Deposition Exposes Cardinal George

By Janet Hauter
Chicago Daily Herald
August 19, 2008

The truth only emerges when abuses are dealt with through settlements and bankruptcies. What a sad day for our faith.

We must accept some of the blame for believing our pastoral leaders, revering them until the truth finally emerged.

Well the jig is up. The exposition of Cardinal George's deposition testimony reveals information unavailable to Catholic citizens in the past.

No surprise. The clerical culture is rife with secrecy, lies and cover ups the likes of which Catholics are only now uncovering through our legal system.

It is becoming obvious that Cardinal George falls short of comments from his hierarchical brethren commending him for his brilliance and academic superiority.

If that is remotely true, he lacks common sense embedded with morality.

In light of the deposition discoveries, how is it possible that he serves as our Archdiocesan pastor? Why is he the "ordinary" of Region VII, overseeing Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana? Why was he elevated to the presidency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops overseeing all bishops and cardinals in the United States?

Why is amoral behavior rewarded? In the secular world, anyone committing the egregious legal and moral violations that the cardinal committed would be thrown out of office.

Why was every guilty party in the McCormack case given a promotion for their part in the continuance of our local scandal?

A growing number of us have lost confidence in his ability to pastor us with integrity, to function as our spiritual leader and to effectively manage the business of the archdiocese while leading the American bishops.

We ask Cardinal George to:

-To terminate the team that facilitated this evil to occur.

-To disclose with specificity where the $12.7 million settlement actually came from.

-To become the compassionate pastoral leader by meeting with all victims one on one and hearing their stories directly.


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