Tracker 2007
Part 5: September–October
On this page we offer cached copies of all the articles
about the crisis blogged by Kathy Shaw on her indispensable Abuse
September 2007
September 1
- Accused Priest Dies in Illinois, in Online Athens (September 1, 2007)
- More Than 10 Say Late S. Indiana Priest Abused Them: Bishop Has Asked That the Man's Picture Be Removed from the Church He Founded, Associated Press (September 1, 2007)
- Cheers, Jeers and Tears: Have Have a Nice Holiday, in Courier & Press (September 1, 2007)
- Apology for 'Hurt and Pain' at Private School: Former Grenville Staffer Goes Public, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (September 1, 2007)
- Priest with Record of Sex Abuse Arrested Again, in Windsor Star (September 1, 2007)
- 11yrs for Sex Fiend Ex-Monk, by Richard Smith, Mirror (September 1, 2007)
- Standing behind 'Father Gates', by Elisabeth Johns, Standard-Freeholder (September 1, 2007)
- Police: Man Distributed Child Porn: Music Director of Grace Community Church in Winter Haven Is Charged, by John Chambliss, The Ledger (September 1, 2007)
- Prete Ribelle, Non Sono Padre Bimbo: Don Sante Sguotti, Diventeró Genitore Putativo Del Piccolo, in ANSA (August 31, 2007)
- German Diocese under Fire: Priest Held on Sex Charge, in Earthtimes (September 1, 2007)
- Diocese Confirms Pelotte Is in Florida, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (August 31, 2007)
- High Cost for New Calif. Cathedral, Associated Press (September 1, 2007)
September 2
- Lay Group: Don't Pick Cardinal George for Post, by Susan Hogan-Albach, Daily Southtown (September 2, 2007)
- Marquette Diocese Now Requires Attendance at Child Abuse Prevention Sessions, in Ironwood Daily Globe (September 1, 2007)
- 'Sexual Predator' Abused His Trust, in This is South Devon (September 1, 2007)
- From Empowering Preacher to Abuse Victim: Fiery Televangelist Recovering after Attack; Preacher Husband Charged, Associated Press (September 2, 2007)
- "Estoy Cargando Una Cruz": Monseñor Juan Francisco Sarasti, by Gerardo Quintero Tello, El Pais (September 2, 2007)
- Election of George Opposed, in Chicago Sun-Times (September 2, 2007)
- Priest Removed Amid Sex Allegation: He Was Once Deacon at St. Francis De Sales, in Times-Picayune (September 1, 2007)
- Il Vescovo Licenzia Il Prete Innamorato: è Come Satana, by D'Attino Davide, Il Corriere della Sera (August 30, 2007)
- Controversial Montreal Internet Company to Close, in Montreal Gazette (September 2, 2007)
- Diocese Places Priest on Administrative Leave after Allegations, in Hawk Eye (September 3, 2007)
September 3
- German Diocese under Fire: Priest Held on Sex Charge, in Expatica (September 3, 2007)
- Shadow of the Diocese's Bankruptcy Doesn't Dampen Spirits at Mater Dei, by Chris Moran, Union-Tribune (September 3, 2007)
- Report on Child Sex Offenders, in Tiscali Europa (September 3, 2007)
- EU May Question Vatican's Generous Tax Concessions, in Weekly Tax Newsletter (August 29, 2007)
- Priest Abuse Fliers, by LaTonya Stephens, Tri-State Homepage (September 2, 2007)
- Diocese Places Priest on Administrative Leave after Allegations, in Sioux City Journal (September 3, 2007)
- Support Groups Speak out on Church Abuse, by Jennifer Cahill, WEHT (September 2, 2007)
- Diocese Awaits Bankruptcy Fate: Mater Dei Catholic High School Opens Tomorrow in Chula Vista after Months of Uncertainty, by Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (September 3, 2007)
- Temple Priest Arrested for Attempting Rape Minor Girl, in Times of India (September 3, 2007)
- Fear Contributed to Cleary's Early Death, in Irish Independent (September 3, 2007)
- Mandiwanzira Hits Back over Ncube 'Sting', by Lebo Nkatazo, New Zimbabwe (August 31, 2007)
- Catholic Bishops Back Ncube, Attack Mugabe, by Lebo Nkatazo, New Zimbabwe (August 31, 2007)
- Controversial Catholic Group Alleges Critics Stole inside Info, by Maddy Sauer, ABC News (August 27, 2007)
- Head of Ex-Legionaries Group Offers Court Computer Files, in Catholic Online (August 28, 2007)
- Politicians Say Masons behind Investigation of the Church in Italy, in Catholic News Agency (August 31, 2007)
September 4
- Victims Want Church to Stop Hiding Sex Crimes, by Marianne Lyles, WFIE (September 3, 2007)
- Iowa Priest Temporarily Steps down, by Jim Whitfield, KHQA (September 3, 2007)
- Maitland-Newcastle Opens New Healing Facility, in Catholic News (September 4, 2007)
- Pannella Sui Privilegi Fiscali Alla Chiesa: Vere Truffe, Cambiare IL Trattato Del '29..., in Radicali (August 29, 2007)
- 'Roman Collar Amnesia' Widespread at Church Kickback Trial, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (September 4, 2007)
- Clergy Abuse Support Group to Hold Local Meetings, by Brian Gadd, Coshocton Tribune (September 4, 2007)
- Church Treasurer Stole £70,000 to Fund Gambling and Stamp Collecting Addiction, in Daily Mail (September 4, 2007)
- Arizona's Trial-By-Jury Questions Answered by Delving Way Back, Associated Press (August 6, 2007)
- Catholic Church Wants Accuser to Name Prior Sex Partners, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (August 30, 2007)
- Davenport Diocese Investigates Priest, in Gazette (September 2, 2007)
- Roman Collar Amnesia, in Catholic World News (September 4, 2007)
- Civil Cases behind Us, Let's Produce Something New, Group Meets Sunday in LA to Brainstorm, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 4, 2007)
- Vatican Defends Tax Advantages: Cardinal Sees Bid to Undermine Church in Polemics, on ANSA (September 4, 2007)
September 5
- Southeast Iowa Priest Suspended Amid Abuse Claims: Bishop Martin Amos Waited More Than a Month after He Suspended the Rev. Gerald Stouvenel to Announce His Decision, by Shirley Ragsdale, Des Moines Register (September 5, 2007)
- Diocese Settlement Talks Advance, by Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (September 4, 2007)
- Abusive Priest Jailed, in Anglican Journal (September 4, 2007)
- Pastor Says He Suffered Abuse: Another Pastor Charged with Molesting Boys, by Gary Harki, Charleston Gazette (September 5, 2007)
- Local Pastor Says He's Victim in Sex Abuse Case, by Mike Waterhouse, WSAZ (September 4, 2007)
- Canadian School Closes after Cult Allegations, by Michael Valpy and Caroline Alphonso, Record Seachlight (September 4, 2007)
- Cardinal Avoids Testifying in U.S. Sex Abuse Lawsuits, in Anglican Journal (September 4, 2007)
- Parish Backs Scandal- Hit Priest: Votes to Keep Cleric Who Has Confessed to Girlfriend, in ANSA (September 5, 2007)
- Kelly Prosecutor Tough, Popular: Boliker Was Ready for Trial Even after Delivering 3rd Baby, by Azam Ahmed, Chicago Tribune Metromix (September 5, 2007)
- Bishop Must Be Called to Testify about Sex Abuse: He's Never Spoken under Oath before about Such Cases, Lawyers Say, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (September 5, 2007)
- Vatican Raises the Rent, in Marketplace (September 5, 2007)
- Priest Abuse Victims Wary S.D. Diocese May Renege Settlement, by Andrew Phelps, KPBS (September 5, 2007)
- Pastor Sought in Sex Assault Case, on NBC Sandiego (September 5, 2007)
- Insurer Doesn't Have to Pay for Pastor Sex Charge Defense, Judge Rules, Associated Press (September 5, 2007)
September 6
- Police Report Details Claims against Priest, by Kevin G. Hall, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (September 6, 2007)
- Ruling Has Changed the Stakes, by Tim Townsend, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 6, 2007)
- Anglican Bishop Rejects Ex-Student's Plea to Investigate Abuse Claims, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (September 6, 2007)
- Forthcoming Documentary Defends Illinois Priest, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 6, 2007)
- Catholic Order Files Suit over Documents, by Daniela Deane, Washington Post (September 6, 2007)
- Three Important Developments Involving Law and Religion during the Summer of 2007, by Marci Hamilton, Find Law (September 6, 2007)
- Bankruptcy Judge Pushes Diocese toward Endgame in Abuse Talks, Associated Press (September 5, 2007)
- Pastor Chose Boys Whose Families Weren't Around, Police Say, in Charleston Daily Mail (September 6, 2007)
- Predator Stole My Childhood, by Diana Prince, Plymouth Evening Herald (September 6, 2007)
- Choir Director Faces Sexual Abuse Charge, on KETV (September 5, 2007)
- Court Sides with Rabbi in Sex Suit, by Owen Moritz, New York Daily News (September 6, 2007)
- Crucial Hearing Postponed in Diocese Bankruptcy Case, by Teri Figueroa, North County Times (September 5, 2007)
- Canadian Probe Put Cape Church under Scrutiny, by Susan Milton, Cape Cod Times (September 6, 2007)
- Accused Priest Set to Be Arraigned, on WRIC (September 6, 2007)
- Rodis to Be Arraigned on New Fraud Charges, by Tom Campbell, Times-Dispatch (September 6, 2007)
- Father Kelly's Curse: Mixed Feelings Surface in Sex-Abuse Settlement, by Nick Welsh, Santa Barbara Independent (September 6, 2007)
- UE-Chiesa. Turco: LA Strategia Di Monsignor Bertone: Delegittimare, Ricattare, Distruggere, in Radicali (September 4, 2007)
- Italian Priest, Celibacy Critic, Claims Parishioners' Support, in Catholic World News (September 6, 2007)
- Italian Priest Finds Way to Combine Celibacy Vows with Love for Woman, in Interfax (September 6, 2007)
- Priests Prey, Sisters Pay, by Barney Brantingham, Santa Barbara Independent (September 6, 2007)
- Judge Says Convicted Priest Can Remain Free Despite New Claim, Associated Press (September 6, 2007)
- Episcopal Priest Suspended in Wake of Bathroom Sex Charges, in Citizen-Times (September 6, 2007)
- Church Denies That Closed, Controversial School Was Anglican, by Marites N. Sison, Anglican Journal (September 6, 2007)
- Priest Pleads Not Guilty to 13 Fraud, Money Laundering Counts, by Larry O'Dell, Daily Press (September 6, 2007)
- Federal Charges for Fr. Rodis., by Grant Gallicho, dotCommonweal (September 6, 2007)
- Legion of Christ Goes to War, by Martin Barillas, Spero News (September 6, 2007)
- Boca Youth Minister Charged with Sex Crime, by Kevin Deutsch, Palm Beach Post (September 6, 2007)
- Boca Priest Accused of Soliciting Sex in N.C. Men's Room, by Jerome Burdi, Sun-Sentinel (September 6, 2007)
- Key Hearing Postponed in San Diego Diocesan Bankruptcy, in Catholic World News (September 6, 2007)
September 7
- Boca Raton Minister Busted in Bathroom Sex Sting, by Paige Kornblue, WPTV (September 6, 2007)
- Ex-Missionary Admits Abuse: 'One Can Only Imagine What the Effect Is on the Little Boy', by Dianne Wood, Record (September 7, 2007)
- Former Dothan Church Leader Pleads Guilty to Sexual Assault, on WSFA (September 7, 2007)
- Voice of the Faithful, in Garden City News (September 7, 2007)
- LA Archdiocese to Sell Convent to Pay for Sex Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (September 7, 2007)
- Convicted Priest Avoids Return to Jail, by Susan Hogan/Albach, Chicago Sun-Times (September 7, 2007)
- Anglicans Weigh Sanctions against Priest: Probe Launched into Alleged Abuse at Grenville College, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (September 7, 2007)
- Muted Expectations As Benedict Heads to Austria, by Ian Fisher, New York Times (September 7, 2007)
- Diocese, Abuse Victims May Be Close to Settlement, Associated Press (September 7, 2007)
- Settlement near in San Diego Sex-Abuse Cases? in Catholic World News (September 7, 2007)
- Convicted Sex Offender Set Free, by Erin Drew Kent, TMJ4 (September 7, 2007)
- San Diego Diocese to Pay $198 Million to Settle Abuse Claims, Associated Press (September 7, 2007)
- Diocese to Pay $198 Million to Settle Abuse Claims, by Greg Gross, Union-Tribune (September 7, 2007)
- Calif. Diocese to Pay $198m to Settle Abuse Cases, by Brent Jones, USA Today (September 7, 2007)
- San Diego Church Makes Sex Abuse Settlement, in Reuters (September 7, 2007)
- US Church Agrees Sex Abuse Payout, on BBC News (September 7, 2007)
- Indian Residential Schools Agreement to Go into Effect Sept. 19, by Solange De Santis, Anglican Journal (September 7, 2007)
- Diocese to Announce Settlement in Sexual Abuse Cases, by Rich Brooks, Press-Enterprise (September 7, 2007)
- Diocese Settles Abuse Claims for $198m, by Allison Hoffman, Associated Press (September 7, 2007)
- Abuse Victims React to Multi-Million Dollar Church Settlement, by Alison St John, KPBS (September 7, 2007)
- Statement from the San Diego Diocese, in Union-Tribune (September 7, 2007)
- Tears, Anger Follow Church Abuse Settlement, on NBC Sandiego (September 7, 2007)
- Catholic Church in 198 Mln Dlr Payout to US Sex Abuse Victims, in AFP (September 7, 2007)
- Vatican Defrocks Davenport Priest Convicted of Child Porn, in Quad-Cities Online (September 7, 2007)
- San Diego Catholic Church Reaches $198 Million Sexual Abuse Settlement, by Jessica Pupovac, AHN (September 7, 2007)
- Grenville Christian College Chair Apologizes for Abuse, on CBC News (September 7, 2007)
- Ex-Teacher Is Charged in 2001 Sex Abuse, by Emma Graves Fitzsimmons, Chicago Tribune (September 7, 2007)
- Nuns Pay for Priest Sexual Abuse, by John McKiggan, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (September 8, 2007)
- San Diego Diocese Settles Lawsuit for $200 Million, by Randal C. Archibold, New York Times (September 7, 2007)
September 8
- Parishioners Voice Opinions on Settlement, by Alex Roth, Union-Tribune (September 8, 2007)
- Timeline: Catholic Church Abuse Scandal, in Union-Tribune (September 8, 2007)
- Settled: $198 Million: Victims Tearful, Elated after Deal with Diocese, by Sandi Dolbee and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (September 8, 2007)
- Retaining Defense Lawyer in Sex-Abuse Case Made Sense, by Hardy Myers, Statesman Journal (September 8, 2007)
- SB Diocese to Pay 11 People, by Mike Cruz, Daily Bulletin (September 8, 2007)
- San Bernardino Diocese Settles 11 Sexual-Abuse Cases, by Richard Brooks and Chris Richard, Press-Enterprise (September 7, 2007)
- Anglican School's Former Students Tell of Brainwashing, Abuse, by Neco Cockburn, Ottawa Citizen (September 8, 2007)
- Was There Special Treatment? Bishop Brown to Be Deposed in a Sex Abuse Case Involving Mater Dei High School, in California Catholic Daily (September 8, 2007)
- Grenville Probe Widens to Include Ex-Teachers, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (September 8, 2007)
- Episcopal Diocese Releases Timeline Chronicling Claims of Sexual Abuse: Ex-Head of School Apologizes for How He Handled Students' Allegations in the 1960s, by Eileen E. Flynn, American-Statesman (September 8, 2007)
- San Diego Diocese to Settle 144 Clergy Sex Abuse Claims for $198.1M, by Mike Rosen-Molina, Jurist (September 7, 2007)
- San Diego Diocese Settlement (September 7, 2007)
- Parroco 'Ribelle' Don Sante Sguotti Sara' Rimosso, in ANSA (September 7, 2007)
- Potential-Witness List Released for Jeffs' Trial: Wednesday Is Start Date If Jury Is Formed by Then, by Nancy Perkins and Ben Winslow, Deseret Morning News (September 8, 2007)
- Farnsworth Reaching out to Ex-Students 'Whatever Happened on My, by Michael Jiggins, Brockville Recorder and Times (September 8, 2007)
- Local Bishop to Meet with Former Students, in Brockville Recorder and Times (September 8, 2007)
- Padova: Prete Papa' Sul Web, Apre IL Sito Della Chiesa Cattolica Dei Peccatori, in IGN (September 8, 2007)
September 9
- Church Agrees to $15 Million: Sb Diocese to Pay 11 Victims, by Mike Cruz, San Bernardino Sun (September 9, 2007)
- Showboating Cleric Was There When It Mattered: Father Michael Cleary Was Unpopular with His Colleagues but Was an Example to Them All, Writes Gareth O'Callaghan, in Irish Independent (September 9, 2007)
- Jerome Preacher Charged with Battery, by Cass Friedman, Times-News (September 8, 2007)
- It's Hard All around: Cardinal Mahony to Sell Sisters of Bethany Convent in Santa Barbara to Help Cover What He Owes in the Clergy Sex-Abuse Settlement, in California Catholic Daily (September 9, 2007)
