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Prete Condannato Per Pedofilia «Solo Adesso Mi Sento Libero» Corriere Fiorentino June 13, 2008 Chi lo conosce dice che ha accolto la condanna come fosse una liberazione. Sacerdote accusato di aver abusato di un bambino di 13 anni. Confessati altri 38 casi Chi lo conosce dice che ha accolto la condanna come fosse una liberazione. La seconda dopo l'arresto, nel 2005, con l'accusa di aver abusato di un suo parrocchiano, un bambino di 13 anni. «Finalmente qualcuno mi ha aiutato» disse il sacerdote quando i carabinieri andarono a prenderlo. Dopo anni di buio, ieri l'ex parroco di Farneta, una frazione di Cortona (Arezzo), Pierangelo Bertagna, 46 anni, è stato condannato, con rito abbreviato, a otto anni di reclusione. Era accusato di violenza sessuale su 16 minori, abusi che lo stesso sacerdote confessò al magistrato. Dalla relazione di uno psicologo, depositata dai difensori del parroco Francesca Mafucci e Annelise Anania, emergerebbe che, in cerca di una via di uscita, già negli anni Ottanta il sacerdote avrebbe confidato la sua attrazione per i bambini a persone fidate dei «Ricostruttori nella preghiera», la comunità guidata da Gian Vittorio Cappelletto e di cui Bertagna faceva parte. DEI 16 EPISODI, 4 SONO MINORI. Dei sedici episodi per i quali Bertagna è stato condannato, la maggior parte avvenuti nel Cortonese e nel Lazio, quattro riguardano minori di 10 anni. La vicenda emerse nel 2005, quando il religioso venne arrestato dai carabinieri. Il paese si ribellò, ma poi si scoprì che un bambino di 13 anni aveva raccontato alla madre le attenzioni subite dal parroco, che involontariamente ammise le proprie responsabilità scusandosi con la famiglia del piccolo. Poco dopo, ci fu la confessione al magistrato Ersilia Spena. «Fu una sorta di liberazione - dicono i difensori - Bertagna aveva sempre cercato qualcuno che lo aiutasse ma fino a quel momento, chi aveva raccolto i suoi sfoghi non aveva mosso un dito». Si racconta che siano 38 i casi confessati dal sacerdote al magistrato, non sempre su minori, non sempre con violenza. Si trattava di carezze molto audaci o di qualche contatto più profondo; mai, sembra, di rapporti completi. Dopo l'arresto, il vescovo di Arezzo Gualtiero Bassetti lo sospese a divinis. Poi Bertagna chiese al Papa di ridurlo allo stato laicale e Benedetto XVI lo dispensò da tutti gli oneri del sacerdozio. Bertagna, nato a Gardone Val Trompia (Brescia), ha avuto un'infanzia difficile: da bambino ha subito una violenza sessuale. Prima di entrare in seminario (sarà ordinato sacerdote a 39 anni) si era arrangiato con qualche lavoretto da falegname. Poi l'incarico a Farneta. «Da quando è stato arrestato - conclude Mafucci - ha passato il tempo fra eremi e attività di volontariato. Non è più tornato a Farneta. Paradossalmente, adesso che è sotto controllo in un luogo protetto, Bretagna si sente finalmente libero». [translation] The ruling PRIEST GUILTY OF PEDOPHILIA "Only now I feel to be free" Those who know him say he accepted the verdict as if it was a liberation. The priest was accused of having abused a 13-year-old boy. He confessed to be the author of other 38 similar cases. Those who know him say he accepted the guilty verdict as if it was a liberation. The second one after he was arrested, in 2005, with the charge of having abused a parishioner, a 13-year-old boy. "Finally someone helped me" said the priest when the carabinieri (the military police) went to arrest him. After years of dark, yesterday the former parish priest of Farneta, near Cortona (province of Arezzo), Pierangelo Bertagna, 46-years-old, was sentenced to 8 years in jail, with the abbreviated procedure. He committed sexual violence against 16 minors, as the same priest confessed in front of the judge. According to the report of a psychologist, deposited by the defense lawyers Francesca Mafucci and Annelise Anania, it emerged that in the '80s the priest had confided his attraction towards children to some people he trusted and who like himself belonged to the community "Ricostruttori nella preghiera", led by Gian Vittorio Cappelletto, 4 OUT OF THE 16 CASES CONFESSED REGARD 10 -YEAR- OLD MINORS. Most of the episodes happened near Cortona and in the Lazio region. When in 2005 the facts were discovered and the priest was arrested by the carabinieri, the town residents reacted harshly against him. Afterwards it was found out the 13-year-old boy had told his mother about his having been abused sexually and the parish priest admitted his responsibility and apologized. Later he confessed to the magistrate Ersilia Spena. "It was a kind of liberation -his defense lawyers said - for the priest had always looked for someone who could help him, but until then, those who had listened to his outbursts never moved a finger". It's being told that 38 were the cases confessed by the priest, not always against minors, not always using violence. The violence consisted of very profound caresses or some deeper contact; never, it seems, they consisted of a full intercourse. After the arrest, the bishop of Arezzo, Gualtiero Bassetti, suspended him "a divinis". Afterwards the priest asked the Pope to be reduced to the lay state and Benedict XVI dispensed him from all the obligations pertaining the priesthood. Bertagna was born at Gardone Val Trompia (Brescia) and his childhood was very difficult because he had also been sexually abused. Before entering the seminary (he became a priest when he was 39 years old) he had some odd jobs as a carpenter. Later he was appointed as a parish priest at Farneta. "Since he was arrested - concluded defense lawyer Maffucci - he spent his time in hermitages and doing volunteer activity. He never went back to Farneta. Paradoxically, now that he is under control and living in a protected place, Bretagna feels himself really free". June 13, 2008 Posted by Kathy Shaw at 11:08 AM Regarding Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch's Guidelines for Calling the Police Jewish Survivors of Sexual Violence Speak Out Regarding Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch's Guidelines for Calling the Police Vicki Polin - CEO, The Awareness Center, Inc. It saddens me a great deal to read the posting on Daas Torah's blog. With all the information and education that is available to our rabbonim it appears that they are still refusing to learn from their past mistakes. I'll admit that I have never heard of Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch until I received an e-mail with the link to this blog. (Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, shlita, senior member of the Jerusalem Beit Din Tzedek (Jewish Religious Court) My hope by providing the following information will help to prevent one more child from being harmed and that those who are already victims of sex crimes, the will be able to receive the proper help. It's obvious that Rabbi Sternbuch is lacking basic knowledge about sex offenders and the needs of those who have been sexually violated as children. The most important message that needs to get out is that each of us should consider ourselves mandated reporters. This basically means if you SUSPECT a child is in danger you have to call your local hotline, rape crisis center or police. You don't go to a rabbi to get permission or have them make the call. The key word here is "SUSPECT." We need to leave all the investigating and fact finding/gathering to law enforcement and not our rabbonim. |
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