Part-Time Tutor Arrested, Charged with Sex Abuse

By Roger Gregory
The Oregonian
April 28, 2008

A part-time teacher and tutor associated with Palace of Praise Church in Aloha has been taken into custody in connection with sexual-abuse accusations.

David Michael Schedin

Schedin, 40, of Aloha, was arrested at 3:18 p.m. Thursday by detectives from the Beaverton Police Department, and transported to the Washington County Jail. He has been charged with third-degree sodomy and third-degree sex abuse.

A juvenile female told her parents that Schedin had sexual contact with her Thursday in the parking lot at Beaverton High School, according to Sgt. Paul Wandell, Beaverton police spokesman. The parents contacted police.

Schedin knew the victim prior to the assault, Wandell said. He asked that anyone with information about this investigation to call 503-629-0111.


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