- Facing Their Convent's Closure: L.A. Archdiocese Plans to Sell the Santa Barbara Site to Help Pay Its Priest Abuse Settlement. the Nuns Will Likely Have to Leave the City Where They've Served the Poor, by Rebecca Trounson, Los Angeles Times (September 7, 2007)
- Diocese Spends Almost $100,000 Looking for Abuse Victims, by Ann McGlynn, Quad-City Times (September 9, 2007)
September 10
- Protesters Demand Cape Cod Priest's Apology, by Peter Schworm, Boston Globe (September 10, 2007)
- Former Delaware Priest to Be Sentenced Today in N.Y., in News Journal (September 10, 2007)
- Cardinal Faces Abusive Priest's Congregation: W. Side | Thanks Parishioners for Patience during 'Terrible Tragedy', by Stefano Esposito, Chicago Sun-Times (September 10, 2007)
- The 'Sermon on the Amount' Award, in North County Times (September 9, 2007)
- Sex-Abuse Scandal Draws Protesters to Centerville Parish, by Robert Gold, Cape Cod Times (September 10, 2007)
- Church's Path to Penance Is Chided, by Greg Moran and Mark Sauer, Union-Tribune (September 10, 2007)
- Sex-Abuse Settlement a Relief to Many Catholic Worshippers, by Maureen Magee, Union-Tribune (September 10, 2007)
- Frustration, Then Relief As Two Sides Struck Deal, by Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (September 9, 2007)
- No Longer Performing Child-Bride Marriages? Jeffs Trial Puts Spotlight on Practices of Polygamist Sects, by Ben Winslow, Deseret Morning News (September 9, 2007)
- Priest Abused Boys over 10 Years: Court, in Sydney Morning Herald (September 10, 2007)
- Boca Priest Resigns, Congregation Forgives, by Danielle Dubetz, WPTV (September 10, 2007)
- Many in Austria Cold to Papal Visit, Associated Press (September 9, 2007)
- Chicago Archbishop Installs Pastor to Replace Convicted McCormack, on ABC 7 (September 9, 2007)
- Spokane Diocese Bankruptcy Lawyers Seek Closed Proceedings on Fees, Associated Press (September 10, 2007)
- Surviving the High Holidays: Jewish Survivors of Incest and Childhood Sexual Abuse, by Todah Rabah, Awareness Center (September 10, 2007)
- VOTF National Survivor Support Working Group: Statement: San Diego Settlement, in Voice from the Desert (September 10, 2007)
- Lawyer Defends Sex Attack Priest, by Kate Uebergang, Herald Sun (September 11, 2007)
- Parishioners React to Church Sex Abuse Deal: Faithful Differ on Fairness of Settlement, by Monica Dean, NBC Sandiego (September 10, 2007)
- Diocesan Officials Testify in Trial over Alleged Kickbacks, by Nancy Erikson, Catholic Online (September 10, 2007)
- San Diego Settlement, on CBS 2 (September 10, 2007)
- The Secret Life of Michael Cleary (entertainer, Radio Show Host, Father of Two... And Priest): It Was the Story Which Shocked Ireland: the Revelation That One of the Country's Most Popular Clerics Had a Live-In Lover and Two Children. Now Television Footage Has Been Discovered Which Sheds Light on His Unconventional Private Life, by David McKittrick, The Independent (September 11, 2007)
- Priest in Court over 40-Year-Old Sex Charge, on ABC News (September 10, 2007)
- Retired Priest Sentenced for Molestation, Associated Press (September 10, 2007)
- SF Catholic Diocese Sued Again, in Keloland (September 10, 2007)
- Former Catholic Priest Sentenced for Molesting Boy, Associated Press (September 10, 2007)
- Former Priest Sentenced to 60 Days in Jail, by Michele Reaves, The Post-Standard (September 10, 2007)
- Vatican Spokesman: Austria Is Closer to the Pope: Notes That Faithful Showed Love for Holy Father, in Zenit (September 10, 2007)
- Cape Breton Priest Changes Story on Sexual Assault, by John McKiggan, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (September 10, 2007)
- Don Sante: «la Famiglia Mi Ha Detto: Fermati»: Consegnate Una Parte Delle Offerte Ricavate Con LA Festa Dello Sport: «abbiamo Battuto Tutti I Record Con LA Pubblicità», by Barbara Turetta, Il Gazzettino (September 10, 2007)
September 11
- Chch Catholic Priest to Stand Trial over Sexual Abuse, in The Press (September 11, 2007)
- Controversial Ex-Cop to Testify at Truth Inquiry, by Terri Saunders, Ottawa Sun (September 11, 2007)
- Retired Priest Apologizes for Abusing Teen: Gets 60 Days in Jail, Six Years of Probation, by Beth Miller, News Journal (September 11, 2007)
- Offers of Help Overwhelm Santa Barbara Nuns: News of the Planned Sale of Their Convent to Help Pay a Clergy Sex Abuse Settlement Has Brought Promises of Assistance and Media Attention, by Rebecca Trounson, Los Angeles Times (September 11, 2007)
- Priest Trial Aborted, on ABC (September 11, 2007)
- Diocese Victim Payouts to Be Divvied Based on Nature of Abuse: 'The Younger the Child, the More Damaging the Abuse', by Amita Sharma, KPBS (September 11, 2007)
- Save the Eastside's Sisters of Bethany: Campaign Launched to Save Nuns' Home; Plus, Meeting Harry Potter, Finding Al Steinman, and Defending Wendy, by Barney Brantingham, Santa Barbara Independent (September 11, 2007)
- Supporters Vow to Shelter Nuns, in United Press International (September 11, 2007)
- Priest Abuse Victim Speaks out, on KUSI (September 10, 2007)
- 'Adulterous' Archbishop Resigns, by Sally Peck, Telegraph (September 11, 2007)
- Leading Mugabe Critic Forced to Resign As Archbishop but Vows to Keep up Campaign, in AFP (September 11, 2007)
- Zimbabwe Archbishop Resigns over Sex Allegations, Reuters (September 11, 2007)
- Mugabe Critic Quits As Archbishop, on BBC News (September 11, 2007)
- Pope OKs Resignation of Zimbabwe Archbishop Accused of Having Affair with Woman, by Angus Shaw, Associated Press, carried in International Herald Tribune (September 11, 2007)
- Parishioner Reaction, on Fox 6 (September 9, 2007)
- Jury Selection Begins in Trial of One of America's 10 Most Wanted, by Daphne Bramham, Canada.com (September 10, 2007)
- Retired Priest's Jailing Stirs Man's Emotions, by Jim O'Hara, Post-Standard (September 11, 2007)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Molesting Girl, in Gazette (September 11, 2007)
- The Costs of Church Scandal: The Catholic Church's Divestiture to Pay for Abuse Settlements Means Good Works Will Go Undone, in Los Angeles Times (September 11, 2007)
- Mugabe Critic Resigns over Sex Case, in Al Jazeera (September 11, 2007)
- Where Do We Go from Here? Just Keep Telling the Stories. A Good Place to Start Is " Sacrilege" by Leon Podles, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 11, 2007)
- Breaking: OC Diocese Lawyers Seek to Seal Bishop Brown Deposition, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 11, 2007)
- Pope Accepts Zimbabwean Prelate's Resignation: Archbishop Says Attack against Him Affects Church, in Zenit (September 11, 2007)
- Zimbabwe Archbishop Ncube Resigns, in ANSA (September 11, 2007)
- Lakewood Pastor's Sex-Assault Charges Tossed, in Rocky Mountain News (September 11, 2007)
- Child Sex Charges Dropped against Lakewood Pastor, Associated Press (September 11, 2007)
- Don Giovanni Brusegan, by Léon Bertoletti, Il Gazzettino (September 11, 2007)
- «Ho Ricevuto Segnalazioni Di Preti Pedofili»: Precisa: «I Fatti Delle Molestie Sessuali Sono Accaduti Alcune Decine Di Anni Fa, Almeno Un Paio Di Quei Religiosi Sono Ancora in Attività», by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (September 11, 2007)
- Don Gelmini, 50 Le Denunce Per Abusi: Le Accuse DA Ex Ospiti Della Sua Comunità. Sospetti Su Pressioni Per Ritrattare. Si Allunga LA Lista Delle Testimonianze, by Fiorenza Sarzanini, Corriere della Sera (September 11, 2007)
- Loveland Pastors Face Civil Suit for Failing to Disclose Abuse, by Sara Reed, Coloradoan (September 11, 2007)
- Victims' Group: Documents Show Mexican Cardinal Knew of Sexual Abuse before Priest Sent to US, Associated Press (September 11, 2007)
- Advocates for Sex-Abuse Victims Seeks Place at Pope John Paul II Memorial, by Nikki Renner, Arizona Republic (September 11, 2007)
- Pastor Sexually Abused by Another Pastor: Proves Lessons of Sexual Abuse, by John McKiggan, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (September 12, 2007)
- Diocese Investigates Abuse Claims, by Marites N. Sison, Anglican Journal (September 11, 2007)
September 12
- Victims Seek Place at Pope's Memorial: Sex-Abuse Survivor Group Asks to Speak at Event, by Nikki Renner, Arizona Republic (September 12, 2007)
- Group: Mexican Cardinal Knew of Abuse, by Jessica Bernstein-Wax, Associated Press (September 12, 2007)
- Archdiocese Faces New Sex Abuse Suit: 2 Women Say They Were Abused by Priest Known to Have History of Misconduct, by Marie Rohde, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (September 11, 2007)
- O.C. Diocese Moves to Seal Bishop's Testimony in Abuse Suit: O.C. Bishop Tod Brown Testified in a Civil Sex Abuse Suit against an Ex-Mater Dei Teacher, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (September 12, 2007)
- Woman Files Suit against Church in Sex-Abuse Cover-Up, by Ginger Delgado, CW2 (September 12, 2007)
- Girl, 14, Fled Abuse, 'Mind Control' of Polygamy, by Amanda Townsend and Agnes Pawlowski, CNN (September 11, 2007)
- Don Gelmini, Collaboratori Indagati: LA Procura: Avrebbero Offerto Favori E Soldi Per Far Ritrattare I Testi, in Corriere della Sera (September 12, 2007)
- Vatican 'Forced' Anti-Mugabe Archbishop to Resign: Report, in IC Publications (September 12, 2007)
- 'Love Nest' Photos Fell Mugabe Critic: Archbishop Faces Sex Scandal, in Ottawa Citizen (September 12, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Did Archbishop Ncube Buckle under Mugabe Onslaught? in allAfrica (September 11, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Two Press Statements, One Office, in allAfrica (September 12, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Pius Forced to Resign, by Isdore Guvamombe, allAfrica (September 12, 2007)
- Archbishop, a Critic of Mugabe, Quits after Sex Scandal, by Peta Thornycroft and Sebastien Berger, New York Sun (September 12, 2007)
- Zimbabwe Archbishop Resigns, by Michael Wines, New York Times (September 12, 2007)
- Settlement in Sex Abuse Suit, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat (September 12, 2007)
- Firm Merger, by Deb Peterson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 12, 2007)
- California Diocese to Pay $5 Million in Priest Sex Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (September 12, 2007)
- Police Say Darien Priest Spent $1.4 Million of Church Money, Associated Press (September 12, 2007)
- Did Vatican Press Zimbabwe Archbishop to Resign? in Catholic World News (September 12, 2007)
- Anti-Mugabe Cleric Expected to Remain Defiant, Reuters (September 12, 2007)
- Priest Accused of Spending $1.4m in Church Funds Pleads Guilty, on WNBC (September 12, 2007)
- LA " Chiesa Cattolica Dei Peccatori" Raccoglie Fondi: Mentre Lacuria Non Si Fa Sentire, IL Sacerdote Prosegue LA Sua Opera. In Attesa Della Scadenza Dei Termini Del 20 Settembre, in Il Gazzettino (September 12, 2007)
- Program to Offer Early Alerts on Possible Abusers, Victims, by Bishop Robert Vasa, Catholic Sentinel (September 7, 2007)
- Longtime Priest Accused of Sexual Harassment, by Jeanette Rundquist, Star-Ledger (September 12, 2007)
- Former Priest Pleads Guilty to Embezzling $1M in Church Money, on NBC 30 (September 12, 2007)
- Orange County Bishop Seeks to Seal Testimony in Abuse Case, Associated Press (September 12, 2007)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Spending Church Money, in Stamford Times (September 12, 2007)
- Former Darien Pastor Pleads Guilty to Stealing from Church, by Donna Porstner, Advocate (September 12, 2007)
- Former Darien Pastor Pleads Guilty to Stealing Money, in Darien Times (September 12, 2007)
- California Diocese to Pay $5 Million in Priest Sex Abuse Settlement, on Live-PR (September 12, 2007)
- Sonoma CO.: Diocese Settles Priest's Sexual Abuse Civil Suit for $5 Million, on CBS5 (September 12, 2007)
- Santa Rosa Catholic Diocese Settles Abuse Case for $5 Million, by Henry K. Lee, San Francisco Chronicle (September 13, 2007)
- Bishops' Conference Statement on Archbishop Pius Ncube, in Independent Catholic News (September 13, 2007)
- The Tyrant and the Archbishop: How a Good Man Was Silenced by Scandal, in Independent (September 13, 2007)
- Abused Woman Attacks Church for Blocking Trial, by Stephen Rogers, One in Four (September 12, 2007)
- Fr Cleary's Silence in Face of Evil, in One in Four (September 6, 2007)
September 13
- Church Official Refuses to Finish Deposition: A High-Ranking Catholic Official Accused of Covering up Child Sex Abuse Claims Broke down Crying during Recent Testimony., by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (September 13, 2007)
- Church Abuse Victims Want Diocese to Release Documents, on NBC Sandiego (September 12, 2007)
- Is Diocese Hewing to 'Covenant'? by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (September 13, 2007)
- OC Bishop Seeks to Censor Testimony in Abuse Case, Associated Press (September 12, 2007)
- LA Lettera Con Cui IL Vescovo Caccia Don Sante: «poichè Non Hai Risposto a Non Celebrare L’eucaristia, LA Comunione Ecclesiale Ne Ha Ricevuto Grave Danno E Turbamento», by Lèon Bertoletti, Il Gazzettino (September 13, 2007)
- Csm, Scontro Tra Magistrati, in La Repubblica (September 13, 2007)
- Outspoken, Liberal Bishop to Speak in Marion, by Mardi Suhs, Cadillac News (September 13, 2007)
- Timeline of the Troubles at St. John, in The Advocate (September 13, 2007)
- Reform Group Calling on Bishop Brom to Release Documents, on News 8 (September 12, 2007)
- Documents Show Mexican, U.S. Church Leaders Helped Accused Priest, Survivors' Group Says, by Jonathan Roeder, Catholic Online (September 13, 2007)
- Orange County Bishop Seeks to Redact Testimony in Abuse Case, in San Francisco Chronicle (September 12, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Pleads Guilty in Fraud Case, Associated Press (September 13, 2007)
- Father Fay Admits It: Former St. John Pastor Pleads Guilty and Faces up to 10 Years in Prison, by Terri Miles, Joshua Fisher and Susan Shultz, Darien Times (September 13, 2007)
- Darien Pastor Admits to Stealing, by Donna Porstner, Greenwich Times (September 13, 2007)
- Parishioners Hope to Put Events into the Past, by Stephen P. Clark, The Advocate (September 13, 2007)
- Priest's Day in Court Delayed, by Jon Ostendorff, Citizen-Times (September 13, 2007)
- Zimbabwe's Mugabe Accuses Media of Biased Coverage, in IC Publications (September 13, 2007)
- South Africa: SABC Backs off on 'Sting', by Sarah Hudleston, allAfrica (September 13, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Zimbabweans Slam Ncube's Attitude, in allAfrica (September 13, 2007)
- Zimbabwe's Dirty Tricks Brigade, by Joseph Winter, BBC News (September 13, 2007)
- Fresno Pastor Arrested on Felony Child Molestation Charges, by James Guy, Fresno Bee (September 13, 2007)
- Priest in Alleged Clergy Sexual Abuse Case Worked in Sun Valley, by Marianne Love, San Fernando Valley Sun (September 13, 2007)
- Rabbi Yehuda Kolko Accused of Molesting Boy, by Scott Shifrel, New York Daily News (September 13, 2007)
- Judge Unseals O.C. Bishop's Testimony, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (September 13, 2007)
- Orange Diocese Bishop Once Accused of Molestation, Lawyer Says: Testimony of Bishop Tod Brown Unsealed Today As Part of Ongoing Litigation in Child Sex-Abuse Accusation, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (September 13, 2007)
- Bishop 'Eager' to Settle Case: Most of Payout to Come from Church Property Sale, by Martin Espinoza and Randi Rossmann, Press Democrat (September 13, 2007)
- Weekly Story on Bishop Brown Pedophile Allegation Proven Right, by R. Scott Moxley, Orange County Weekly (September 13, 2007)
- Visiting Priest Arrested on Sexual Assault Charges, by Alicia A. Caldwell, Houston Chronicle (September 13, 2007)
- Girl, 14, Begged Polygamy Leader Not to Be Wed, by Alexandria Sage, Reuters (September 13, 2007)
- O.C. Bishop Allegedly Abused Boy in Bakersfield, on CBS 2 (September 13, 2007)
