to intercourse, the judge said.

In such circumstances there can be no true consent, and therefore she was the victim of an assault, the judge said.


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