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What Made Me Laugh out Loud in the Fact Sheet about Paul Kendrick and Bishop Malone. in 2009 Watch for These Stories Coming Soon at City of Angels By Kay Ebeling City of Angels January 5, 2009 Veteran activist Steve Sheehan spoke and moved the group to tears, plus survivor Kathy Dwyer showed her most recent video, at a gathering Saturday for the seventh anniversary of the Boston Globe stories which sparked national attention to the pedophile priest epidemic in the Catholic Church. Sheehan who has “been in VOTF right from the start” and still edits their daily news digest, repeated over the phone to City of Angels what he said to the group in Boston. “People say doesn't it wear you down to work on this issue. How do you keep on going, they ask me," Sheehan said. "I hearken back to the first VOTF convention. "Three survivors spoke and when the convention closed we all marched down to cathedral in Boston and each survivor again told their story in front of our group. I said right then, if I can help these survivors to never feel alone again, I will.”
One Massachussets survivor, Bill Nash, has had a profound effect on his perpetrator's life and career. Nash, pictured at right, spoke at a conference in Vicenza, Italy, last month - in Italian. City of Angels will run a full report on his trip and new developments in the case of Rev. James Tully next post. but about the conference, Nash said: “There seemed to be a slant that clergy pedophilia is just an American problem so I included in my presentation information about Mario Pezzotti another Xaverian priest who is an Italian citizen. He was in the United States for a while and he raped children here.” There is hope for 2009 A Document Dump Day? In coming months, our new President will appoint new United States Attorneys in the 93 judicial districts around the country. Each US Attorney is chief federal law enforcement officer of that district, so keep reading here at City of Angels for Obama’s appointments of new US District Attorneys around the country, and ways we can point out to them the felonies committed by Catholic bishops and the archdiocese in their judicial districts. For example, crossing state lines with the purpose of procuring young boys as sex toys for the collaborating pedophile priests in other parts of the country. Watch for an upcoming post about a potentially groundbreaking case coming up in federal court in Pennsylvania regarding rapes that took place in Iowa. ******************* Meanwhile the pedophile priest crisis in the Catholic Church continues to mirror the Bush Administration. Just like President Bush is “not guilty” of any crimes, as Dick Cheney said this weekend, “Bush certainly wasn’t impeached,” so the bishops are getting away with serial felonies as long as civil cases get settled out of court. Settlements out of court mean, “no admission of guilt.” Because we have seen pre-trial settlements across the country, all the perpetrator priests from those cases are now just “alleged molesters” and for the rest of their lives, there will always be “DOUBT” about their guilt. Hopefully plaintiffs in civil cases coming up in 2009 will keep the long term effects of a pretrial settlement in mind AND GET THE BASTARDS ON THE STAND Testifying Under Oath in front of a Jury. ******************** WHAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD in the Fact Sheet about Paul Kendrick and Bishop Malone in Maine? From NSAC Fact Sheet re Paul Kendrick (What Bishop Malone said and what really happened:) MALONE: “A police escort was provided to me so that I could enter the building safely.” FACT: At Malone’s request, a single police officer walked one block with him to the bar. The police did not initiate contact with Malone, nor warn him of any danger being posed by the small group of advocates. Instead, Malone or his representative called the police. The police neither warned nor spoke to the three advocates either before or during Malone’s arrival. ME: Do you believe the wimp? And if he walks with God, what is he afraid of. ALSO: WHY DID THEY HAVE THE MEETING between the bishop and advocates IN A BAR in the first place???? Fact Sheet continued: “The bishop had no reason or evidence to expect that he would not be able to enter the bar from the sidewalk in a timely and safe manner. The advocates informed the police officer that they would not be present when the bishop emerged from the bar. What is NSAC?
