Scheidler V. Trombley (Planned Parenthood) Update; Author's Case Studies of Murdered Priest, Hanged Priest
By Matt C. Abbott
Renew America
August 19, 2008
From Eric Scheidler, communications director for the Pro-Life Action League:
'I really need your prayers and support this week.
'This Friday, August 22, I will be in Kane Country Court for a critical hearing in my libel case against Steve Trombley and Planned Parenthood. There's a lot at stake in this hearing.
'As you may already have heard, Planned Parenthood is trying to pervert the new 'Illinois Citizens Participation Act' into a license to lie about me, my father and the Pro-Life Action League.
'It's a complicated case, but in a nutshell, Planned Parenthood is claiming that I filed my libel suit in order to intimidate them and keep them from having a voice in our local government.
'Can you believe that?
'They publish a full-page ad in the Aurora Beacon accusing us of being violent criminals, and for trying to clear our good name we're the ones trying to disenfranchise them?
'That's what they're claiming, and so far they're getting away with it. At Friday's hearing the judge will say whether she agrees.
'If I lose this hearing, I could be exposed to tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. So I would really appreciate having some friends there in court with me on Friday:
'EVENT: Hearing on Scheidler v. Trombley
WHEN: Friday, August 22 at 1 p.m.
WHERE: Kane County Courtroom #350, 100 3rd St, Geneva, IL
'If you can't make it for the hearing, please keep me in your prayers on Friday. Please pray also for my attorneys Tom Brejcha, Peter Breen and Jason Craddock, and for Judge Judith Brawka.'