- Socal Roman Catholic Bishop Says He Was Falsely Accused of Abuse, by Gillian Flaccus, San Jose Mercury News (September 13, 2007)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Lawsuit May Proceed, Court Rules, on TheDenverChannel.com (September 13, 2007)
- Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Lawsuit to Proceed, Associated Press (September 13, 2007)
- Visiting Priest Charged with Sexual Assault, by Miguel Martinez, KVIA (September 13, 2007)
- Catholic Priest Charged with Sexual Assault in El Paso, by Tammy Fonce-Olivas, El Paso Times (September 13, 2007)
- Support Priests of Integrity Working Group Update, in Voice of the Faithful (September 13, 2007)
- Charamba Fires Broadside after Ncube Scandal, in IOL (September 14, 2007)
- Sabc Fires Supa Mandiwanzira, in ZimDaily (September 13, 2007)
- Checkmate for the Archbishop: A Prominent Critic of President Robert Mugabe Resigns, in Economist (September 13, 2007)
- Protesting Bishop Tod Brown, on Orancge County Regsiter (September 13, 2007)
September 14
- Court Clears Way for Lawsuits against Denver Archdiocese, by Sue Lindsay, Rocky Mountain News (September 14, 2007)
- Priest's 'Trail of Tears': Jesuits | He's Been Convicted Twice, Jailed Twice — but His Order Lets Him Wear the Collar, Won't Say If He'll Be Kicked out, by Susan Hogan/Albach, Chicago Sun-Times (September 14, 2007)
- Sex-Abuse Lawsuits Proceed: Archdiocese of Denver Sought to End Action in Cases of Two Priests, by Electa Draper, Denver Post (September 14, 2007)
- Bishop Says He Was Falsely Accused of Abuse: Orange County Case Reveals Charges from Bakersfield Boy in '60s, by Louis Medina, Bakersfield Californian (September 13, 2007)
- Deposition of Bishop Tod Brown, in Bakersfield Californian (September 10, 2007)
- Ochoa Case Costs Diocese $5 Million: Bishop Personally Pays $20,000, by David Bolling, Index-Tribune (September 14, 2007)
- Diocese Looks to Sell Church; Protestant Buyer Possible, by Nichole Dobo, Times-Tribune (September 14, 2007)
- Ex-Choir Director Admits Child Abuse: He Reverses His 2003 Plea and a Judge Sentences Him to 8 Years in Prison., by Sandy Hodson, Times-Union (September 14, 2007)
- Southern Baptist State Convention Offers Anti-Sex-Abuse Measures, by Hannah Elliott, Associated Baptist Press (September 13, 2007)
- First Witness Takes the Stand, by Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune (September 14, 2007)
- California Southern Baptist Pastor Charged with Molestation, by Bob Allen, Ethics Daily (September 14, 2007)
- Bookkeeper Accused of Stealing $30,000 from Denville Church, by Bill Swayze and Paula Saha, Star-Ledger (September 14, 2007)
- Abuse Settlement Drains SR Diocese's Fund to Repay Loans, by Martin Espinoza, Press Democrat (September 14, 2007)
- The Annotated Bishop Brown Deposition, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 13, 2007)
- Deposition Reveals Abuse Allegations against O.C. Bishop Brown: A Judge's Unsealing of Testimony in the Mater Dei High School Case Leads to the Disclosure, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (September 14, 2007)
- El Paso Diocese Cooperates in Priest Investigation, by Tammy Fonce-Olivas, El Paso Times (September 14, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Pius Saga - Time for Soul-Searching, by Stephen T. Maimbodei, allAfrica (September 14, 2007)
- Gracias, Frank Mickadeit..., by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 14, 2007)
- Witness Recounts 'Complete Despair,' Betrayal in Testimony against Polygamist Leader Jeffs, by Nancy Perkins, Deseret Morning News (September 14, 2007)
- Abano, in Il Gazzettino (September 14, 2007)
- Board Reviews Allegation Dating to 1960s, in Catholic Diocese of Arlington (September 13, 2007)
- «Don Gelmini Molesto Minori Stranieri», by Fiorenza Sarzanini, Corriere della Sera (September 15, 2007)
- Diocese of Fresno Lies to Oc Weekly, Spins for Brown, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 14, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: British Bishops Express Solidarity with Archbishop Ncube, in allAfrica (September 14, 2007)
- Fresno Pastor Pleads Not Guilty to Sex Abuse Charges, by Louis Galvan and Ron Orozco, Fresno Bee (September 14, 2007)
- Deposition: Bishop Let Priest Accused of Rape Work: Orange Diocese Leader Says He Based Decision on Predecessor's Judgment to Keep Pastor in Diocese, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (September 14, 2007)
- Lawyer: Priest Too Ill to Testify: Lawyer Says Monsignor Has Acute Anxiety, Can't Comply with Judge's Demand for Testimony before Sex-Abuse Case, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (September 14, 2007)
- Priest, Charged with Sex Crimes, Says He's Innocent, in Ottawa Sun (September 14, 2007)
- Ont. Priest Charged Half a Century after Alleged Sexual Assaults on Teen, on CBC News (September 14, 2007)
- Opp Charge Priest, 84, with Sex Assault, in Ottawa Citizen (September 14, 2007)
- Rape Horror to Be Made into Film, in Daily Express (September 15, 2007)
- Vic West Priest Resigns Amid Misconduct Allegation, in Times Colonist (September 14, 2007)
- Sexual Abuse Settlement Leaves Santa Rosa Diocese Mired in Debt, Associated Press (September 14, 2007)
- Priest Removed from His Parish after Archbishop Discovers He Is a Father, in Typically Spanish (September 15, 2007)
- El Arzobispado Aparta a Un Sacerdote De Su Parroquia Por Tener Mujer E Hijo: «no Es Un Caso ùnico Ni Extraordinario; Lo Que Pesó Fue Que El Vínculo Continuase, Que No Se Respetase El Celibato», Explica El Vicario General, in La Nueva Espana (September 14, 2007)
September 15
- Bishop May Convene Rare Ecclesiastical Court: Any Refusal by Anglican Priest under Investigation to Accept Bishop's Findings or Punishment Would Trigger Judicial Procedure, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (September 15, 2007)
- Brown Served at Northeast Church: Then-Priest Accused of Abusing Child in '60s, by Louis Medina, Bakersfield Californian (September 14, 2007)
- Bishop Says He Was Falsely Accused of Abuse, by Louis Medina, Bakersfield Californian (September 13, 2007)
- Lawsuit Alleges Abuse by Priest: Man's Accusations Date to 1977, '78, by Edmund H. Mahony, Hartford Courant (September 15, 2007)
- For the Record, in Los Angeles Times (September 15, 2007)
- O.C. Bishop's Accuser Identifies Himself, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (September 15, 2007)
- Former Minister Charged, by Andy Pierrotti, WCBD (September 15, 2007)
- Young Bride Felt 'Numb, Dirty, Used': Girl, 14, Who Says She Was Forced to Marry, Gives Dramatic Testimony at Trial of Polygamist Sect's Leader, by Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun (September 15, 2007)
- Former Minister Faces Sex Abuse Charge, on ABC News 4 (September 14, 2007)
- Prophetess' Case Highlights Domestic Violence in Faith Communities, by S.A. Reid, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (September 14, 2007)
- Priest Pays Price for Speaking about Abuse, in Daily Record (September 14, 2007)
- In the Interest of Truth, Justice, Balance and Fair Play, in Father Lasch (September 15, 2007)
- Head Nun Planned to Sell Calif. Convent before Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (September 15, 2007)
- Victim's Fury at Priest Who Defended Paedophile Cotter, in North-West Evening Mail (September 15, 2007)
- Retired Priest Accused of Sex Crimes in 1950s, by Andrew Seymour, Times Colonist (September 15, 2007)
- Catholic School Principal Accused of Enticing Girl, in Courier (September 14, 2007)
- Priest Steps down Amid Sex-Abuse Allegations, in Belfast Telegraph (September 15, 2007)
September 16
- Bishop: Sexual Abuse Victims Should Alert Diocese, in Evening Echo (September 16, 2007)
- Priest Stands Aside over Sex Claim, in Press Association (September 16, 2007)
- Sexual Abuse Victims Should Alert Diocese - Bishop of Kilmore, in Belfast Telegraph (September 16, 2007)
- Parishes Facing Big Tax Bills for Churches Closed by Diocese of Buffalo: Tax-Exempt Status Will Be in Jeopardy, by Jay Tokasz and Brian Meyer, Buffalo News (September 16, 2007)
- Terni: Portavoce Don Gelmini, Stanno Uccidendo Un Sant'uomo a Parole, in IGN (September 16, 2007)
- Don Sante: «Vivo Alla Giornata»: Dopo Aver Rinunciato Alle Ferie, Forse Salterà Anche IL Ritiro Spirituale. IL 20 Se Ne Dovrà Andare, by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (September 16, 2007)
- Today's Editorial: Diocese Hasn't Learned Futility of Concealment: Developments in a Current Sex-Abuse Lawsuit Cast Doubt on Church's Promises of Transparency, in Orange County Register (September 16, 2007)
- Judge Issues Arrest Warrant for Nun Accused of Sexual Assault, on WISN (September 14, 2007)
- Bishop Facing Threat of Tribunal, by Greg Roberts, Australian (September 17, 2007)
- Prete Pedofilo, Scandalo a Ratisbona, by Walter Rahue, Radicali (September 14, 2007)
September 17
- Priest on Leave after Child Sex Abuse Claims, in Irish Independent (September 17, 2007)
- Lawyer Calls Priest in Sex Abuse Suit 'Sociopathic', by Abbe Smith, New Haven Register (September 17, 2007)
- Ditched by Their Pope, by Anna Smith, Sunday Mirror (September 16, 2007)
- Ncube's Exit Good for the Church, by Joachim Omolo Ouko, East African (September 17, 2007)
- Fresno Church Congregation Turns to God during Difficult Time, by Maureen Naylor, ABC 30 (September 16, 2007)
- " Porta Pia, LA Breccia Della Libertà" , Manifestazione Contro IL Fondamentalismo Clericale E I Privilegi Vaticani, Per LA Libertà Religiosa, in Radicali (September 17, 2007)
- Pittsburgh Diocese to Settle Abuse Cases, Associated Press (September 17, 2007)
- Uganda: Priest Defrocked over Sexual Assault in Kabale, by Robert Muhereza, allAfrica (September 17, 2007)
- Psychologist's Case Shows Limits of Law, by Lindsay Kines and Jeff Rud, Times Colonist (September 17, 2007)
- Victims Angry at Sex Priest Jail Term, in Age (September 17, 2007)
- Former Priest Sentenced for Sex Assault, by Danny Morgan, ABC (September 17, 2007)
- Sex Priest's Victim Slams Sentence, in Herald Sun (September 17, 2007)
- Trust Evaporating – Poll Finds Clergy Trustworthiness Slips Precipitously, by Michael Swan, Catholic Online (September 17, 2007)
- Pastors Giving New Meaning to " Laying on of Hands", by Dr. Barbara Reynolds, Louisiana Weekly (September 17, 2007)
- Pittsburgh Diocese to Settle Abuse Cases: Pittsburgh Diocese Creates $1.25 Million Fund to Settle Claims of Clergy Abuse from 32 People, Associated Press (September 17, 2007)
- Settlement Made in Diocese of Pittsburgh Lawsuits, on WPXI (September 17, 2007)
- Diocese Creates Settlement Fund, Associated Press (September 17, 2007)
- «Ecco Gli Obiettivi Della Chiesa Dei Peccatori», in Il Gazzettino (September 17, 2007)
- OC Diocese Paid Admitted Child Molester $100,000, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 17, 2007)
- Finding God Away from Catholicism, by Kimberly Brehm, Daily Southtown (September 17, 2007)
- Diocese Resolves 32 Priest Abuse Lawsuits, in Monsters and Critics (September 17, 2007)
- Zubik Comments on Pittsburgh Diocese Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (September 17, 2007)
- B.C. Priest Resigns after Admitting Misconduct, in Anglican Journal (September 17, 2007)
- Pa. Catholic Diocese Sets up $1.25 Mln Abuse Fund, Reuters (September 17, 2007)
- Why Did Cases Settle When the Catholic Church Had No Defense at All? Many Questions As LA Hearings Begin Again This Week. Plus: What Would Mahony Say?, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 17, 2007)
- Southern Baptist Pastor in California Charged with Sexually Abusing Two Girls, by Hannah Elliott, Associated Baptist Press (September 17, 2007)
- SNAP Meeting in New Concord, by Kelly Gilmartin, WHIZ (September 17, 2007)
- Bench Warrant Issued for Arrest of Nun, Associated Press (September 17, 2007)
- New PR Flack for Oc Diocese, Same Idiocy, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 15, 2007)
- Diocese Will Pay in Sex-Abuse Cases, by Bill Vidonic, Times (September 17, 2007)
- Pittsburgh Diocese to Settle Clergy Abuse Claims for $1.25m, by Katerina Ossenova, Jurist (September 17, 2007)
- Pittsburgh Diocese Creates $1.25m Fund to Settle Abuse Cases, by Ramit Plushnick-Masti, The Sentinel (September 17, 2007)
September 18
- Won't Help Sex-Abuse Inquiry, Ex-Officer Says, by Terri Saunders, Globe and Mail (September 18, 2007)
- Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh Settles Sex Abuse Cases for $1.25m, by Craig Smith, Tribune-Review (September 18, 2007)
- Ex-Officer's Refusal to Testify Shocks Cornwall Sex Abuse Hearing: 'I Have No Faith in the Ontario Justice System', by Graham Hughes, Ottawa Citizen (September 17, 2007)
- Pope Visit to U.S. In Spring May Help Heal Wounds, Reuters (September 18, 2007)
- Lawyer Told to Pay $24,310: Judge Rules Lawsuit against Catholic Church, Government Baseless, by Robert Gavin, Albany Times Union (September 18, 2007)
- Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Leila Walsh, WOAI (September 17, 2007)
- Report: Pope Benedict to Visit Boston, by Paul Flannery, Boston Magazine (September 17, 2007)
- Report: Pope to Visit Boston Next Year: Sources Say Visits to U.S. Scheduled for April, on TheBostonChannel.com (September 17, 2007)
- Church Leaders Head Back to School on Internet Safety, by Kathrynne Skonicki, Catholic Explorer (September 18, 2007)
- Sisters Banned from City: Abuse Settlements Force Sisters of Bethany out of Sb, by Barney Brantingham, Santa Barbara Independent (September 17, 2007)
- Monk Accused of Abuse Dies, in Post Chronicle (September 18, 2007)
- Founder of Scandal-Plagued Central Texas Monastery Dies, Associated Press (September 18, 2007)
- Woman Says She Didn't Tell Family She Was Being Raped, Associated Press (September 18, 2007)
- Blanco Monks' Leader Is Dead, by Zeke MacCormack, San Antonion Express-News (September 18, 2007)
- Monk Accused of Molesting Boys Dies: Samuel Greene Had Health Problems, Faced Probation Revocation, by Patrick George, American-Statesman (September 18, 2007)
- Cleveland Catholic Diocese Kickback Trial Postponed, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (September 18, 2007)
- Festini E Minacce a Firenzel'indagine Porta Alla Curia: Nell'inchiesta Già Coinvolto IL Parroco Don Cantini, Condannato Dal Tribunale Della Chiesa. Chiamato in Causa DA Una Ventina Di Donne, by Fiorenza Sarzanini, Il Corriere della Sera (September 18, 2007)
- Former Diocesan Accountant Tries to Fire Attorney Mid-Trial, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (September 17, 2007)
- City Diocese Settles Abuse Cases: Catholics Will Pay Total of $1.25 Million to 32 People, by Ann Rodgers, Post-Gazette (September 18, 2007)
- Sydney Priest to Plead Guilty to Indecent Assault, by Emily Smith, LiveNews (September 18, 2007)
- Former Archbishop Set to Run for Zimbabwean Presidency: Former Zimbabwean Archbishop of Bulawayo Ready to Run for Presidency in Bid to End Mugabe's Rule., by Jennifer Gold, Christian Today (September 18, 2007)
- Case of Child Molestation by a Jesuit Elicits Tough Questions: The Rev. Donald McGuire, Convicted Child Molester and Former Spiritual, by Eric Lombardi, Marquette Tribune (September 18, 2007)
- Group Urges Database for Clergy Sex Abuse: SNAP Asks Sbc to Hold Hearings with Victims, on WSMV (September 17, 2007)
- A Taste of What's Ahead in Church Trial: What Did Diocese Know?, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (September 18, 2007)
- Abuse Prevention Strengthened, by Ed Langlois, Catholic Sentinel (September 14, 2007)
- Archbishop Planning Presidential Race in Zimbabwe?, in Catholic World News (September 18, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Basotho Bishops Support Ncube and Catholic Church, in allAfrica (September 18, 2007)
- Zambia: Korean Bishops Warn against Ex-Bishop Milingo, in allAfrica (September 18, 2007)
- Priest Faces Criminal Investigation, Police Say, by Louise Dickson, Times Colonist (September 18, 2007)
- Pastor Accused of Abuse, on KCTV (September 18, 2007)
- Ex-Jeff Co. Pastor Faces Child-Sex Counts, in St.Louis Post-Dispatch (September 18, 2007)
