More Allegations of Abuse

By Kristin Lowman
January 28, 2008

Father Gary Mercure, pastor of both Sacred Heart and St. William's Parishes in Troy, was granted a leave of absence last week while being investigated by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany.

The leave of absence stems from an allegation of sexual misconduct involving a minor. The allegation dates back to the mid-1980's when Father Mercure was Associate Pastor of Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish in Queensbury.

Today, at a press conference organized by Snap, The Survivors' Network of those Abused by Priests, four more men announced Father Mercure abused them.

Two men, who didn't want to be identified were also abused at Our Lady of the Annunciation.

Two more men, said they were abused at St. Teresa of Avila in Albany.

One man, Michael Flynn of Clifton Park, spoke openly about his abuse.

He said he witnessed sexual misconduct in the priest's quarters when he was 15 years old. Flynn added he holds no ill will toward the church itself-- but would like to see Father Mercure removed.

Flynn says he was prompted to come forward after he heard about Father Mercure's leave of absence. Flynn hopes his speaking out will prompt other possible victims to come forward.

Ken Goldfarb, the Director of Communications for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, issued this statement today regarding the additional allegations.

"On January 19, 2008, the Diocese of Albany announced one formal allegation of sexual abuse of a minor made against Fr. Gary Mercure and the leave of absence granted to him pending an investigation. Late last week, after the Diocese issued the announcement, other telephone contacts were made with the Diocese regarding further possible allegations of abuse. Though no additional formal complaints have been received thus far, the Diocese is following up on these contacts. Every such complaint filed with the Diocese is taken seriously and is investigated.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany encourages anyone who as a minor was sexually abused by Albany Diocese clergy to report the incident to law enforcement authorities or the Albany Diocese so that the allegation can be investigated and so that the Diocese can provide assistance to the victim. Theresa Rodrigues, the Diocesan Assistance Coordinator, can be reached at (518) 453-6646 or at It is the policy of the Albany Diocese to investigate thoroughly any report of clergy sexual misconduct."

Once the investigation is complete, Bishop Howard Hubbard will make a decision if any action should be taken.

The Albany Diocese has notified four other parishes where Father Mercure has served.



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