Collegeville / Group Decries Defrocked Priest's Visit

By David Hanners
Pioneer Press
February 21, 2008

A group representing victims of clergy sex abuse is raising new concerns about the scheduled appearance of a defrocked minister — and registered sex offender — at an Episcopal retreat in Collegeville this weekend.

It is the second year the group, Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests, has complained about a visit by Lynn Charles Bauman, who lives in Texas.

Bauman, 65, and his brother, Ward Bauman, are leading a four-day seminar on dreams that began Thursday at the Episcopal House of Prayer, which Ward Bauman runs.

Lynn Bauman is on 10 years' probation for a 1999 Texas conviction for molesting an 8-year-old boy on a religious retreat. He resigned from the priesthood and pleaded guilty, but in a letter he wrote to friends after he was charged, he said the accusations stemmed from "a serious misunderstanding," according to news reports at the time.


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