Church Delays Closing Parishes

CBC News
January 4, 2008

The Roman Catholic Church on P.E.I. is pushing back its plans to amalgamate parishes on the Island, so it can take the time to explain the process to its parishioners.

Originally the Diocese of Charlottetown planned to start the process of amalgamating parishes this spring, but pastoral initiatives committee chair Kerry Moore says more time is needed.

The cost of maintaining the churches is one of the reasons for closing them.The cost of maintaining the churches is one of the reasons for closing them.
Photo by The CBC

"Rather than forge ahead and try to have something solid on paper by May, and have people not fully understand what it is we're trying to do, the council is now looking at prolonging that for perhaps another year," said Moore.

Moore and his committee held four information meetings across the province in November. At those meetings, it was revealed the church is considering reducing the number of parishes on the Island from 50 to 17.

Church officials cited several reasons for the move. Congregations are shrinking, congregations are declining, and there is a shortage of priests. In 1962 there were 102 priests. Today there are just 32.

The church will be holding more public meetings starting later this month.


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