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Bishop of Peoria Admits Finance Is Main Concern of Catholic Church, Not Reconciliation or Justice for Raped Children By Kay Ebeling City of Angels February 10, 2009 "It was better to cover up crimes against my six year old body than to let the church suffer possible scandal and financial loss." The bishop of Peoria says, the Catholic Church “No longer enjoys equal justice under the law,” and I'm yelling, more like Justice is finally waking up, and treating the Church like any other possible criminal organization, instead of the silk gloves approach the Church has enjoyed the last 8 years. I was taking a sick day. Then I read, "Abuse lawsuit ruling endangers Church’s equality under law, bishop says," released today by the Catholic News Agency, and found myself banging on the keyboard, the anger generating from my soul to my fingers slamming the flu right out of my body. "Noting his duty to work as a 'prudent steward' of diocesan finances, Bishop Jenky charged. . .” Yes! He's so dumb he doesn't even realize how criminal he looks saying that. Bishops are CEOs first Not stewards of their diocese members’ souls, spirits, or even charity. "The saddest part of his ministry has been dealing with 'our part of the immense societal issue of sexual misconduct with minors,'" reports CNA. And I HOWL out so loud, my neighbors come running out their doors. I don't remember any other societal group allowed to operate in America where they harbored five thousand pedophiles and turned them loose freely on children. . . It’s hard to read this article in CNA without getting sick. Or maybe it’s from the hours I spent in a Free Clinic waiting room yesterday to pick up more Lyrica. More from Jenky: "In the face of the media's intense hatred for our Catholic Faith, I am increasingly concerned that our Church in effect no longer enjoys equal justice under the law." LET ME SET THIS STRAIGHT Systematic rape of children is not a religion. No one is criticizing people for having faith, you, Bishop Jerky, are totally on the opposite side of right again, sir. Systematic rape of children defended by overstuffed little bishops like you is what we hate. People who pray to God and live a reverent life are not the ones survivors scream internally at day after day. It is not the faith that fills the media and people like me with contempt for the Church. It is statements like yours, Bishop Jenky, where you barefaced admit that protecting assets of the church is the real reason the real purpose of everything the church is doing now. The Church won’t open its files to law enforcement and allow oversight in the future, they put up some window dressing, initiated a few programs, and The Priests are Still Allowed to Live in Secrecy and Lies If there was ever proof that the Catholic Church is a criminal organization it is in its handling of the pedophile crisis, and in its legal maneuverings to keep the truth about the crimes from ever reaching the public. Thank you, Bishop Jenky, for laying bare so blatantly and clearly everything that is wrong with the church, and we even get to see your chubby cherubin face to go along with the story. MY BODY WAS SACRIFICED IN THE NAME OF PROTECTING CHURCH ASSETS My Life Was an okay sacrifice to Cardinal Stritch in Chicago in 1953 It was better to cover up crimes against my six year old body than to let the church suffer possible scandal and financial loss back in 1953 Now when these bishops come right out and admit that it's all about money for them, and it has been all along, it is Another stab wound on my soul With all the damage they did, they insist on doing more. ******************* ke BUT THIS PART OF THE STORY MADE ME ALMOST AS ANGRY The CNA story ends, "After the 10:30 am Mass at Peoria’s St. Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday, supporters of the group Survivor’s Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) handed out fliers to people leaving Mass encouraging them ask the Bishop to tone down his criticisms. THAT'S ALL SNAP CAN COME UP WITH? Three at least full time staff running our "survivor network," and the only response they can come up with to the Illinois Supreme Court's amazing decisions that open new avenues for survivors in Illinois is to leaflet outside a church????? Go leaflet Law Enforcement, don’t waste your time in front of churches, go to law enforcement. AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH Every time we have a window of opportunity to do something significant and strong, SNAP shows up and leaflets at a church property and calls it action. PAY ATTENTION! When we leaflet outside Mass, it gives the bishops exactly what they want, proof that the pedophile priest rape survivors are a bunch of inconsiderate, unholy skags with no respect for a person's Sunday spiritual journey - LEAVE THEM ALONE AT MASS Leaflet Law Enforcement, not the Church. Unless your real agenda is to make survivors look bad, stop leafleting at Mass. Stop doing it where children can pick up the leaflet. God, stop doing it at elementary schools, like SNAP did in LA in 2006, in case there were any active Catholics left who still felt pity for the crime victims, that probably turned them off for good. Because I truly believe that when they approach someone coming out of a prayerful Sunday Mass and stick a leaflet about pedophiles in their faces - SNAP makes survivors look like they are insensitive and cruel Leafleting at Masses makes us look godless to the church goers. ************** NEXT post about Illinois: We analyze the Illinois Supreme Court recent decisions, logically, not in a way that assures more cocktails and caviar for the cardinals . Cut paragraph: God’s not going to go easy on these guys, no matter what the bishops tell each
other in their luxe suites over cream puff desserts. I mean look at the guy, Jenky, in picture at right. Would you trust your spiritual salvation to this man? That smile is fake-fake-fake, too big, too practiced, from years of covering up crimes. . Don't forget the PayPal High Five Campaign. . . |
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