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By Kristine Ward
Kristine Ward Blog
January 24, 2008

Dear Fellow VOTF Member, :

Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis is asking the Vatican to defrock Father Marek Bozek. story here

Father Bozek is the pastor of the St. Louis, Missouri parish that refused to turn over $9 million in parish corporation assets to the Archbishop, who then excommunicated the parish council and Father Bozek and suppressed the parish.

If I had been president of Voice of the Faithful on the day this news story about the defrocking broke, here's what I would have said to Archbishop Burke and the Vatican:.

· Father Bozek was ordained in a public ceremony. Any proceedings against him in ecclesiastical trials for defrocking should be open In the best interest of the whole Church. Please use every avenue of your good offices to see that this happens.

· Opening ecclesiatical trials is a needed structural change in the Roman Catholic Church. Just ask Galileo how tough it is to wait 500 years for the vindication of truth. Secrecy breeds distrust and our trust has already been solely violated.

· The Congregation for the Clergy should not consider this case to defrock Father Bozek before it considers the hundreds of cases of clergy sexual abuse piled up in the Congregation for The Doctrine of the Faith. Shift the personnel to where they are needed most. First things, first.

Archbishop Burke has already excommunicated Father Bozek. The Archbishop is beginning to sound like Henry II speaking about St. Thomas Becket, " Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest!"

The people of St. Stanislaus Parish, St. Louis, where Father Bozek serves, want the Sacraments, their parish life, and their hard earned $9 million.

In principle. isn't that what you want in your parish?

Act Now

If you have a message to deliver to the Vatican about this case, I urge you to join me in delivering it to Cardinal Claudio Hummes, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, at

The message is simple: open the proceedings, stop the secrecy, get the priorities straight: restore trust.

On the home front, if you want to let Father Bozek and the lay council know how you feel, write them at: , the email for the rectory, or one of the lay council members (excommunicated), Robert Zabielski at


Kristine Ward

Candidate for President of Voice of the Faithful


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