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The Only Entity Large Enough to Investigate the Catholic Church Is the US Justice Department By Kay Ebeling City of Angels February 3, 2009 The picture at right will be the icon. When you see it, you know you are about to read a story here about pursuing the justice that crime victims of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church need, through the Federal government. We can stand outside cathedrals and other church properties until the sun fries us, Archbishops do not have their ears or minds tuned to pedophile priest crime victims, they are insulated from us and conducting business with no oversight.
The real issue here is secrecy, that an institution in America could have systematic sexual assault of children taking place on its sites, and be so secretive that they contained the crimes from law enforcement for decades. Systematic sexual assault of children under the guise of religion should never have happened in the United States - either in Utah or Arizona with weird sect spinoffs of Mormonism, or with maybe the largest religion in the country, the Roman Catholic Church. A federal investigation - like a US Senate investigation - would result in OVERSIGHT Why should the Catholic Church or any other organization be able to operate without oversight in our country? It's not like they are giving money to charity. Don't let the Catholic Church tell you the spate of settlements last few years over pedophile priests is the reason they may have to stop doing charity. They don't do charity now. Take a drive down the street in almost any inner city in America. If an institution the size of the Catholic Church was dedicated to helping the poor, you sure wouldn't see so many people living in cardboard boxes. It's complicated. It requires a national level of justice An entity that can counter the Catholic Church It will take the US Government, prosecutors, federal investigators, maybe the US Senate, to get to the bottom of these crimes: Spiritual fraud Denial of civil rights Child trafficking Sacramental and ritualistic use, misuse of religious ceremonies to groom targeted children We have a window of opportunity now with a new US Attorney General and the new US Attorneys who will arrive in local Department of Justice districts around the country in the next months We may have to wait a few months though as heads roll in the Justice Department. Pedophile priests may be a low priority. What bothers me is the real criminals are all getting too old to put on trial. . . Sigh |
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