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Hearing in LA on Doc Release Next Week, Case Re Fransciscan Public Nuisance Goes Forward in Sb, More Stories in Progress at City of Angels Network By Kay Ebeling City of Angels December 6, 2008 At a hearing next week on Motion to Unseal Documents, plaintiffs from the LA cases should get the final order on which documents will be released to a referee judge, then after review finally released to the public. Attorneys for the church continue to function in Wonderland, arguing that occasional contradictions in the judges' decisions, most of which are a result of the church attorneys’ own flurries of filings, are now a reason to maintain documents sealed.
“They want to keep some of these filings secret,” plaintiff liaison attorney Tony DeMarco said in a recent interview. The tentative ruling by Judge Emilie Elias should be made final at the December 10th hearing in Department 308, and complete a major hurdle in release of documents as ordered in the July 2007 settlements. “There’s going to be a flood of documents available,” De Marco said. Meanwhile in Santa Barbara, plaintiffs won their argument that the Public Nuisance lawsuit against the Franciscans should be tried in Santa Barbara and not be added in the year 2008 to the settlement decisions of July 2007, through a recent Judge Elias decision, released quietly. Tim Hale filed the lawsuit after representing plaintiffs for two decades in cases against the Fransciscans. His firm has mountains of evidence proving the Franciscans allowed the rape of children over a 40-50 year period in Santa Barbara, constituting a public nuisance for the entire community. Considering the Fransciscans MO in hiding felonies is the same MO as every other religious order and archdiocese in America, this is a lawsuit to watch. Whether similar lawsuits could go forward in other regions depends on that state's public nuisance law. Paul E. Gaspari argues on behalf of the Franciscans to cut out major portions of the original public nuisance complaint, and the hearing on that motion to strike is on calendar in Santa Barbara Superior Court January 14, 2009.
In Boston, the church held a special Mass for its 200th anniversary November 23rd. There may have been thousands of people inside the cathedral, but outside, a good fifteen, maybe more, protesters stood their ground, the same ground they have stood on every Sunday now for nearly seven years, holding signs like the one pictured at right to remind people that this clergy “crisis” is in no way resolved. The Boston advocates handed out a flier which said this: Protecting God’s Children? Please urge Cardinal O’Malley not to place our children at risk In the case of admitted child predator Rev Jerome Gillespie the Cardinal has stated: “Father Gillespie … has been determined fit to return to ministry. …It is expected that he soon will receive a formal assignment within the Archdiocese of Boston." This position recklessly disregards our children’s safety and violates the principles of the Dallas Charter for the Protection of Children. Please write, Most Rev Sean Cardinal O’Malley, 75 Union Park St., Boston MA 02118 or email the Cardinal asking him to publicly reveal the whereabouts and status of Rev Gillespie. For more about Gillespie go to bishop accountability and click on the letter G. -------- MORE ABOUT LA CASES: Here is a sampling of motions the Catholic Church in LA has filed recently, inundating the courts as usual, all paid for by that bottomless briefcase full of cash, much of which comes from parish donations: 13 motions filed by defendant church on October 23rd alone: 10/23/2008 Opposition Document (TO P'S SUR-REPLY ISO MTN TO UNSEAL COURT RECORDS (RE BC308301, BC294323, BC308555, BC346875, BC307686)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Motion to Quash (and TO DISMISS COMPLAINT FOR FAIL- URE TO COMPLY WITH CCP 340.1 (RE BC363768)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Request for Judicial Notice (ISO DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO QUASH AND TO DISMISS COMPLAINT FOR FAIL- URE TO COMPLY WITH CCP 340.1 (RE BC363768)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Notice of Lodging (/LODGMENT OF EXHIBITS ISO D'S MTN TO QUASH AND TO DISMISS COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CCP 340.1 (RE BC363768)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Demurrer (SPECIAL, RE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS (RE 07CC05290)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Memorandum - Other (OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES ISO DE- FENDANT'S MTN TO QUASH AND TO DIS- MISS COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO COM- PLY WITH CCP 340.1 ) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Declaration (OF MARIA C ROBERTS ISO DEFENDANT'S MTN TO QUASH AND DISMISS COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CCP 340.1 (RE BC363768)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Notice of Hearing (ON SPECIAL DEMURRERS (STATUE OF LIMITATION) AND MEMORANDUM OF POINTS & AUTHORITIES ISO SPECIAL DEMURRERS TO FIRST AMENDED COM- PLAINT (RE 07CC05290)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Request for Judicial Notice (REVISED, BY ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCH- BISHOP OF L.A. ISO MTN TO STRIKE; SPECIAL DEMURRERS; AND MTN FOR SANCTIONS (RE 07CC05290)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Demurrer (OMNIBUS, BY D'STO COMPLAINTS FILED BY JANE AA DOE, JOHN TH DOE AND GERARD ARMOGIDA; DEMURRER; (RE 30-2008-00070113, 30-2008- 00046614, AND 07CC05290) ) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Motion for Sanctions ( (RE 07CC05290)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Declaration (OF LEE W. POTTS ISO MTN TO STRIKE SPECIAL DEMURRERS; AND MTN FOR SANCTIONS (RE 07CC05290)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent 10/23/2008 Motion to Strike (FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT (RE 07CC05290)) Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent Church attorneys are beating down new lawsuits, while continuing to keep the documents from old lawsuits from going forward. Personal: Hollywood Mass Choir Update I had to quit I realized singing in a choir meant I’d have to go to church. My first performance I ended up posting that “here is Mable from the planet Oblique” story about infiltrating the church. I was compulsed to accompany that post with a sexy picture. I searched online for a photo of slutty angel and used that picture in the October 19th post here at City of Angels. I just realized something is not right about my drive to sing in these churches. I realized I'm faking it, I don't really believe 80 percent of what they say they believe. When I started having “intrusive thoughts” as PTSD scholars cal it about getting up on the altar to sing in a Frederick’s shelf bra, I knew it was time to stop going. I have to be honest. My conception of God is much more connected to my time with Timothy Leary and later with the Yoga Ashram, than it is connected to fundamentalist evangelical churches. So I'm back to radio ministry, you can go there daily with me, at 102.3 F-M Los Angeles, linked at the bottom of the page here. Monday through Friday at 1:20 PM LA time, you can get your daily massage. For me “fellowship” has to be totally non-denominational and impersonal this way on the radio. HERE ARE PICS FROM SNAP's LOBBY DAY And demonstrations outside the Bishops meeting in Baltimore last month:
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