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Pastor Suspended: Thou Shalt Not Date a Parishioner By Karen Dandurant Portsmouth Herald News April 8, 2008 YORK, Maine — The senior pastor at the First Parish Congregational Church has been placed on a two-month leave after a complaint was lodged against him by a former parishioner, with whom he had a "personal" relationship. His voicemail greeting at the church says he will return on June 1.
A press release sent by the Rev. Linda Hirst indicates that the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ recommended to the First Parish Church of York that Richard B. Knight be reprimanded. The committee said, while Knight had sought advice about dating a parishioner, his action constituted a "misuse of pastoral authority." In response to an e-mail, Knight said that the term clergy abuse does not apply in his case. "I got suspended for dating a parishioner," said Knight. The wording of the press release is similar to a letter mailed to all parishioners, dated March 27. The letter said the decision was made following a review of the circumstances between Knight and the woman. "The Diaconate (board of deacons) has taken this matter seriously," said Hirst in the release. "And we have cooperated throughout the review process. Church leaders have met with both the complainant and Rev. Knight on several occasions to make sure of hearing both sides of the story. "The Diaconate has decided, and Rev. Knight has agreed, that he should take a two-month leave for counseling, training, study, rest and healing." Church leaders expressed confidence in Knight's integrity and calling to the ministry. They indicated support for his eventual return to the church. The letter to parishioners said further details would not be forthcoming because it would violate confidentiality and the privacy rights of those involved. Members of the church were urged not to take part in any rumors and to pray for healing for Knight, the church, the ministers and the congregation. |
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