German Archbishop's Statement on Priest Celibacy Sparks Controversy

By Vittorio Hernandez
February 19, 2008

Freiburg, Germany (AHN) - He is barely one week on the job as president of the German Episcopal Conference, but Freiburg Archbishop Robert Zollitsch is stirring controversy with his statements about priestly celibacy. Zollitsch said celibacy is a gift, but is not essential to the priesthood.

In an interview with Der Spiegel, Zollitsch said dissolution of the celibacy tradition will be a revolutionary move on the part of the Catholic church.

His statements drew a reply from Regensburg Bishop Gerhard-Ludwig Muller. In a press statement, Muller reminded Zollitsch, "All of the specifics of being a priest and the corresponding rules of celibacy could not be expanded upon, as a theological context would require, in a quick interview."

Muller pointed to the Second Vatican Council as his main argument for celibacy, that being unmarried "is and will remain the policy of the Catholic Church."

Among the other controversial statements uttered by Zollitsch which clashes with Catholic tenets are on gay and lesbian relationships and marriages.


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