Trinity Baptist Faces Court in OctoberTrinity Baptist Faces Court in October

By Jeannie Blaylock
First Coast News
February 25, 2008

JACKSONVILLE, FL -- Jane Doe #3 is her protected name in the civil suit. She alleges Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville knew former pastor Bob Gray was an alleged child molester and did not protect her as a child.

Now Jane Doe #3 will get her day in court in civil action.

Today a judge set the trial date the week of October 13th.

This is the first of seven civil suits to be assigned a court date.

Trinity attorneys have been trying to get them all thrown out over statute of limitations.

Two different judges have already tossed out two cases, which are now under appeal.

Two other cases, however, involve repressed memory, which gives the alleged victims more time to take legal action.

The other cases are still up in the air.

Trinity has always denied any wrongdoing.

The attorney for the alleged victims has said the cases could be worth millions.


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