- Trial Date Set for Former Priests Facing 30 Years in Jail for Grand Theft, by Missy Diaz, Sun-Sentinel (September 18, 2007)
- Court Hears Former Legal Adviser Urge Jeffs to Continue Underage Polygamy, by Daphne Bramham, Canada.com (September 18, 2007)
- …And, What about the Misconduct Advisory Board? by Paul Cromidas, Orthodox Reform (September 15, 2007)
- Patriarchate Defrocks Rev. Nick Katinas, by Theodore Kalmoukos, Orthodox Reform (September 14, 2007)
- San Francisco Priest Admits His Infidelity, by Theodore Kalmoukos, Orthodox Reform (September 7, 2007)
- St. Basil on Protecting the Abused, in Orthodox Reform (September 6, 2007)
- Fox 5 in Las Vegas: Former ‘orthodox’ Priest Seeks Teaching Permit, in Orthodox Reform (September 2, 2007)
- Abuse Survivor Describes Events behind Katinas Suspension, in Orthodox Reform (August 27, 2007)
- Blanco County Monk Suspected in the Sexual Assault of Several Boys May Have Committed Suicide, on KLBJ (September 18, 2007)
- Sheriff: Monastery Leader's Death Might Have Been Suicide: Samuel Greene, Founder of the Christ of the Hills Monastery, Was Facing Child Sexual Assault Charges, by Patrick George, American-Statesman (September 18, 2007)
- Salesians Fight Hard and Heavy, with Onslaught of Motions, Re Summary Judgment in Titian Miani Cases, Hearing Wednesday Morning, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 18, 2007)
September 19
- Urell's Lawyer Says Absence Is Legitimate: The Molestation Point Man's Point Man, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (September 19, 2007)
- Violation of the Covenant? Deposition Reveals Allegations of Sexual Molestation against Bishop Tod Brown. Alleged Victim Comes Forward, in California Catholic Daily (September 19, 2007)
- New Sex Abuse Claims in Ex-Tv Host's Trial, by Andrew Dowdell, ABC News (September 19, 2007)
- Former TV Host Accused of Child Sexual Abuse, on ABC News (September 18, 2007)
- Wife of Former Cornwall Cop Testifies at Inquiry after Husband Refuses, by Terri Saunders, Ottawa Sun (September 19, 2007)
- Pro Bono Assignment on Behalf of Hurricane Katrina Client Leads to Sanctions: Judge Rebukes New York Attorney for Suing Diocese after Woman Is Evicted from Property Being Sold by the Church, by Joel Stashenko, Law.com (September 19, 2007)
- 'Doing the Right Thing' Cost Officer His Career: Sex Abuse Inquiry Hears from Tearful Wife of Ex-Policeman, by Graham Hughes, Ottawa Citizen (September 18, 2007)
- Pope Likely to Visit District, by John Phillips, Washington Times (September 19, 2007)
- Former Dubuque Principal Charged: Louis Stroschein Is Accused of Soliciting a Minor for Sex on Internet, by Madelin Fuerste, Telegraph Herald (September 18, 2007)
- Abusi Su Minori. Staderini: Perché IL Comune Di Roma Non Si Costituisce Parte Civile? in Radicali (September 17, 2007)
- Don Sante Presenta Ricorso: Ieri é Stato a Roma Nello Studio Di Un Legale Della Sacra Rota. «non é Legittima LA Decisione Del Vescovo, Voglio Restare Parroco», by Gianni Biasetto, Il Mattino di Padova (September 18, 2007)
- Don Gelmini, Parla Salvia: «impossibile Archiviare, in Il Messaggero (September 18, 2007)
- Witnesses Paint Kinder, Nicer Flds: Defense Tries to Show That Jane Doe's Testimony Misrepresents Faith, Jeffs, by Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune (September 19, 2007)
- New Claims of Child Sex Abuse, by Gavin Lower, Adelaide Now (September 20, 2007)
- Pastor's Suspension Puts Church Outreach Programs in Jeopardy, by Keith Vass, Victoria News (September 19, 2007)
- E-Mails from Readers, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 19, 2007)
- SNAP Calls for 'Open and Transparent' Study of Sex Abuse by Clergy, by Bob Allen, Ethics Daily (September 18, 2007)
- Trial Begins in Church Finance Scandal, by Bill Frogameni, National Catholic Reporter (September 19, 2007)
- No Children Involved in Sex Assault Allegations against Priest, Say Police, by Louise Dickson, Times Colonist (September 19, 2007)
- Fired Exec Sues Catholic Group Life Teen, by Trevor Guyette, East Valley Tribune (September 19, 2007)
- Mexico: Church Lashes out at Sex Abuse Victim, by Diego Cevallos, IPS (September 19, 2007)
- 10 Mentiras Sobre LA Demanda Contra El Card. Norberto Rivera En Los Ángeles, in Desde la Fe (September 16, 2007)
- Appeals Court Reduces Award in Abuse Case against Mormon Church, in Bellingham Herald (September 19, 2007)
- Police Have No Record of Investigating Bishop, Associated Press (September 19, 2007)
- Defense Rests in Jeffs Case; Closing Arguments Slated for Friday, by Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune (September 19, 2007)
- Government Is Misdirected, Says Catholic Bishop, in Zimbabwean (September 19, 2007)
- First Coast Priest Sued, Accused of Abusing and Trying to Buy Rights to Teen, by Jackelyn Barnard, First Coast News (September 19, 2007)
September 20
- Salesian Cases Head for Trial in LA November 5th and Church Reveals Salesians' Concern for Underprivileged Boys in 2007, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 19, 2007)
- No Idea When He'll Return: Priest Who Could Give Important Testimony in Sex Abuse Case Sent for Treatment in Canada after an Emotional Breakdown, in California Catholic Daily (September 20, 2007)
- Award Cut in Mormon Church Abuse Case, Associated Press (September 20, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Probe Wrecked Family's Life, Former Cop's Wife Says: Whistleblower Faced Intimidation from Colleagues, in Ottawa Sun (September 20, 2007)
- Documenting Monsignor's Breakdown, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (September 20, 2007)
- Lawyers Seek Contempt of Court Order against O.C. Bishop: A Former Mater Dei High Student's Legal Team Alleges That Tod Brown Sent a Key Witness out of the Country to Prevent Testimony, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (September 20, 2007)
- Police Investigating Sex Abuse Case at Encino Catholic School: Suspect Is Relative of Former Politician Dornan, Newspaper Says, on KNBC (September 19, 2007)
- Pennies from Heaven, in Tribune-Review (September 20, 2007)
- Motion Filed to Hold Bishop in Contempt, by Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press (September 20, 2007)
- Vatican Investigates Florence Sex Scandal, in Sowetan (September 20, 2007)
- Controversial Attorney Sanctioned for Katrina Victim Claim, in North Country Gazette (September 19, 2007)
- " IL Vescovo E IL Suo Vice: Firenze, Resa Dei Conti in Curia Dopo Lo Scandalo, by Guido Ruotolo, La Stampa (September 20, 2007)
- Estorsione, Indagato Arcivescovo Di Siena: Inchiesta Sulla Vendita Di Case. E Un Incendio Doloso in Curia, in Il Corriere della Sera (September 20, 2007)
- Brown Abuse Claim a Mystery: Bakersfield Police Do Not Know If They Investigated Molestation Charge, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (September 19, 2007)
- Lawsuit Alleges Priest Sex Abuse, on WPVI (September 20, 2007)
- Woman's Suit against Priest, Archdiocese Closer to Trial, by Elizabeth Allen, Express-News (September 19, 2007)
- Jacksonville Priest Target of Suit, by Jim Schoettler, Times-Union (September 20, 2007)
- Monk's Final Pill-Popping Is Detailed, by Zeke MacCormack, Express-News (September 19, 2007)
- Per Don Sante Sguotti Ancora Una Settimana. E Se Milingo Lo Fa Vescovo? in Il Gazzettino (September 20, 2007)
- Supporters Rally for Evicted Nuns, by Nick Welsh, Santa Barbara Independent (September 20, 2007)
- Nun Accused of Sexual Abuse Turns Self in: Case Dates Back 40 Years, on More TV 32 (September 20, 2007)
- Teen Sexually Abused by Priest Sues Diocese, Officials, by Mike Chalmers, News Journal (September 20, 2007)
- Movie Plot Stirs Opposition in Naugatuck, in Waterbury Republican-American (September 20, 2007)
- Stuck inside of Memphis with the Catholic Blues Again, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 20, 2007)
- Lawyers Agree to Cut Fees in Spokane Diocese Bankruptcy Case, in Bellingham Herald (September 20, 2007)
- Victim of Clergy Sex Abuse Settles Lawsuit, in Chicago Public Radio (September 20, 2007)
- Boy Settles for $1.65m in McCormack Abuse Scandal: Abused Boy Settles with Archdiocese for $1.65m, on KMAQ (September 20, 2007)
- Archdiocese Settles Priest Abuse Case for $1.65 Million, by Sarah Schulte, ABC7 (September 20, 2007)
- Victim of Pedophile Priest Sues Church Officials, Associated Press (September 20, 2007)
- Lawsuit Claims Priest Sexually Assaulted Teen: Lawyer: Greek Orthodox Priest Will Fight Lawsuit, on News4Jax (September 20, 2007)
- Accused Las Vegas Priest Agrees to Plea Deal, on KLAS (September 20, 2007)
- Father George Chaanine Pleads Guilty to Battery, on KVBC (September 20, 2007)
- Teen Settles with Archdiocese over Priest Abuse, on WBBM (September 20, 2007)
- Parishioners Reach out to Sex Abuse Survivors, by Colin Fogarty, Oregon Public Broadcasting (September 20, 2007)
- Arlington Priest Removed after Sex Harassment Investigation, by Kevin Vann, My Fox (September 20, 2007)
- Early Identification Is Crucial, by Michael J. Bland, The Tidings (September 21, 2007)
- Lawsuit Filed; Fr. Nicholas Graff Accused of Abusing & Trying to Buy Rights to Teen, by Jackelyn Barnard, Orthodox Reform (September 20, 2007)
September 21
- 'Coward' Loses Faith in His Bishop: A Week That Rocked the Church, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (September 21, 2007)
- Programs in Doubt after Priest Resigns: B.C. Church Suspends Projects for the Homeless and Hungry Run by Cleric Who Admitted Sexual Misconduct, by Shannon Moneo, Globe and Mail (September 21, 2007)
- Gathering Resurrects Old Memories, by Kerry Benjoe, Leader-Post (September 21, 2007)
- Syracuse Teen Sues Catholic Diocese: Officials Responsible for Sex Abuse, Suit Says, by Mike Chalmers, News Journal (September 21, 2007)
- Archdiocese Reaches $1.65 Million Settlement with Abused Teen, Associated Press (September 21, 2007)
- Catholic Priest Probed for Sexual Ajbuse, in Sowetan (September 21, 2007)
- Lawyers to Cut Fees in Church Bankruptcy: Abuse Victims Will Get $400,000 More, Associated Press (September 20, 2007)
- Providence Diocese to Sell Tract in Westerly: Church Needs to Raise Cash; Little League Foundation Might Have Some Interest, by Joe Wojtas, The Day (September 21, 2007)
- Very Embarrassing, and Very Painful: Kern County District Attorney, Bakersfield Police, Say They Don't Know If They Investigated a Claim of Sexual Abuse against Bishop Tod Brown, in California Catholic Daily (September 21, 2007)
- Sisters about to Bid Farewell to Their Own Little Eden, in Providence Journal (September 21, 2007)
- Boy Abused by Rev. McCormack Settles for $1.6 Million: McCormack Victim to Get $1.6 Million from Archdiocese, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (September 21, 2007)
- Ipotesi: Don Sante Vescovo: Oggi LA Curia Recapita Al Parroco LA Proroga Di Una Settimana. Poi LA Rimozione, by Léon Bertoletti, Il Gazzettino (September 21, 2007)
- 11 Pm: L'Arcivescovo Di Siena Non é Indagato: IL Sostituto Procuratore Nicola Marini Ha Smentito Che IL Vescovo Buoncristiani Sia Coinvolto in Un'inchiesta Su Un Incendio Doloso, in Il Corriere della Sera (September 20, 2007)
- Media Center Director Calls for Return of Investigative Journalism, by Scott Girard, Kansas State Collegian (September 21, 2007)
- Diocese Bans Priest Accused of Harassment, by Darren Barbee, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (September 21, 2007)
- McCormack Victim to Get $1.65 Million, by Susan Hogan, Chicago Sun-Times (September 21, 2007)
- Vegas Priest Pleads Guilty to Battery, Associated Press (September 21, 2007)
- Defrocked Priest Can Take Bar Exam: The Iowa Supreme Court Will Allow an Alaska Priest Defrocked for Allegations of Sexual Abuse to Take the Iowa Bar Examination, by Abby Simons, Des Moines Register (September 21, 2007)
- Accused Morris Priest Sentenced to Probation, by Margaret McHugh, Star-Ledger (September 21, 2007)
- Las Vegas Priest Pleads Guilty to Battery; Sex Charges Dropped, Associated Press (September 21, 2007)
- Monument to Evil: Victims' Mother: Preserve Church's Sex Abuse History, by John Ruch, Jamaica Plain Gazette (September 21, 2007)
- German Bishop Apologises over Paedophile Priest, in Reuters (September 21, 2007)
- Friday Roundup: Where Is the Outrage? Plus, Note to Those Who Say Childhood Sex Crime Victims Should Just Get over It, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 21, 2007)
- What's Next for Father George Chaanine? on KVBC (September 21, 2007)
- Church Tries to Clear Air on Priest's Dismissal, by Cindy E. Harnett, Times Colonist (September 21, 2007)
September 22
- Court: If Exam OK, Ex-Priest Can Join Iowa Bar, by Abby Simons, Des Moines Register (September 22, 2007)
- OPP Study Abuse Allegations: Police Are 'Reviewing the Information That's out There,' Spokeswoman Says, but Have Not Received Complaints, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (September 22, 2007)
- Finding Forgiveness Instead of Vengeance: Lori Haigh Has a Change of Heart toward the Priest She Says 25 Years Ago Ignored Her Cries of Abuse by Another Clergyman, by Dana Parsons, Los Angeles Times (September 22, 2007)
- Disgraced Priest Sentenced in Abuse: Admitted to Misdeeds with Two Boys at Clinic, by Margaret McHugh, Star-Ledger (September 22, 2007)
- Protecting Our Children and Young People, by Archbishop John Vlazny, Catholic Sentinel (September 21, 2007)
- False Assault Charges Unlikely, Expert Says, by Louis Medina, Bakersfield Californian (September 21, 2007)
- State, Victim Clash over Monastery, by Zeke MacCormack, San Antonio Express-News (September 21, 2007)
- Jeffs Jury Will Continue Deliberations Monday, by Ennifer Dobner, Daily Herald (September 22, 2007)
- Southern Baptists Open Hearings into Clergy Sexual Abuse: Proposals Include Creating Database to Track Offenders, by Jennifer Brooks, Tennessean (September 22, 2007)
- Pelotte Found Relaxing at His Florida Beach-Front Condo: Bishop Pelotte Recollects Day He Was Injured, by Marianne Armshaw, Gallup Independent (September 21, 2007)
- Priest Placed on Leave, in Left Side of the Moon (September 22, 2007)
- Mountain Home Priest Placed on Leave: Raul Covarrubias, Pastor at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Is Accused of Misconduct, by Bill Roberts, Idaho Statesman (September 22, 2007)
- Catholic Priest on Leave Following Misconduct Allegations, Associated Press (September 21, 2007)
- Other Clergy Should Also Be Defrocked, by Theodore Kalmoukos, Orthodox Reform (September 21, 2007)
- Cardinal's Letter Praises Jailed Priest, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (September 22, 2007)
- Transcript: July 16th Hearing in Superior Court Settling 508 Civil Cases against the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 22, 2007)
- Rwanda: Police Detains Pastor Murenzi, by Ignatius Ssuuna, allAfrica (September 22, 2007)
- Church Choir Director Charged with Sex with Girl, Associated Press (September 22, 2007)
- 9/22/07: Pastor of Owensboro's Largest Church Resigns, Associated Press (September 22, 2007)
- Pastor of Owensboro's Largest Church Resigns over Misconduct, Associated Press (September 22, 2007)
- Very Rev. Raul Covarrubias, V.u., in Catholic Idaho (September 22, 2007)
September 23
- Suit Charges Sex Abuse by Priest: Man Says Cleric Working in Venice Diocese Implied He Would Be Deported, by Todd Ruger, Herald-Tribune (September 23, 2007)
- Change, Challenges for Keeler: Cardinal Looks to Future As Others Remember His Work for the Archdiocese, by Liz F. Kay, Baltimore Sun (September 23, 2007)
- Plaintiff: Diocese Settlement Won't Stop 'Vicious Cycle', by Craig Smith, Tribune-Review (September 23, 2007)
- Sexual Abuse: Pastor Arrested, in Newindpress (September 23, 2007)
- Former Counselor Says He Only Comforted Boys, by Kathy Thompson, The Advocate (September 23, 2007)
- Residential Settlements Begin, by Phil Melnychuk, The News (September 22, 2007)
