Vatican Won't Block Parish Merger

Business First
February 27, 2008

The Diocese of Buffalo said Wednesday that a Vatican office has upheld the decision of Bishop Edward Kmiec to merge St. John Kanty and St. Adalbert parishes located in the City of Buffalo.

In a decree written on Feb. 13, 2008, and delivered to diocesan officials on Feb. 25, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the Vatican's highest canonical court, upheld an earlier Vatican ruling, stating "The recourse presented has been rejected."

Last year, parishioners from St. Adalbert appealed to the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy, seeking to have the bishop's July 1, 2007 decision to merge the parishes overturned. That appeal was rejected late last December.

The mergers are part of the Diocese of Buffalo's "Journey in Faith" plan that seeks to streamline operations by closing churches and schools to offset declining population and revenues.


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