Butler Co. Pastor Sentenced for Alleged Sex Abuse

By Neil Relyea
January 11, 2008

There were shocking words used in court Thursday to describe a Butler County pastor: "He preyed upon her like a wolf to a lamb."

That preacher was sentenced Thursday for the attempted sexual battery of and sexual imposition upon a 17-year-old girl.

The case has deeply divided one congregation.

Through the years, 9News was told Pastor Bruce Curtis did plenty of good for his community.

But much of it was undone last year when the 54-year-old was counseling a teenager and allegedly used scripture to try to coerce the girl to touch him sexually.

In Hamilton Thursday it was an emotionally charged courtroom for Curtis' sentencing.

Some members of Hamilton's Community Friendship Church congregation gathered in support of their pastor, while others hoped he would face the toughest penalty available.

Reverend Curtis pleaded to the judge to have mercy on him, and then a statement was read on behalf of the victim's mother:

    "He preyed upon my daughter like a wolf would prey upon a lamb, only to strike when I wasn't around to protect her. He has violated her in the worst way possible."

"I am so sorry. I'm truly sorry for the hurt I caused this family," Curtis said in court. "I'm sorry for the embarrassment I caused this city."

While the judge agreed he had long-served the city, he sentenced Curtis to 15-months in prison.

Curtis will be considered a "Tier 3" sexual offender when he's released from prison.

That means he will have to register with the sheriff's department wherever he decides to live.

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