- SoCal Church Volunteer Faces 141 Years to Life for Child Molest, Associated Press (September 22, 2007)
- Zimbabwe Bishop 'Victim of State', on BBC News (September 23, 2007)
- Kudos to Clohessy, by Deb Peterson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 23, 2007)
- El Cerrito Music Teacher Gets 90 Days for Assaulting Student, by Henry K. Lee, San Francisco Chronicle (September 22, 2007)
- Former El Cerrito Teacher Sentenced in Incident with Student, by Bruce Gerstman, San Jose Mercury News (September 21, 2007)
- Case of Achi Ben Shalom, in Awareness Center (September 23, 2007)
- Shining the Light on Church Misbehavior: Public Disclosure of Church Sex-Abuse Scandal Is an Antidote to Years of Secrecy and Cynicism, by Steven Greenhut, Orange County Register (September 23, 2007)
- In the Matter of Michael Patrick Nash, in Iowa Judicial Branch (September 23, 2007)
- Naugatuck Priest Arrested Again, in Waterbury Republican-American (September 22, 2007)
- Interview: Tony Demarco Talks about Upcoming Jury Trial and Fighting Goliath for Discovery of Sex Crimes in the LA Catholic Church., by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 23, 2007)
- Pa. Plaintiff Wants Stories of Abuse Told, in Science Daily (September 23, 2007)
September 24
- 'Broken Trust' Offers New Approach to Sex-Abuse Scandal, Focusing on Healing after Betrayal, by Kaitlynn Riely, Catholic Online (September 24, 2007)
- Acting Bishop Earns High Marks: Zubik Says Bradley Has Done 'A Splendid Job' the Last 15 Months, by Ann Rodgers, Post-Gazette (September 24, 2007)
- Abused Men to Meet, by Chris Thompson, Windsor Star (September 24, 2007)
- Agudath Israel's Jewish Observer on Child Sexual Abuse and Molestation, in Failed Messiah (September 23, 2007)
- The Mask of Reputation, in Dallas Morning News (September 24, 2007)
- Naugatuck Priest Arrested Again, Accused of Again Approaching Boy, in Boston Globe (September 23, 2007)
- (F.G.)Chi Si Aspettava ..., in Il Gazzettino (September 24, 2007)
- Pedophilia's Double Standard, by Christopher Hitchens, Council for Secular Humanism (September 24, 2007)
- Resolution Announced in 32 Abuse Lawsuits, in Pittsburgh Catholic (September 21, 2007)
- Southern Baptists Consider Denomination-Wide Response to Clergy Sex Abuse, by Lillian Kwon, Christian Post (September 24, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Suit Filed against Bishop, Former Priest, on WMTW (September 24, 2007)
- Paedophile Case Roils German Bishops - Feature, in Earthtimes (September 24, 2007)
- Abuse Lawsuit Filed against Maine Priest and Bishop, by Chris RoseWCSH, September 24, 2007 (September 24, 2007)
- Suit Charges Sex Abuse by Priest: Man Says Cleric Working in Venice Diocese Implied He Would Be Deported, by Todd Ruger, Herald-Tribune (September 23, 2007)
September 25
- Protesters Confront Fresno Diocese Officialsthree Seek to Raise Awareness of Sex Abuse by Priests, by Vanessa Colon, Fresno Bee (September 25, 2007)
- Lawsuit Targets Priest Previously Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Associated Press (September 25, 2007)
- He Fled a Child Sex-Abuse Case Involving the Catholic Church in California. Now He's Holed-Up in Aurora. What Is Msgr. Urell Hiding? by Mark Bonokoski, Toronto Sun (September 25, 2007)
- Judge Dismisses Priest Abuse Suit, by Christy Gutowski, Daily Herald (September 25, 2007)
- Priest Named in Sex Lawsuit, by Elbert Aull, Kennebec Journal (September 25, 2007)
- Molestation Convict's Child-Porn Case Dropped, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (September 25, 2007)
- Jurors in Jeffs Case Close to Verdict, by Jennifer Dobner, Washington Post (September 25, 2007)
- Former Island Pond Church Teacher Gets Time Served in Sex Case, by Dave Gram, Boston Globe (September 25, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Pius Relinquishes Leadership, in allAfrica (September 25, 2007)
- Former Accountant for Diocese Takes Stand, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (September 24, 2007)
- Church Official Abused Girls for Year after Fears Raised, by Rob Preece, Yorkshire Post (September 25, 2007)
- German Bishop Criticizes Reassignment of Pedophilic Priest, in Deutche Welle (September 25, 2007)
- Ex-Church Accountant Sobs at His Trial over Financial Dealings, Associated Press (September 25, 2007)
- Defense Prepares to Take Stand in Alleged Kickback Case in Cleveland Diocese, by Nancy Erikson, Catholic Online (September 25, 2007)
- Polygamist Leader Convicted in Utah, Associated Press (September 25, 2007)
- Polygamist Sect Leader's Jury Starts over, by Gary Tuchman, CNN (September 25, 2007)
- Priest Accused of Abuse to Get 2nd Competency Hearing, Associated Press (September 25, 2007)
- Competency Hearing Slated for Accused Priest, by Gary V. Murray, Telegram & Gazette (September 25, 2007)
- Neuer Pfarrer, Alte Schmerzen, by Lisa Sonnabend, Spiegel (September 23, 2007)
- Bischof Müller - Der Pontius Pilatus Von Regensburg, in CareChild (September 25, 2007)
- Missbrauch: Die muhsame Aufarbeitung in Riekofen, Wahrend der Pfarrer in U-Haft sitzt, hort die Kripo Zeugen an, by Jorg Klotzek, Passauer Neue Presse (September 14, 2007)
- Vorbestrafter Pfarrer Erneut in U-Haft, in Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger (September 25, 2007)
- Polygamist Leader Convicted in Utah, Associated Press (September 25, 2007)
- Now That He's Convicted, What's Next for Warren Jeffs? by Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune (September 25, 2007)
- Recapping the Testimony, by Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune (September 25, 2007)
- US Polygamist Sect Leader Guilty of Rape Charges, in Raw Story (September 25, 2007)
- US Polygamist Leader Found Guilty, on BBC News (September 25, 2007)
- Polygamist Sect Leader Warren Jeffs Convicted of Rape As Accomplice for Role in Teen's Marriage, by Emanuella Grinberg, Court TV (September 25, 2007)
- Statutory Rapist Andrade and Pals Seek to Block Many Things, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 25, 2007)
- Legal Spotlight : Polygamy, on Court TV (September 25, 2007)
- Saying Howdy to John Urell in Canada, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 25, 2007)
- 'Yorkshire People Are Tactile': How Vicar Shrugged off His Paedophile Warden's Sex Abuse, by Chris Brooke, Daily Mail (September 26, 2007)
September 26
- Sex-Abuse Suit against Diocese Is Dismissed, by Emily McFarlan, Beacon News (September 26, 2007)
- Lawsuit against Priest Dismissed, Associated Press (September 26, 2007)
- Pimental's Seat Will Stay Vacant; Name Will Be off Ballot, by Aaron Nicodemus, Standard-Times (September 26, 2007)
- Tossed Juror Cites a Dispute, by Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune (September 26, 2007)
- Justice Served, in Arizona Republic (September 26, 2007)
- Jurors: Girl's Age Was Crucial to Decision in Jeffs Trial, by Nancy Perkins, Deseret Morning News (September 26, 2007)
- Statements from Arizona Officials Regarding Jeffs Verdict, in Deseret Morning News (September 25, 2007)
- Retired Priest Faces Judge in Sexual Assault Case, by Gary V. Murray, Telegram & Gazette (September 26, 2007)
- Organ Player Accused in Theft, by Raja Abdulrahim, Times Herald-Record (September 26, 2007)
- Alleged Perv Priest Stalls Trial, by Dave Wedge, Boston Herald (September 26, 2007)
- Police Will Charge 'Victims' of False Cases, by Jeff Wicks, IOL (September 26, 2007)
- Missbrauchsfall Beschäftigt Deutsche Bischofskonferenz: Muller: " Die Verantwortung Für Die Tat Trägt Der Täter", by Susanne Hefekauser, Berliner Umchau (September 26, 2007)
- Opferfamilien Bedrangen Erzbischof, in Rheinische Post (September 24, 2007)
- Sex Crimes Can Be Funny, Especially When It's the Salesians, As Pedophile Priests and Their Bosses Continue to Defend Their Behavior, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 25, 2007)
- Barbara Kay: Forgetting the Male Victims of Child Abuse, by Barbara Kay, National Post (September 26, 2007)
- My Turn: a Former Priest Responds to Charges, by Michael Nash, Juneau Empire (September 26, 2007)
- Diocese Settles Lawsuit in Priest Abuse Case, Associated Press (September 26, 2007)
- Child Molestation Case against Kc Priest Settled, in Kansas City Star (September 26, 2007)
- Mountain Home Priest Accused of Misconduct, on Fox 12 (September 26, 2007)
- Scandalo Chiesa, Arrestato Prete 44enne a Pavia, by Andrea Barbato, Pupia (September 25, 2007)
- Lessons Learned, in Catholic World News (September 26, 2007)
- Learning from Scandal: Analyzing Facts on Clergy Sexual Abuse, by Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, San Diego Union-Tribune (September 23, 2007)
- Case against Ex-Priest Set for Trial on Monday, in Examiner (September 26, 2007)
- Church Pays $225k to Settle Kansas City Priest Abuse Case, Associated Press (September 26, 2007)
- Let's Get Real about Priestly " Indiscretions", by Fr. Aris Metrakos, Orthodox Reform (September 24, 2007)
- Competency Hearing Slated for Accused Priest, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (September 25, 2007)
- Nel Mirino Dei Laici Del Centrosinistra L'Ex Procuratore Di Terni, in Il Tempo (September 23, 2007)
- Troppi Scandali, Vaticano in Crisi, in Terrelibere (September 20, 2007)
- Monsignor Betori Illustrerà Contenuti Lavori Consiglio Dei Vescovi. IL Caso Della Curia Di Firenze, by Maurizio Di Giacomo, Agenzia Radicale (September 20, 2007)
September 27
- OPP Open Investigation into Abuse Claims: Former Students Have Complained of Psychological and Sexual Harassment; Police Ask Others to Come Forward, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (September 27, 2007)
- Ruling on Statute of Limitations on Clergy Sexual Abuse Cases Hits KC, by Tim Townsend, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 27, 2007)
- Area Diocese to Pay Its Biggest Settlement in an Alleged Priest Sex Abuse Case, by Joe Lambe, Kansas City Star (September 26, 2007)
- Dan Satterberg's Sin of Omission: Why Didn't King County Prosecutor's Office Do More for Victims Ofabusive Priests? by Josh Feit, Stranger (September 27, 2007)
- St Ignatius 'Protecting God's Children', in Cayman Net News (September 27, 2007)
- Change in Structure Raises Metro Catholics' Concerns: All 288 Parishes in Archdiocese by Year's End Will Be Incorporated As Individual Nonprofits, by Gregg Krupa, Detroit News (September 27, 2007)
- Pastor Faces $1.3M Sex Suit: Woman Says Minister Used the Guise of Counselling to Physically Abuse Her over an 8-Year Period, by Sam Pazzano, Toronto Sun (September 27, 2007)
- Steed Charged with Rape, by Patrice St. Germain, Spectrum (September 27, 2007)
- New Rape Case Reeks of a Setup, by Rebecca Walsh, Salt Lake Tribune (September 27, 2007)
- Financial Scandal Hits US Parish, in Independent Catholic News (September 27, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Pius Ncube Legal Wrangle with Sibands Rages on, in allAfrica (September 27, 2007)
- Accused Priest Chided for Saying Mass, by Dave Wedge, Boston Herald (September 27, 2007)
- Jeffs Trial Unveils Cult's Criminal Side, by Elizabeth Hovde, The Colombian (September 27, 2007)
- Veglia Gremita Per Maniago, on Toscana TV (September 25, 2007)
- Pedofilia/ Betori: No a Condanna Preti Preventiva Infondata, in Alice (September 27, 2007)
- Ex-Teacher Faces Sex Charges: Police: Mom Found Woman Home Alone with 15-Year-Old, by Karen Bouffard, Detroit News (September 18, 2007)
- Rasta Priest Convicted of Rape, in IOL (September 27, 2007)
- Priest Withdraws Resignation Following Financial Scandal, by Ben Schmitt, Detroit Free Press (September 27, 2007)
- Trying to Depose Salesians: " It Appeared That a Line Was Drawn in the Sand and I Assume It Is Because These Are Critical Witnesses in the Case", by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (September 27, 2007)
- Case Continued for Priest Accused of Molestation, in Waterbury Republican-American (September 27, 2007)
- Bad Moves: Addendum: A Paper Trail through the Orange Diocese's Darkest Episode, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 27, 2007)
- Bad Moves: The Bishop Broke His Covenant. The Former Chancellor Broke Down. but the Truth about the Diocese of Orange's Sex-Abuse Scandal Is Emerging in Court Anyway, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 27, 2007)
September 28
- " Require VOG from Priests", in Expatica Netherlands (September 28, 2007)
- Residential Schools: Truth, Reconciliation — but No Apology Yet, by Frank Stirk, Canadian Christianity (September 28, 2007)
- Police Probe Alleged Abuse at Former Ont. Private School, on CBC News (September 27, 2007)
- UMC Steps up Sexual Misconduct Policy to Halt 'Disturbing Trend', by Audrey Barrick, Church Executive (September 28, 2007)
- Utah and Arizona Building Additional Criminal Cases against Jeffs, by Ben Winslow, Deseret Morning News (September 28, 2007)
- Historic Case: Law Should Protect Women and Children from Abuse, in Salt Lake Tribune (September 27, 2007)
- Organist Accused in Church Theft Appears in Court, by Raja Abdulrahim, Times Herald-Record (September 27, 2007)
- Law Firm Bills Diocese $197,000 for Work, in Des Moines Register (September 28, 2007)
- Diocese Facing $37 Million Deadline Monday, by Erik Loney, KXLY (September 27, 2007)
- Church Kickback Trial Nears End, Associated Press (September 28, 2007)
- German Bishops Affirm Ban on Paedophiles in Parish Work, in Monsters and Critics (September 28, 2007)
- Sexual Assault Charges Dropped against Priest, Associated Press (September 28, 2007)
- Sexual Assault Charges Dropped against Priest, in Union Leader (September 28, 2007)
- Vorbestrafte Priester Dürfen Laut Lehmann Nicht in Die Jugendarbeit, Associated Press (September 28, 2007)
- I Conti Della Chiesa Ecco Quanto Ci Costa, by Curzio Maltese, La Repubblica (September 28, 2007)
- German Bishops Affirm Ban on Paedophiles in Parish Work, in Expatica (September 28, 2007)
- Priest Explains Reporting Crime, by Brad Bauer, Marietta Times (September 28, 2007)
- Detiene a Exseminarista Acusado De Abusar Sexualmente De Una Menor, in LaLagun4 (September 27, 2007)
- Defiende Al Cardenal Rivera El Episcopado: Carta De Apoyo En El Caso Que Lo Vincula Con Un Cura Pederasta, in Diario de Yucatan (September 25, 2007)
- Detiene a Exseminarista Acusado De Abusar Sexualmente De Una Menor, in LaLagun4 (September 27, 2007)
- Conspiracy Case of Ex-Diocese Accountant Goes to Jury, Associated Press (September 28, 2007)
- Jury Gets Case against Ex-Church Accountant, Associated Press (September 28, 2007)
- Jury Now Has Diocese Kickback Case, by James McCarty, Plain Dealer (September 28, 2007)
- Spivey Gets 21 Months for Sexual Abuse, by Lisa Provence, The Hook (September 27, 2007)
- Going-Away Party, in Catholic World News (September 28, 2007)
- Anglican Priest Removed from Church in Vic West, by Keith Vass, Oak Bay News (September 28, 2007)
September 29
- Supreme Court to Decide If School Sex-Abuse Lawsuits Continue: Catholic Diocese in Rapid City a Defendant, Associated Press (September 29, 2007)
- More Time Sought in Diocese Case, by Gregg Hennigan, The Gazette (September 28, 2007)
- Sexual Abuse Alleged at Day Care, by Shari Sanger, Evening Sun (September 29, 2007)
- Daycare Investigation, by Melissa Medalie, WHPT (September 28, 2007)
- Ex-Youth Minister Admits to Molestation, in Columbus Dispatch (September 29, 2007)
- Editorial: Jeffs Conviction Is an Indictment of Abuse, in Denver Post (September 29, 2007)
- Marianists' Chided for Seeking Names of Plaintiffs: District Judge Denies Request, Says Pueblo Plaintiffs May Remain Anonymous until They Testify at Trial, by Patrick Malone, Pueblo Chieftain (September 29, 2007)
- Vorwurf Des Kindesmissbrauchs in Bayerischer Kirche, in OONachrichten (September 23, 2007)
- Cardinal Mahony to Bless the New Mary Star High: It Took More Than a Decade to Complete New Campus, Which Will Reduce the Student Waiting List, by Paul Clinton, Daily Breeze (September 30, 2007)
