Milingo Launches Book, Presses Anti-Celibacy Crusade

Catholic World News
January 18, 2008

Excommunicated Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo denied that he is setting up an alternative church, as he appeared at a press conference in Rome to launch his autobiography-- entitled, ironically, Confessions of an Excommunicate.

The African prelate, who is visiting Rome for the first time since his excommunication in June 2006, told reporters that there is "no contradiction between marriage and the priesthood." He vowed to press his campaign for an end to the discipline of clerical celibacy, saying that married priests "have the right to remain in the Catholic Church."

Archbishop Milingo was excommunicated after he ordained married men as bishops, in defiance of the Holy See. He announced plans to ordain five more bishops in the United States. Yet he maintained that he does not wish to split the Catholic Church. "I do not want to create another church," he said.

Milingo denied that he is a disciple of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, although his international travels appear to be subsidized by the Moon sect. He traveled to Rome in the company of Maria Sung, to whom he was joined in a mass 2001 wedding ceremony in New York, at which Rev. Moon presided.


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