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Pope Ashamed over Sex Abuse, Groups Suggests He Take More Action WBBM April 15, 2008 CHICAGO (WBBM) -- Pope Benedict has landed in the United States for a nearly week-long visit that will take him to New York and Washington D.C., including a speech at the United Nations.
On the plane ride over seas he spoke with reporters about the priest sex abuse scandal. WBBM's Bernie Tafoya reports. Pope Benedict says he's deeply ashamed priests sexually molested children and he promises to do all he can to see that pedophiles are not ordained priests in the future. But, Barbara Blaine president of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests says statements are not enough and that what's needed is to punish those who've covered-up for molester priests and have a worldwide Church policy on the sexual abuse of children. "With one signature of his pen..or one statementhe can effectively change policy so that children can be safe in our church and we'reever hopeful that will happen," Blaine said. SNAP is staging events bringing more attention to the issue during the entire time the Pope is in the United States. Pope Benedict says he wants to make sure there's better screening so pedophiles don't wind up becoming ordained priests in the future. SNAP says that to really deal with the issue the church higher-ups in the United States who looked the other way or enabled predator priests to exist should be punished. |
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