- Preti Gay, I Segreti Svelati in TV: Le Confessioni Nel Programma Di Ilaria D'Amico Su La7: «chat E Incontri, Non È Peccato». Appuntamenti Anche a San Pietro, by Lorenzo Salvia, Il Corriere della Sera (September 29, 2007)
- Bischof Müller Setzte Sich Über Gerichtlichen Rat Hinweg, in Der Spiegel (September 29, 2007)
- Something Urgently Needs to Be Done, by Theodore Kalmoukos, Orthodox Reform (September 29, 2007)
- Have They Not Yet Learned? by Theodore Kalmoukos, Orthodox Reform (September 29, 2007)
September 30
- Brown Accuser Talks about His Past: A Man Goes Public with an Allegation of Abuse. Church Officials Decry Attack on a 'Good and Decent' Bishop, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (September 30, 2007)
- Allegations of Abuse Made against Priest, by Matt Pais, Asbury Park Press (September 30, 2007)
- O'Shaughnessy: Doubts Linger over Request to Film in Naugatuck, in Waterbury Republicna-American (September 29, 2007)
- Sex Predators Proliferating in Cyberspace, Experts Say, by Shirley Ragsdale, Des Moines Register (September 30, 2007)
- Bishop Reports 'Intruders': Pelotte: Unknown People in His Home, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (September 30, 2007)
- "IL Colletto Tira" : Tre Preti Gay Si Confessano, in Napoligaypress (September 30, 2007)
- Hilarious Quote of the Year Award Goes To..., by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (September 30, 2007)
- Un Sacerdote Acusado De Abuso Sexual Es Agredido Por Los Familiares De Las Víctimas: Mercau Cumple Prisión Preventiva Atenuada En Un Convento Benedictino De LA Provincia De Buenos Aires Desde El 2005, in Canarias (September 19, 2007)
- Agredieron a Un Sacerdote Acusado De Abusar De Cinco Adolescentes, in El Dia (September 30, 2007)
- Don Sante Ancora in Tivù, Oggi Pomeriggio Sarà Ospite a Buona Domenica, in Il Gazzettino (September 30, 2007)
- Monsignor Urell and Trial-By-Media, in Red County (September 27, 2007)
October 2007
October 1
- SoCal's Other Wayward Bishop: Tod D. Brown, the Catholic Bishop for Orange County, Makes Cardinal Mahony Look like a Saint, by Gustavo Arellano, Los Angeles Times (October 1, 2007)
- Emotional Headmaster Apologizes to Grenville Alumni, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (October 1, 2007)
- Diocese Moves toward Bankruptcy End with $5 Million Payment, in Catholic Online (October 1, 2007)
- Christian Brother Faces New Abuse Claim: Victoria Man Says He Was Molested by a Teacher Later Convicted in Mount Cashel Scandal, by Jill Mahoney, Globe and Mail (October 1, 2007)
- State Supreme Court to Hear Cases at Bhsu, by Katie Brown, Rapid City Journal (October 1, 2007)
- Monk Was a Fraud, Yet Now I Am Blessed, by Rod Dreher, Dallas Morning News (September 30, 2007)
- Pastor Is Named a 'Priest of Integrity': Stanbery Honored for Speaking out, by Joe Vardon, Toledo Blade (October 1, 2007)
- Neppure in TV Don Sante Svela LA Paternità A "buona Domenica" Vivace Battibecco Con IL Direttore Del Radiocorriere Tv, Che Lo Ha Contestato: «Lei Trasgredisce Le Regole», by Barbara Turetta, Il Gazzettino (October 1, 2007)
- Don Gelmini: Incaricato Studio Legale Per Azioni Contro Stampa, in AGI (October 1, 2007)
- IL Vaticano Benedice Le Comunità Incontro, in Il Giornale (October 1, 2007)
- Sacrilege, by Leon J. Podles, Crossland Foundation (October 1, 2007)
- When Will Church Learn Lessons about Abuse Scandals?, by Leanne Larmondin, Anglican Journal (October 1, 2007)
- Diocese Investigates Abuse Claims, in Anglican Journal (October 1, 2007)
- Priest Investigated, in Anglican Journal (October 1, 2007)
- B.C. Priest Resigns after Admitting Misconduct, in Anglican Journal (October 1, 2007)
- ND Sect Compared to Jeffs, Associated Press (October 1, 2007)
- Register Fails to Reveal Relationship between Loftus and Catholic Church, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 1, 2007)
- OC Blog Spins for Urell (and Spins and Spins...), by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 1, 2007)
- Group Calls for Resignation of Bishop in Sex Abuse Case, by Tony Castro, LA Daily News (October 2, 2007)
October 2
- Priest 'Abused' Young Brothers, by Alison Cridland, The Argus (October 2, 2007)
- Mahony Denies Being Told Priest Was Suspect: Cardinal Says He Was Unaware That a Code Existed, Which Warned Other Dioceses about Priests Suspected of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct, by Tony Castro, Daily Breeze (October 2, 2007)
- O'Brien Pledges All for Most Vulnerable, by Liz F. Kay, Baltimore Sun (October 2, 2007)
- Little Egg Harbor Priest Faces Sex-Abuse Allegation, by Rob Spahr, Press of Atlantic City (October 2, 2007)
- Did Dance Instructor Give Birth to 13-Year-Old Student's Baby? Police Seek DNA Testing in Child Sex Case, by Mary Ann Cavazos and David Kassabian, Caller-Times (October 2, 2007)
- Contempt Hearing Set for Socal Bishop in Sex Abuse Case, Associated Press (October 2, 2007)
- Contempt Hearing Set for Socal Bishop in Sex Abuse Case, Associated Press (October 1, 2007)
- Court Hears Arguments in Abuse Suits, Associated Press (October 1, 2007)
- Jury Selection Begins in Former Desoto Preacher's Trial, by Vickie Welborn, Shreveport Times (October 1, 2007)
- Gallup Bishop to Met with Diocese about Intruder Incident, Associated Press (October 1, 2007)
- Agape Fellowship May Sell Land to Pay Claims, by Nathaniel Jones, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (October 2, 2007)
- Church Court Doesn't Budge on Conviction of Clergyman, by Carol Mcgraw, Rocky Mountain News (October 2, 2007)
- Mexican Cardinal Says He Didn't Know Priest Sent to U.S. Was Suspected Child Molester, Associated Press (October 1, 2007)
- Colorado: Ecclesiastical Court Affirms Guilty Verdict for Armstrong, in Episcopal Life (October 1, 2007)
- Episcopal Church Affirms Financial Verdict against Pastor, Associated Press (October 1, 2007)
- Nuns Avoid Exile: The Sisters of Bethany Can Stay in Santa Barbara, by Barney Brantingham, Santa Barbara Independent (October 1, 2007)
- Action 7 News Obtains Bishop's 911 Call: Call Details Bishop's Conversation with Dispatcher, on Action 7 News (October 1, 2007)
- Cardinal Mahony Denies, on KNX (October 2, 2007)
- Priest Who Stole from Parish Assigned to Another, in Beatrice Daily Sun (October 2, 2007)
- Sex Abuse by Nuns: the Unknown Story, by Christopher Landau, BBC News (October 2, 2007)
- Priest on Probation for Theft Is Assigned to Another Omaha Church, by Christopher Burbach, World-Herald (October 2, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Allegations against Former El Paso Priest, on KDBC (October 2, 2007)
- Church 'Shocked' by Sexual Abuse Allegations, in IOL (October 2, 2007)
- Bishop Is Labelled a 'Child Molester', by Kashiefa Ajam and Janet Smith, IOL (September 29, 2007)
- South Africa: Church Pledges Action on Clerical Sex Abuse Claim, in allAfrica (October 2, 2007)
- Ex-Diocese Accountant Convicted, in Plain Dealer (October 2, 2007)
- Former Accountant for Catholic Diocese Guilty in Kickback Scheme, Associated Press (October 2, 2007)
- Former Catholic Diocese Accountant Arranged Kickbacks, on newsnet5 (October 2, 2007)
- Priests Asked to Give Their Side of Gcc Story, by Kim Lunman, Brockville Recorder and Times (October 2, 2007)
- Officials Looking for Priest Accused of Sex Abuse, on CBS 2 (October 2, 2007)
- Mahony Denies Warning on Priest: L.A. Cardinal Denies Knowing 'Code' Mexico City Cleric Says Was an Alert, by Tony Castro, Press-Telegram (October 1, 2007)
- Liquida Roger Mahony LA Coartada De Rivera, by Sanjuana Martínez, La Jornada (October 2, 2007)
- Rivera O Mahony: ?quién Miente? Acusados De Conspirar Para Encubrir a Un Pederasta, Los Dos Príncipes De LA Iglesia Se Aproximan a Un Punto Crucial Del Caso: Una Corte Decidira Si Tiene Autoridad Para Encausar Al Cardenal Mexicano, in Milenio (October 1, 2007)
- Giuliani Hired the Pedophile Priest Who Crafted Church Defense of Pedophile Priests, While a New York Pedophile Priest Predator Himself, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 2, 2007)
- Survey: Christianity's Reputation Declining Among 16-To-29-Year-Olds, in Hot Air (October 2, 2007)
- Former Alter Boy Files Suit against the Catholic Diocese of El Paso, on KTSM (October 2, 2007)
- Placa Transcript: " Reporting Laws Don't Apply to Us" -Pedophile Priest-Lawyer Re Early Strategies for Pedophile Priests, In1980s Internal Church Video, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 2, 2007)
- Spokane Diocese Makes First Payment to Sex Abuse Victims, Associated Press (October 2, 2007)
October 3
- Gentle Creatures Threaten Bishop at Home: Bishop Donald Pelotte of Gallup, New Mexico, Called Emergency Services to Report That Strange Invaders Were in His Home during the Night. This Is the Second Such Strange Occurence at His Home This Year, in Spero News (October 2, 2007)
- "Rigorous Vetting" for Diocesan Workers, in Derry Journal (October 3, 2007)
- State Concludes Its Evidence in a Desoto Minister's Rape Trial, by Vickie Welborn, Shreveport Times (October 3, 2007)
- Diocese Speaks out in Support of Injured Bishop, on KOAT (October 2, 2007)
- Jury Convicts Former Church Accountant, Associated Press (October 3, 2007)
- Diocese Ex-Accountant Zgoznik Guilty of Fraud, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (October 3, 2007)
- Willoughby Hills Accountant Found Guilty of Helping Defraud Diocese: Anton Zgoznik Facing up to 20 Years in Prison, in News-Herald (October 3, 2007)
- Diocese Makes Changes after $800,000 Disappears, by Kristin Anderson, WKYC (October 2, 2007)
- Priest Cleared of Charges He Touched Girls Inappropriately, by Jolene Bulambot, Inquirer (October 3, 2007)
- Suspended Priest Case Forwarded to Vatican, by Hartriono B. Sastrowardoyo, Asbury Park Press (October 3, 2007)
- Church's Response Likened to Residential Schools Case, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (October 3, 2007)
- Parishioners Support Priest Removed from St. Theresa's, by Rob Spahr, Press of Atlantic City (October 3, 2007)
- Fr. Rodis Stands Trial on Embezzlement Oct. 25, by Maricar Hampton, Philippine News (October 3, 2007)
- Code Blue, in Catholic World News (October 3, 2007)
- John Paul II DA Vinci Code Opus Dei, by Paris Arrow, John Paul II Millstone (October 3, 2007)
- New York Law Journal Report on Marci Hamilton's Call to Action to Expand Time for Abuse Claims, in Voice from the Desert (October 3, 2007)
- Sex Crimes and the Vatican, on 65er (October 3, 2007)
- Cleveland Diocesan Official Convicted in Fraud Case, in Catholic World News (October 3, 2007)
- Dove Finisce L'Otto Per Mille Segreto DA Un Miliardo Di Euro, by Curzio Maltese, Radicali (October 3, 2007)
- Pastor Pleads Guilty to Sexually Assaulting 12-Year-Old Girl, in Newsday (October 3, 2007)
- Priest Cleared on All Lascivious Acts, by Katriana N. Tabanao and Karlon N. Rama, Sun.Star (October 4, 2007)
- Victim, 12, Testifies to Sexual Abuse, by Vickie Welborn, Shreveport Times (October 3, 2007)
- Did John Urell Lie during His Deposition? by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 3, 2007)
- Diocesan Lawyers All of a Sudden Uppity, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 3, 2007)
- Southdown Gambit, in Ron's Log (October 1, 2007)
- More on Monsignor Urell & the Orange County Register Answers Diocesan " Spin", in Roman Catholic Blog (September 29, 2007)
- How to Catch a Sexual Predator with Your Eyes Closed, in Miracle of Mercy (October 3, 2007)
- The Unspin to the Diocese's Sunday Spin, by Frank Mickadeit, OC Register (September 28, 2007)
- Monsignor Urell and Trial-By-Media, Part II, in OC Blog (September 28, 2007)
- OC Blog Spins for Urell (and Spins and Spins...), by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 1, 2007)
October 4
- Nuns' Evictions Pose Perception Problem for Catholic Church, by Karl Vick, Washington Post (October 4, 2007)
- Back to the Future, in Catholic World News (October 3, 2007)
- Diocese to Seek Dismissal of Its Bankruptcy Case, in Union-Tribune (October 3, 2007)
- Church Leaders' Failures Cited in Misconduct Case, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times (October 4, 2007)
- Church, Family Members Defend Stanley Minister Charged with Rape, by Vickie Welborn, Shreveport Times (October 3, 2007)
- Men Sue Scouts, Mormon Church: $25 Million - the Six Allege a Former Troop Leader and Church Teacher Abused Them, by Peter Zuckerman, The Oregonian (October 4, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Victims Want $25 Million from Lds Church, by Doug G. Ware, KUTV (October 4, 2007)
- Exclusive Brethren Accused Named, in newstalkzb (October 4, 2007)
- 6 File Suit against Mormon Church, Boy Scouts, on Fox 12 (October 3, 2007)
- Pastor Pleads Guilty in Sex Case, by Steven Goode, Hartford Courant (October 4, 2007)
- Paedophile Flees Town Following Attack on House, in Irish Independent (October 4, 2007)
- Unforgiven: The Diocese of New Ulm Knew Father David Roney Was a Pedophile When It Sent Him to Live Among Orphan Schoolchildren in Guatemala, by Jonathan Kaminsky, City Pages (October 3, 2007)
- www.chiesacattolicadeipeccatori.it, in L'Espresso (October 1, 2007)
- Missbrauch: „Kein Sonderrecht Fur Geistliche“, in OONachrichten (October 2, 2007)
- What the Hell Is Bishop Brown Doing in St. Augustine?, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 4, 2007)
- Giuliani Deflects Archbishop's Criticism, Associated Press (October 4, 2007)
- Priest Ruling Draws Protest, in Sun.Star (October 5, 2007)
- Markey Pushes Change in Sex Abuse Law, by Joe Pompeo, Queens Courier (October 4, 2007)
- With Malice toward Nuns: The Priest Sex-Abuse Scandal Claims Some New, Elderly Victims, by Melinda Henneberger, Slate (October 4, 2007)
- Pastor Accused of Sexually Assaulting Girl in Classroom, on NBC Sandiego (October 4, 2007)
- Eastlake School Assistant Held on Suspicion of Sexual Assault, by Angelica Martinez, Union-Tribune (October 4, 2007)
- Man Admits to Fondling Kids at Church Functions: Lavertu Told His Pastors Last Year about Assaults, Police Say, on TheDenverChannel.com (October 4, 2007)
- Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops Hold 22nd Meeting; Discuss Future of Kosovo in Light of Negotiations, Other Topics, in Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops (October 4, 2007)
October 5
- Judge Expands Abuse Claim Time Limits…catches up to Canada, by John McKiggan, John McKiggan’s Abuse Claims Blog (October 5, 2007)
- Native Island Woman Speaks of Her Inner 'Death' at N.s. School: Group Holds Healing Vigil for Native Women Abuse at Facilities over Years, by Jim Day, The Guardian (October 5, 2007)
- „Die Diozese War Gewarnt“, in Mittelbayerische (October 3, 2007)
- Minister to Find out His Fate Today, by Vickie Welborn, Shreveport Times (October 5, 2007)
- Priest in Prisoner-Sex Scandal to Stand Trial, by Sandra K. Reabuck, The Tribune-Democrat (October 5, 2007)
- Victim: Defrocked Priest Hid $80g in Assets, by Brian Krans, Quad-Cities Online (October 4, 2007)
- Police, Fire and Courts, in Peoria Journal-Star (October 5, 2007)
- No Charges against Accused Priest, Associated Press (October 5, 2007)
- DA Drops Abuse Case against Catholic Priest: Archdiocese - a Prosecutor Says a Girl's Account Can't Be Corroborated, by Ashbel S. Green, The Oregonian (October 5, 2007)
- Juror in Diocesan Kickback Trial Wanted to Hear More from Pilla: Diocesan Kickback Testimony Limited, by James F. McCarty, Plain Dealer (October 5, 2007)
- «Forse la Sua Casa E ..., in Il Gazzettino (October 5, 2007)
- Chiesa/prete Monterosso, Betori: Suo Approccio E' Protestante: "forse LA Sua 'Casa' é Altrove", in Alice (October 4, 2007)
- Three Bethany Nuns Get to Stay in Town, by Barney Brantingham, Santa Barbara Independent (October 4, 2007)
- No Charges against Accused Priest, Associated Press (October 5, 2007)
- Pastor Wants Dismissal in Mall Fondling Case: Lawyers Say He Passed Lie Detector Test, Also Want Charges Tried Separately, by Phil Trexler, Beacon Journal (October 5, 2007)
