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The Sad State of Southern California Religion Reporting By Gustavo Arellano in Ex Cathedra Orange County Weekly January 6, 2009 [See also other
articles by Gustavo Arellano.]
I don't think I have to mention that Southern California in general and Orange County in particular is a hive of religious influence in the United States--not just the Warrens, Schullers, and Chuck Smiths, but the Siddiquis, the rabbis, the Zoroastroans. Or that millions of us attend places of faith with some regularity (although yours truly is sticking to the Rosary and the Santo Niņo de Atocha until the Diocese of Orange hierarchy crumbles). And yet neither the Times or Register have a full-time religion reporter anymore. Oh, for the glory days (otherwise known as 2005) when both papers not only had full-time religion reporters, but brought in the big boys and girls of their investigative side when warranted. Now? Most any story about Orange County religion in the two papers involve photo moments, press releases, or breaking stories covered by everyone, such as the Cirilo Flores case. Meanwhile, the heavy lifting gets ignored or pounced upon by yellow journalists such as yours truly. You'd think bloggers would step in, but most of the Southern California religious blogs are too narrow in focus, too biased, too apologetic to take a skeptical look at our Gospel Swamp. And that's a damn shame. E-mail: GARELLANO@OCWEEKLY.COM |
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