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Go Welcome John Urell at His New Parish This Sunday By Gustavo Arellano Orange County Weekly December 4, 2008 [See also other articles by Gustavo Arellano.]
The last time we heard from Monsignor John Urell, he was busy having a nervous breakdown for his role in the rapes of innocents in the Diocese of Orange. Shortly after returning from six months of therapy in Canada, Urell announced to parishioners at St. Norbert in Orange that he was leaving to become the pastor at St. Timothy's in Laguna Niguel. Guess what? That happy day is this Sunday! Making a special appearance is Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown, who infamously let Urell scoot off to Canada before finishing a deposition despite there being many good head doctors in Southern California (I know this is after the fact, but why didn't Urell hook up with someone at UC Irvine? Hell, their Gottschalk Medical Plaza is named after the primary therapist for notorious boy-loving priest Michael Harris). Mass starts at 11 a.m., with a reception to follow. Make sure to congratulate Brown and Urell for their years of pedo-protecting hilarity! E-mail: GARELLANO@OCWEEKLY.COM |
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