- Giuliani Says Archbishop 'Entitled to Viewpoint'' Barring Communion to Candidate, by Jo Mannies, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 5, 2007)
- Facts, Fairness out the Window in Lat Op-Ed Attack on Calif. Bishop, by Dave Pierre, NewsBusters (October 5, 2007)
- A Critique of a Critique Criticizing My Bishop Brown Critique, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 5, 2007)
- Zimbabwe: Archbishop Ncube Assigned New Job, by Lance Guma, allAfrica (October 5, 2007)
- Diocese of Orange Settles Four Church Abuse Cases before Trial, by Gillian Flaccus, San Jose Mercury News (October 5, 2007)
- Youth Pastor Faces Child Sex Charges, on My Fox Tampa Bay (October 5, 2007)
- Breaking: Orange Diocese Settles Andrade Case, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 5, 2007)
- Mediation Talks Settle Civil Suits against Diocese, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange (October 5, 2007)
- Mothers of Invention, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (October 6, 2007)
- Diocese of Orange Settles Abuse Cases, by Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press (October 5, 2007)
October 6
- Statement by John Manly on Settlement against Orange Diocese, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 5, 2007)
- Catholic Order Shows Concern for Shot Man, by Yvonne Martin, Press (October 6, 2007)
- Survivors of Pedophile Priest to Hold Vigil, by Jane Sims, London Free Press (October 6, 2007)
- Diocese Ordered to Pay Court Costs in Mistrial, by Adam Silverman, Burlington Free Press (October 6, 2007)
- Ten Sex-Abuse Cases on Track: Clergy: Selected Cases Go to Trial While Others Are Put on Hold, Associated Press (October 6, 2007)
- Boys Town Faces Fresh Abuse Claim, by Kashiefa Ajam, Pretoria News (October 6, 2007)
- Man Now Faces 14 Counts in Church Sex Assault Case, by Nadia Moharib, Edmonton Sun (October 6, 2007)
- Youth Pastor Charged with Sexual Battery, by Mike Wells, Tampa Tribune (October 6, 2007)
- «Dovevo Portare Le Mie ..., by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 6, 2007)
- O.C. Diocese to Settle Molestation Suits: Authorities Agree to Pay Nearly $7 Million to Four Women. a Contempt of Court Hearing in the Case Will Be Held Next Week, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (October 6, 2007)
- Parishioners, Priests Asked to Pay a Share: Diocese of Orange Settles Four Cases before Trial. A4, by Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (October 6, 2007)
- Bishop Brom's Memo (October 2, 2007)
- Scandal Brewing at Oral Roberts, by Justin Juozapavicius, Yahoo! News (October 6, 2007)
- " Imagine Dealing with 300 Triggered Survivors for 4 Years" — Thank You Letter to Plaintiff Attorneys, in City of Angels (October 6, 2007)
- Malilong: Placing Priests on a Pedestal, by Frank Malilong, Sun.Star (October 7, 2007)
- Wenceslao: Jesus Christ's Alter Ego, by Bong O. Wenceslao, Sun.Star (October 5, 2007)
- Seares: Clearing Fr. Ben, by Pachico A. Seares, Sun.Star (October 5, 2007)
- Fuss over Psycho Report: No Such Report after All, in Cebu, Philippines (October 6, 2007)
- Priest Cleared of Sex Raps Draws Flak, by Fernando M. Cariaso, Journal Online (October 6, 2007)
- Gutachten Bescheinigt Pfarrer Pedophilie: Die Beurteilung Aus Dem Jahr 1999 Widerspricht Dem Regensburger Bistum, in pnp (October 6, 2007)
October 7
- Little Egg Sex-Abuse Allegations Shake Faith: But Church Leaders Say It Is Possible to Rise above Scandal, by Rob Spahr, Press of Atlantic City (October 7, 2007)
- Archdiocese Paid Millions in Sexual Abuse Claims, in Miami Herald (October 7, 2007)
- Priests to Pitch in on Sex Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (October 7, 2007)
- San Diego Diocese Seeks Donations, Associated Press (October 7, 2007)
- California Priests Donate to Help Pay for Abuse Settlement, Ask Congregants to Contribute, Associated Press (October 6, 2007)
- I Was One of the Boys Orsmond Tried to Molest, in Times (October 7, 2007)
- Don Sante Celebra Pure Un Matrimonio E Rinnova LA Sfida Alla Curia: «Se å Un Prete a Moltiplicarsi: Apriti Cielo!», in Il Gazzettino (October 7, 2007)
- Investigation to Deepen against Priest in Warren, by Jay Richards, Morning Call (October 7, 2007)
- Nalzaro: Church's Pro-Active Stand, by Bobby Nalzaro, Sun.Star (October 7, 2007)
- Oral Roberts University Hires Auditors, in Science Daily (October 6, 2007)
October 8
- Good News on U.S. Catholics Outweighs Bad, Says Sociologist, in Catholic Online (October 7, 2007)
- Churchgoers' Help Sought in Abuse Payouts: The San Diego Diocese's Request for Donations to Defray Settlement Costs Divides Parishioners. Priests Are Also Asked to Give and Say They Will, by Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times (October 8, 2007)
- Ultima Messa Di Don Sante Senza Colpi Di Scena, in Il Gazzettino (October 8, 2007)
- The Aguilar Case: Documents from the Joaquin Aguilar Mendez Suit against Cardinal Mahony, Cardinal Rivera, and Rev. Nicolas Aguilar Rivera, (October 8, 2007)
- Redress Board Costs May Top ˆ200m, by John Downes, One in Four (October 8, 2007)
- Bishop Expresses 'Deep Sadness' at Case, by Patsy McGarry, One in Four (October 3, 2007)
- Dovrà Andarsene IL Parroco-Fidanzato: Monterosso: IL Vescovo Di Padova Ha Detto a Don Sante Sguotti Di Lasciare LA Parrocchia Entro IL 13 Ottobre, in Il Corriere della Sera (October 8, 2007)
- Rimosso IL Parroco Innamorato "non Potrà Neppure Confessare", in La Repubblica (October 8, 2007)
- "Documents Regarding Mary Grant Exist but Could Not Be Located," Per Oc Da, Case Cont'd to 10.11.07, Plus More Salesian Cases Released for Trial, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 8, 2007)
- Ali Decries Cover-Up, in Fiji Times (October 9, 2007)
- New Sex Abuse Settlement Renews Scrutiny of Cal Prep Schools, by Gillian Flaccus, San Francisco Chronicle (October 8, 2007)
- Former Calgary Church Volunteer Charged with Sex Assault, in CHQR (October 5, 2007)
- Women Identified in Roman Catholic Settlement Talk about Case, on KNBC (October 8, 2007)
- Bishop Brown Still Doesn't Get It, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 8, 2007)
October 9
- " At the Point of a Legal Gun" Diocese of Orange Settles Latest Round of Sex-Abuse Lawsuits, While Bishop of San Diego Asks Priests and Parishioners for Help, in California Catholic Daily (October 9, 2007)
- Women in O.C. Abuse Cases Speak out: Three of Four Who Settled with the Catholic Diocese Tell of Anguish over Their Treatment, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (October 9, 2007)
- OC Bishop Could Face Contempt of Court over Sex Abuse Lawsuit, Associated Press (October 9, 2007)
- For the Record, in Los Angeles Times (October 9, 2007)
- Group Seeks Firing of College Music Director in Sex Case, by Kavita Kumar, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 9, 2007)
- Women Ask Others to Come Forward: The Four Women Agreed to Accept $1.1 Million to $3.2 Million to Settle Their Claims against the Diocese of Orange, by Larry Welborn, Orange County Register (October 8, 2007)
- Los Angeles Diocese to Close Catholic High School, in Examiner (October 9, 2007)
- Mater Dei Writes a Lot, Says Nothing, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 8, 2007)
- Clerical Sexual Abuse Cases Trimmed, Associated Press (October 5, 2007)
- Italian Priest Who Confessed His Love for Woman Removed As Pastor, Associated Press (October 9, 2007)
- Love Stuck Priest Won't Be Hearing Confession, in IOL (October 9, 2007)
- Giuliani Law Firm Sued by High Profile Texan, by Ben Smith, Politico (October 9, 2007)
- L.A. Archdiocese to Close Daniel Murphy High: Officials Cite Financial Pressure, in Part Because of Settlements to Victims of Priest Abuse, in the Decision to Shut down the Fairfax-Area School, by Sharon Bernstein and Jason Song, Los Angeles Times (October 9, 2007)
- IL Vescovo Non Perdona. Don Sante Cacciato: IL Sacerdote Non Puo Piu Fare IL Parroco. Revocata LA Facolta Di Confessare E Impartire Validamente L’assoluzione Sacramentale, in Il Gazzettino (October 9, 2007)
- Italian Priest Who Declared His Love for Woman Removed As Pastor, Associated Press (October 9, 2007)
- Four Down, How Many More to Go?, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 9, 2007)
- 1st Amendment Won't Bar Priest Molestation Lawsuit: 'Church Law' Not Subject of Case against Hierarchy, by Eric T. Berkman, Rhode Island Lawyer's Weekly (October 1, 2007)
- OC Bishop Faces Contempt of Court, Associated Press (October 9, 2007)
- Peter Callahan: Grade a A-Hole, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 9, 2007)
- Peepee Match between John Manly, Jubal On!, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 9, 2007)
- Fr. Ben Won't Be Suspended Yet, in Sun.Star (October 10, 2007)
- Calif. Catholic Bishop Pleads Innocent of Contempt of Court in Sex Case, in USA Today (October 9, 2007)
- Bishop Apologizes to Women Who Received $6.68 Million, in My Fox Los Angeles (October 8, 2007)
- Orange Bishop Agrees to Sex-Abuse Settlement: Bishop Tod Brown Apologizes to Women Who Sued Orange Diocese Alleging Abuse by Coach, Choir Director, by Larry Welborn, Orange County Register (October 9, 2007)
- OC Bishop Waives Arraignment in Contempt of Court Matter, Associated Press (October 9, 2007)
- OC Bishop Faces Contempt of Court, Associated Press (October 9, 2007)
- O.C. Bishop Faces Contempt Hearing over Sex Abuse Suit: Bishop Tod D. Brown Waives Right to Arraignment, Will Face Hearing in December. He Apologizes to Abuse Victims Who Confronted Him at Courthouse, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (October 9, 2007)
- Arrest Records, Opinions, Settlements, and Sex Crimes of Additional Perps Should Be Excluded As Evidence Say Salesian Attorneys Re Jury Trial Nov. 5, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 9, 2007)
October 10
- Judge Finds That Sikh Priest, 76, Assaulted Niece Numerous Times: Joginder Singh Bains Sexually Abused Karamjeet Kour Singh on His Dairy Farm from Age Nine until She Graduated in 1975, by Joey Thompson, The Province (October 10, 2007)
- It's Not Over, Fr. Ben, in Cebu Daily News (October 10, 2007)
- OC Bishop Faces Contempt of Court, Associated Press (October 10, 2007)
- O.C. Bishop Faces Contempt Hearing over Sex Abuse Suit: Bishop Tod D. Brown Waives Right to Arraignment, Will Face Hearing in December. He Apologizes to Abuse Victims Who Confronted Him at Courthouse, by Christine Hanley, Los Angeles Times (October 10, 2007)
- Cornwall Sex-Abuse Inquiry to Seek Charge against Stonewalling Witness, on CBC News (October 9, 2007)
- Former Charleston Church Rector Faces Additional Abuse Charge, Associated Press (October 9, 2007)
- Priest Banned for Falling in Love, by Ruth Gledhill, The Times (October 10, 2007)
- Attempt to Clear Brown Goes Sideways: Beating or Orange Jumpsuit?, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 10, 2007)
- Another One Bites the Dust: Archdiocese of Los Angeles Closing Catholic High School in Face of Money Problems, Declining Enrollment, in California Catholic Daily (October 10, 2007)
- Vidal Says Fr. Ejares in Manila, in Cebu Daily News (October 10, 2007)
- Boys' Town Abuse Claims: Court Hears Accusers' Tapes, on ABC (October 10, 2007)
- Court Hears Boys Describe Abuse by Priest, by Julian Drape, Herald Sun (October 10, 2007)
- Mexican Cardinal Complains of Threats, in San Francisco Chronicle (October 9, 2007)
- Ofrece Ebrard Protección Personal Al Arzobispo: Si El Clérigo Quiere Aumentaremos LA Vigilancia, Dice El Jefe Del Gobierno Capitalino, in Milenio (October 10, 2007)
- Fall Riekofen: Priester Entschuldigen Sich Für Mögliche Missbrauchsfälle, in Mittelbayerische (October 10, 2007)
- Don Sante Cerca Lavoro Come Camionista: E Ai Parrocchiani Che Sono Con Lui Suggerisce: "ritirate I Soldi Della Cassa Peota Altrimenti LA Curia LI Farà Finire Nelle Sue Casse", by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 10, 2007)
- Rev. Underwood's Molestation Case Moved to November, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (October 8, 2007)
- Don Sante: 'Non Lascio Monterosso': 'La Mia Unica Colpa E' Essere Innamorato Di Una Donna', in ANSA (October 10, 2007)
- Don Sante Non Molla: " Non Vado Via" IL Prete-Fidanzato Annuncia Che Non Intende Lasciare Monterosso Nonostante IL Vescovo Lo Abbia Allontanato, in Il Corriere della Sera (October 10, 2007)
- Interrogatories: Plaintiffs in LA Had to Answer These Questions in Civil Cases against the Catholic Church, in by Kay Ebeling (October 10, 2007)
- Urell Supporters Take out Full-Page Ad in Oc Register, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 10, 2007)
- Welcome!, in Friends of Monsignor John (October 9, 2007)
- " Non Dare Ascolto a Coloro Che Ti Dicono Di Lasciare L'Abito", in Il Gazzettino (October 10, 2007)
- "Friends of Monsignor John" Already Deletin', by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 10, 2007)
- The Diocesan Spin Cycle Begins Anew, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 10, 2007)
- Bishop of Orange Apologizes to Young Women, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange (October 9, 2007)
- Priest Charged with Sex Assaults, on BBC News (October 10, 2007)
October 11
- Bishop Tod Brown of Orange County Could Face Prison Time, in Catholic News Agency (October 10, 2007)
- Don Sante Racconta Di Essere Innamorato Ma Non Dice Se IL Figlio Dell'amata è Suo, in Il Gazzettino (October 11, 2007)
- Prima Ammissione Di Don Sante Tamara LA 'Mia Compagna': IL Legale: "motivazioni Fumose Del Decreto, Faremo Ricorso", by Gianni Biasetto, Il Mattino di Padova (October 10, 2007)
- Trail's Cold in Killing of Rev. Kunz after 4 Years, No Suspects in Murder of Dane Priest, by Steven Elbow, Capital Times (March 3, 2002)
- Priest Relieved of His Duties: Alleged Abuse | Listed As 'Absent with Permission' by Jesuits, by Susan Hogan/Albach, Chicago Sun-Times (October 11, 2007)
- Former Priest Charged with Sex Offences, by Jenny Makin, This is Hampshire (October 11, 2007)
- Priest for Trial on 23 Sex Charges, in Herald Sun (October 11, 2007)
- Politicos Rally around Priest at Center of Legal Battle: Msgr. John Urell, Who Investigated Abuse Claims, Is Devoted Priest to Thousands, Group Says, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (October 11, 2007)
- Victims No Longer Cowed by Diocese, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 11, 2007)
- Secret CIO Docs Reveal Plan to Destroy Ncube, by Chief Reporter, Zimbabwean (October 11, 2007)
- Judge Hears Tape, Denies Pastor Bail, by Mike Wells, Tampa Tribune (October 11, 2007)
- Professors Sue Oral Roberts President, by Ralph Blumenthal, New York Times (October 11, 2007)
- Mexican Senators Call for Greater Security for Cardinal Amidst Death Threats, in Catholic News Agency (October 11, 2007)
- Priest Denies Paying Boy £20 for Sex, by Alison Cridland, Argus (October 11, 2007)
- Fiddlin' in St. Augustine: A Tale of Two Sex-Abuse Settlements in the Orange Diocese, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 11, 2007)
- Jane C.R. Doe Speaks: An Exclusive Interview with Jeff Andrade's Victim, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 11, 2007)
- Archdiocese Begins Studying Options for New Civil Law Structure, in Catholic Sentinel (October 12, 2007)
- Lockeford Priest Accused of Abuse, in Stockton Record (October 11, 2007)
- Lockeford Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, by Ross Farrow, Lodi News-Sentinel (October 11, 2007)
- Kilnacrott Abbey Could Fetch €3m-Plus for Norbertines, by Sean McMahon, Anglo-Celt (October 10, 2007)
- Italian Priest Defies Bishop, in Catholic World News (October 11, 2007)
October 12
- Heir Apparent: Jaime Soto Named Coadjutor Bishop of Sacramento, Next in Line to Be Bishop When William Weigand Retires, in California Catholic Daily (October 12, 2007)
- Diocese Places Priest on Leave: Reverend Denies Sex Abuse Charges, by Rick Brewer, Stockton Record (October 12, 2007)
- Lockeford Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, on Fox 40 (October 11, 2007)