Paul Kellen’s brainchild, we will write more about NSAC at City of Angels soon. Kellen, pictured at left, is one of the regulars at the Boston Cathedral every Sunday since January 2002. Kellen organized the Boston Pizza Party last weekend, and founded NSAC. More to come. . . Meanwhile I learned something from watching the documentary Libby, Montana over the holiday break. ************** What do Clergy Sex Abuse Survivors have in common with the residents of Libby, Montana? ************************** The film documents a city whose residents were dying from pollution from the nearby mine, a powerful entity in the community, that residents tried but could not battle for decades. There is an important lesson to be learned from watching this movie: The mine was owned by W. R. Grace, and Ronald Reagan’s commission to downsize government was “The Grace Commission” run by Peter Grace, CEO of the corporation that was killing residents of Libby, Montana, with dust in the atmosphere from the mine. Employees were told the dust was just a nuisance, “you'll get used to it.” Later DEPOSITION TESTIMONY REVEALED that the Grace Company knew since 1949 that the dust was a health problem. In fact their own company president had to undergo major chest surgery to be able to continue his job there. Decades after the mine opened, people all over town were dying young of lung disease, even if they never went to the mine. IT TOOK A GOVERNMENT AGENCY to solve their problem. The EPA had to go to every residence, in some cases bulldoze the buildings and build new ones. Meanwhile W. R. Grace transferred assets out and went bankrupt and cut off the medical plan for employees. SOUND FAMILIAR? WE NEED A GOVERNMENT AGENCY to step in regarding the pedophile epidemic in the Catholic Church. So keep reading City of Angels Network posts for more about new US Attorneys for the 93 judicial districts of the United States, and how we can reach them as Obama makes appointments in the coming months. Also coming up: NEW Laws are already going through state legislatures in Maryland and New York, regarding opening windows and eliminating the Statute of Limitations on Sex crimes against children. There will be testimony in front of committees in coming weeks and months, and we'll try to report on it here at City of Angels. On January 16th in Philadelphia at the Criminal Justice Center 9 AM, Rev. Charles Newman is on calendar to enter a plea, not for the serial ephebophilia with which he destroyed hundreds of lives, but for embezzlement of $900,000 from the Catholic Church and the school where he was principal. Arthur Baselice, whose son Arthur III filed the first lawsuit against Newman and died of a drug overdose soon after, says he is looking forward to making a victim impact statement. (Newman gave the pre-teen his first drugs and paid thousands of dollars for the boy's addiction and silence.) “I would love for him to take this to trial,” Baselice added. “Newman made bail right away and he has been given several continuances. The DA has been patient, waiting for this pleading now coming up January 16th,” Baselice said. “From the day he pleads, six weeks later he gets sentenced, at which time my family and I will be able to make our statement.” Baselice added: “I would love to see him get on the stand, but I can’t see him taking it to trial. Look at who is ready to testify.” IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH GUILTY OF HOMICIDE? City of Angels wonders, with so many young men committing suicide soon after rapes or reporting rapes including sodomy by Catholic priests, all with such similar circumstances, Isn’t the church complicit in hundreds maybe thousands of counts of at least involuntary manslaughter, if not voluntary manslaughter, or at least wrongful death? In so many cases across the country with similar details and actions by the church - That there should be federal hearings? City of Angels has a post about Homicides by the Catholic Church in progress. ******************** MEANWHILE There are these Upcoming hearings about LA Document Release: Future Hearings: (From LA Superior Court Website:) 01/20/2009 at 01:45 pm in department 308 at 600 South Commonwealth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90005 Hearing-Oral Arguments on 1) MOTION. TO UNSEAL COURT RECORDS, FILED ON 6-13-08 2) HEARING RE OBJECTION TO COURT ORDER OF 10-31-08 AND ALSO RE DOCUMENT RELEASE IN LA ANOTHER HEARING: 01/27/2009 at 01:45 pm in department 308 at 600 South Commonwealth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90005 DEMURRER (DEMURRERS & MOTION TO QUASH & DISMISS ON HIGHTOWER ISSUES CONTINUED FROM 11-25-08,) ******************* AGAIN: UPCOMING STORIES AT CITY OF ANGELS - Groundbreaking lawsuit filed in Iowa to be tried in Philadelphia. - Report from Bill Nash on his multi level successful trip to Vicenza, Italy, next post here in about two days. **************************
And Ponder this re Nash’s perpetrator James Tully: More next post here at City of Angels Network: (As with all photos at City of Angels, Click to Enlarge.) More to come here on the ephebophile career of Rev. James Tully.***************** RE: New Notice in left hand column “Phone in your story.” I do tape transcription for a living, and as a result can take down what people are saying, almost as fast as they say it. If you want to tell your story about pedophile clergy rape and you can’t type, contact me and I will take down your story in a phone interview and post it here at City of Angels Network. No there is no charge, it’s just what I do.” ********************* Also: WE WERE GOING TO GO TO SANTA BARBARA January 14 to cover a hearing about the public nuisance lawsuit there - finding new Alice in Wonderland characters in church attorneys fighting for the Franciscans. HOWEVER I can’t carry my laptop around or it will never work again. So the laptop with its loose connection has become my desktop, and as long as I don't bump it, it will keep working. Now I need a laptop to write about the Alice in Wonderland characters in upcoming hearings. People can put five dollars or higher on my Pay Pal account and help me solve this problem. If I get $350 by next week, I can buy an Acer mini-laptop and install my transcribing software in time to cover the hearings in LA about Document release. I’ll still go to the January hearings in LA, even without the laptop, but I will not be able to report as accurately without one. Then I’ll be able to buy the Acer laptop hopefully in February, definitely by March with money I earn in reality on my main job in reality TV. If people put a total of $350 on PayPal in next week, I can buy the Acer laptop and have it in time for the January 20 hearing in LA. AND If people put as much as $500 total on the PayPal button in the top left column, I can reschedule the trip to Santa Barbara to cover the public nuisance hearing there on January 14th, with the Acer Laptop, staying at the Motel Six for two nights at $70 a night plus tax. (I am including these details so that people who do click my PayPal button have an accounting of where the money you send to City of Angels goes. What I get from PayPal does not even cover expenses, it just helps pay for them.) So if you feel so inclined, please click the PayPal button in the top left column to make coverage of the Pedophile Priest Epidemic in the Catholic Church here at City of Angels Network, more elaborate. In other words we need a new laptop to cover all upcoming hearings and travel budget to go to Santa Barbara and cover the landmark lawsuit coming up against the Franciscans. Please help. |
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