City Lawyer Taking the Stand When Sessions Resume


July 5, 2008

A city lawyer who represented the local Roman Catholic diocese and was later charged during the Ontario Provincial Police's Project Truth probe is next in line to testify at the Cornwall Public Inquiry.

Jacques Leduc is scheduled to take the stand when the inquiry resumes July 14.

The OPP laid sexual abuse charges against Leduc in 1998 during its investigation into allegations a clan of pedophiles was operating in the Cornwall area.

The charges were stayed twice: first in 2001, and then for good in 2004 after a judge ruled the six-year delay was not appropriate.

Leduc was also a lawyer for the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese when the church negotiated a $32,000 settlement with David Silmser in 1993.

Silmser had gone to Cornwall police in 1992, alleging he was sexually abused by a Catholic priest when he was an altar boy decades earlier. The payout required Silmser to stop pursuing criminal or civil charges. Silmser told the inquiry last year he accepted the terms because he didn't believe the police investigation was going anywhere.


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