- Priest Abuse Alleged, in Tracy Press (October 11, 2007)
- Catholic Priest Placed on Leave: He Denies Allegation He Sexually Abused Boy in the Mid-1980s, by Michael G. Mooney, Modesto Bee (October 12, 2007)
- Pastor Jackson Charged with Sex Assault, in Kilgore News Herald (October 11, 2007)
- Birthday Party Host in Keller Accused of Sexual Abuse: Attorney Says Keller Man Is Innocent, Statement Was Coerced, by Wendy Hundley and Scott Goldstein, Dallas Morning News (October 12, 2007)
- Urell Tried to Heal As Well As Conceal: What the Monsignor Had to Live with, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 12, 2007)
- Meramec Music Director under Cloud in Sex Case: Activists Demand Larry Stukenholtz Be Fired after Molestation Lawsuit Settlement, in Webster-Kirkwood Times (October 12, 2007)
- Don Sante: "Ho Già Ricevuto Due Proposte Di Lavoro" Altre Tre Persone, Due Delle Quali Sacerdoti, Hanno Segnalato Alla " Chiesa Dei Peccatori" Di Essere State Vittime Di Abusi Sessuali, in Il Gazzettino (October 12, 2007)
- Urell Tried to Heal As Well As Conceal, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 12, 2007)
- Meramec Music Director under Cloud in Sex Case: Activists Demand Larry Stukenholtz Be Fired after Molestation Lawsuit Settlement, by Don Corrigan, Webster-Kirkwood Times (October 12, 2007)
- Suit against Diocese Expanded to Include Conspiracy Claim, on WBOC (October 12, 2007)
- Bishop Brown Too Nice for Once! by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 12, 2007)
- "Friends of Monsignor John" Not Friends to Sex-Abuse Victims, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 12, 2007)
October 13
- Relieving Pain of Priest Abuse Isn't Just a SNAP, by Michael Miller, Peoria Journal-Star (October 13, 2007)
- Claim against Priest Spurned: Friends: Accusation of Sex Abuse Doesn't Fit Man They Know, by Sue Nowicki and Michael G. Mooney, Modesto Bee (October 13, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Loses Teaching License after Complaint, by Cheryl Wittenauer, News-Leader (October 13, 2007)
- Stockton Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse, on CBS13 (October 12, 2007)
- Del. Man Claims He Was Abused by Priest Working in North Carolina, by Randall Chase, Newsday (October 12, 2007)
- International Digest: Mexico Cardinal Knew about Child Abuse, Group Claims, by Mark Kelly, Baptist Press (October 12, 2007)
- Apologizing San Francisco Archbishop Has History of "Mistakes" Related to Homosexuality, by John-Henry Westen, Lifesite (October 12, 2007)
- Keller Man Accused of Sexual Abuse Turns Himself in: Family Warns against 'Rush to Judgment' in Sexual Assault Case, by Wendy Hundley, Dallas Morning News (October 13, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Jailed for Sex with Girl, 8, by Gavin Lower, Adelaide Now (October 13, 2007)
- Vatican Bars Prelate in Gay Row, by David Willey, BBC News (October 13, 2007)
- Don Sante, Nuovo Show in Televisione, by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 13, 2007)
- Ex-Bath Mayor Guilty: Elizabeth L. Fields Gets 30 Months' Probation for Stealing Church Funds, by Tyra Braden, Morning Call (October 13, 2007)
- Carvajal: a Funny Church, by Orlando P. Carvajal, Sun.Star (October 13, 2007)
- Prete Gay, IL Vaticano Lo Sospende Dall'incarico: LA Confessione Anonima in TV, Ma Viene Riconosciuto, in Agenzia Radicale (October 13, 2007)
- Prelato Gay Sospeso, in 6 Minuti Di Video LA Confessione, in Tendenze (October 13, 2007)
- Church Considers Sex-Abuse Register, by Sarah Price, Sydney Morning Herald (October 14, 2007)
- Vatican Suspends Gay Cleric after Television Interview, in AFP (October 13, 2007)
- Vatican Bars Gay Cleric after TV Program, by Frances D'Emilio, Associated Press (October 13, 2007)
- Chiesa Ed Omosessualità, in La7 Blog (October 13, 2007)
- Vatican Bars Gay Priest for "Anonymous" TV Confession: The Priest Appeared on a TV Documentary with Three Other Clerics, to Talk about Their Homosexuality. Then the Vatican Suspended the Priest for Acknowledging Homosexual Relations, on EiTB (October 13, 2007)
- Vatican Reveals Templar Secrets, in Times (October 13, 2007)
- Vaticano: Monsignore, Non Sono Gay: Ho Inviato Memoria a Superiori, Volevo Solo Scrivere Libro, in ANSA (October 13, 2007)
- W. Tennessee Pastor Indicted on Rape Charges, Associated Press (October 13, 2007)
- Taiwan Pastor Faces 15 Years in Jail for Sex Abuse—report, in Inquirer (October 13, 2007)
- Pastor Sentenced for Molesting Young Girl, on KOMO (October 13, 2007)
- Gig Harbor: Former Pastor Sentenced to at Least 111/2 Years for Child Rape, in News Tribune (October 13, 2007)
October 14
- Daniel Murphy HS Closing Archdiocese, by Fernando Roldan, Canyon News (October 14, 2007)
- Priest Put on Leave in Lexington, in News 14 (October 14, 2007)
- Possible Conflict Seen in Work Satterberg Did for Archdiocese, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times (October 14, 2007)
- Diocese Hopes for $28m in Capital Campaign, by Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star (October 14, 2007)
- Vatican Suspends Monsignor Seen on TV Making Advances to Man, by Frances D'Emilio, Plain Dealer (October 14, 2007)
- Outed Gay Clergyman Ousted by Vatican, in Kazakhstan News.Net (October 13, 2007)
- Giallo Sull'outing TV Del Monsignore "L'ho Fatto Per Smascherare I Veri Gay" IL Prelato Aveva Detto Di "Non Sentirsi in Peccato". Padre Lombardi Aveva Annunciato, in La Repubblica (October 13, 2007)
- Vatican Official Insists He's Not Gay, Associated Press (October 14, 2007)
- "Cara Papa, Così Non Va": Sacerdote Critica Le Costose Vacanze Di Benedetto XVI, in Agenzia Radicale (October 13, 2007)
- Canale 5: Don Sante Non Svela Paternita' Del Piccolo, in AGI (October 14, 2007)
- More Allegations against Richard Roberts, by Phil Berman, KJRH (October 12, 2007)
- Extra: Salesians Religious Order Not Part of Catholic Church and Other Ways to Conceal Evidence in Jury Trial Coming November 5th, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 14, 2007)
October 15
- Vatican Priest Caught in TV Sex Sting, by Paul Bompard, Times (October 15, 2007)
- Sex, Lies and Videotape: Turmoil at the Vatican, by John Hooper, Guardian (October 15, 2007)
- On Holding Schools Liable for Sex Abuse, by Patty Fisher, San Jose Mercury News (October 15, 2007)
- Church, Education Officials Deal with Aftermath of Sex Arrest, Associated Press (October 15, 2007)
- Contestato Dalla Mussolini E Fischiato Dal Pubblico: «esca Dalla Chiesa», by Buona Domenica, Il Gazzettino (October 15, 2007)
- «I Parrocchiani Invitano IL Vescovo a Monterosso»: Don Giovanni Brusegan Ieri Ha Permesso a Don Sante Di Concelebrare LA Messa, Ma L’ex Parroco Non E Salito Sul Pulpito, by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 15, 2007)
- Vatican Promises Inquiry into 'Gay' Priest, on RTE News (October 15, 2007)
- Missing Information from Lat in Coverage of Church Abuse Suits, by Dave Pierre, NewsBusters (October 14, 2007)
- Diocese Given Top Grade for Charter Compliance, by C.T. Maier and Robert P. Lockwood, Pittsburgh Catholic (October 12, 2007)
- Priest Asks for Sentencing Delay, Citing Cancer, in Newsday (October 15, 2007)
- Vatican Official Suspended in Homosexual Scandal, in Catholic World News (October 15, 2007)
- Lawyer Wants Biker Garb Banned in Courtroom, by Brad Belote, KSPR (October 15, 2007)
- Pastor Indicted in Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child, by Lynn Larowe, Texarkana Gazette (October 15, 2007)
- Showdown between Sex-Abuse Survivors, Hanna Tonight, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 15, 2007)
- University President's Wife 'Sickened' by Allegations, on CNN (October 15, 2007)
- U.S. Partially Backs Vatican in Priest-Abuse Suit, by Peter Smith, The Courier-Journal (October 15, 2007)
- Vatican Promises Action after Priest's Gay Advance, Reuters (October 15, 2007)
- Holy See Suspends Embroiled Monsignor, in Zenit (October 15, 2007)
- «Voglio Fare IL Prete Senza L'Obbligo Del Celibato»don Sante Non Si Arrende E Si Appella Al Papa, in Il Messagero (October 15, 2007)
- Bishop Kunonga, Amai Chisamba in Sex Scandal, by Isabel Panyangara, ZimDaily (October 16, 2007)
- About the Board of Trustees, in Board of Trustees (October 15, 2007)
October 16
- Brom Asks Catholics to Help Pay Settlement, by Sandi Dolbee, Union-Tribune (October 16, 2007)
- Former Darien Pastor Asks for Sentencing Delay, in The Advocate (October 16, 2007)
- Bosses — Be Careful What You Wish for, by Ian O'Doherty, Irish Independent (October 16, 2007)
- The Christian Struggle with Homosexuality, by Martin Reynolds, New Statesman (October 16, 2007)
- Ribelle & Temporeggiatore, by Leon Bertoletti, Il Gazzettino (October 16, 2007)
- «Mi Rivolgerò Al Papa Per Restare Un Prete», in Il Gazzettino (October 16, 2007)
- Broken Marriages, Addictions, Geoghan's Murderer, a Whole New Breed of Criminals Created by Church and Its Pedophiles, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 16, 2007)
- "Preti Gay, LA Chiesa Fara Pulizia”, in Radicali (October 16, 2007)
- The Continuing Story of the Bunglin' Friends of Monsignor John, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 16, 2007)
- Catholic Sex-Abuse Victims Protest at College Board Meeting, by Rachanee Srisavasdi, Orange County Register (October 15, 2007)
- Cardinal Herranz: Vatican First to Want an " Internal Cleansing", in Catholic News Agency (October 16, 2007)
- Suit Dismissed against Mexican Cardinal, Associated Press (October 16, 2007)
- More Details Coming out about World's Most Wanted Alleged Pedophile, on CKNW (October 16, 2007)
- Bangkok Manhunt after Internet Child-Sex Suspect Identified, Reuters (October 17, 2007)
- Suspected Pedophile Left Tracks on Web, Associated Press (October 16, 2007)
- San Diego Diocese Seeks to Raise $25 Million for Abuse Settlement, Associated Press (October 16, 2007)
- AP Exclusive: Suspected Pedophile in Global Manhunt Worked As Chaplain Advising Young Cadets, Associated Press (October 16, 2007)
- Priest Faces Jail for Sex Attacks: A Former Catholic Parish Priest Is Facing Jail after Being Found Guilty of 15 Sex Attacks on Two Young Brothers, on BBC News (October 16, 2007)
- Italy’s Media Focus on Clergy Abuse Allegations, by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register ()
- Parish Priest Guilty of Child Sex Attacks, by Sam Underwood, Argus (October 16, 2007)
- Prosecutors Oppose Delay in Sentencing Priest, in Newsday (October 16, 2007)
- Alleged Victims Plead V. Ruling, in Sun.Star (October 17, 2007)
- Federal Grand Jury Indicts Former Pastor on Child Pornography Charges: Steven Haney Already Faces State Sex Assault Charges, by Lawrence Buser, Commercial Appeal (October 16, 2007)
- Pius and Impious: Mugabe Infiltrates Churches, Intimidates Leaders, by Sheryl Henderson Blunt, Christianity Today (October 16, 2007)
- US Govt Sides with Vatican in Child Sex Abuse Case, by Brett Barrouquere, Brisbane Times (October 17, 2007)
- Lawsuit against Mexican Cardinal Dismissed in LA, Reuters (October 16, 2007)
- Mexican Priest Abuse Case Dropped, on BBC News (October 16, 2007)
- Che Don Giovanni ..., by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 16, 2007)
- Woman Sues for Sexual Abuse by Teacher in 1970s, on NBC 6 (October 16, 2007)
- Alleged Pedophile Taught at B.C. School 6 Months Ago: 'Chris, Turn Yourself In. Get Back into Canada,' Brother Urges, on CBC News (October 16, 2007)
- Former Sonora Priest Denies Allegations of Molestation, by Lacey Peterson, Union Democrat (October 16, 2007)
- Priest Ordained in Jail Temporarily Inhibited, in Living Church Foundation (October 16, 2007)
- Paroled Episcopal Rector Suspended, by Matthai Chakko Kuruvila, San Francisco Chronicle (October 15, 2007)
October 17
- Wanted Pedophile Suspect Taught in B.C. Christopher Paul Neil, Subject of Manhunt, Alleged to Have Sexually Abused Children Abroad, by Meagan Fitzpatrick, Times Colonist (October 17, 2007)
- Woman Claims Abuse by Priest: Suit: Therapy Brought out Memory of Sex Assault around 1970 by Late Monsignor, by Electa Draper, Denver Post (October 17, 2007)
- Mexican Cardinal Won't Face U.S. Trial in Sex-Abuse Suit, by Kevin G. Hall, Seattle Times (October 17, 2007)
- Ruling May End Abuse Suit against Prelates: A Judge Says He Has No Authority to Decide Whether Catholic Cardinals Conspired to Protect a Sex Abuse Suspect, by Greg Krikorian and John Spano, Los Angeles Times (October 17, 2007)
- Catholic Reformers Meet in Providence, by Richard C. Dujardin, Providence Journal (October 17, 2007)
- Pastor Accused of Sexually Abusing Eight Women in Portland, Associated Press (October 16, 2007)
- Pastor Accused of Emotional Abuse, by William C. Lhotka, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 17, 2007)
- Portland Church Pastor Accused of Sex Attacks on 8 Women, by David Krough, KGW (October 16, 2007)
- Portland Pastor Arrested on Rape Charges, on KPTV (October 16, 2007)
- Judge Clears Mexico Church Leader in Suit: Cardinal Was Accused of Transferring Pedophile Priest to L.A., Associated Press (October 17, 2007)
- Bishop May Have Stirred 'Americanists' with Stand, by Kenneth J. Moynihan, Telegram & Gazette (October 17, 2007)
- Your View: Church Still Needs Openness and Justice, by Carol Markey, New Bedford Standard-Times (October 17, 2007)
- Don't Drop Case Vs Fr. Ben, Fiscals Asked, by Nilda Gallo, Cebu Daily News (October 17, 2007)
- Abuse Claim Withdrawn, in ic Coventry (September 3, 2005)
- Unlikely Duo Inadvertently Outs Victims: Matt and John – the Political Odd Couple, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 17, 2007)
- Don Sante Presenta IL Ricorso Contro LA Rimozione, in Il Gazzettino (October 17, 2007)
- Catholic Charity Director Charged in Sex Case: Woman Came Looking for Job, Director Allegedly Offered Money for Sex, Authorities Say, by Michael Manekin, Palo Alto Daily News (October 17, 2007)
- Geoghan's Murderer Names Priests Who Molested Him; Riverside Sheriff Hunts Father Dominguez, Fugitive Pedophile; Another Day in the Life of the Church, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 17, 2007)
- Pastor Jailed 7 Yrs for Rape, by Caroline Kandiero, Daily Times (October 17, 2007)
- Time for Vatican to Purge Erring Bishops and Do So with 'Speed of an Ambulance', by Michael H. Brown, Spirit Daily (October 17, 2007)
- School Rabbi Charged with Sexual Acts with Student, by Jennifer Fernandez, News-Record (October 17, 2007)
- Synagogue Settles Sex Lawsuits: Out-Of-Court Deal Follows Allegations of Misconduct by Rabbi, Who Will Resign at Year's End, by Sandro Contenta, Toronto Star (October 17, 2007)
- San Diego Diocese in Need of a Financial Miracle, in Catholic News Agency (October 17, 2007)
- Friends of Monsignor John Fully Repentant, Involve More Politicos, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 17, 2007)
- More on the Defenders of the Bumblin' Friends, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 17, 2007)
- Family Struggles with Aftermath of Clergy Sex Abuse, in Orthodox Reform (October 17, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Victims Respond to Promotion for Houston/ex-Iowa Bishop, in Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (October 17, 2007)
- Pope Names 23 Cardinals; 1st for Texas, Associated Press (October 17, 2007)
- Texans Celebrate State's First Cardinal, Associated Press (October 17, 2007)
- Are Docs 'Smoking Gun' of Local Priest Abuse?, on NBC Sandiego (October 17, 2007)
- Mexico : Cardinal off the Hook, but Sex Abuse Controversy Rages on, by Diego Cevallos, IPS (October 17, 2007)
- Martin Wiskol Interview with Wylie Aitken, in OC Blog (October 10, 2007)
- Orange County Personal Injury Lawyer, Darren Aitken, by Staff, aitkenlaw.com (October 17, 2007)
- Wylie Aitken, by Staff, aitkenlaw.com (October 17, 2007)
- Lovely Mass but No News; Aclu Wins: Church-State Align for Red Mass, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 3, 2007)
October 18
- This Cardinal Cannot Be Sued: Judge Rules He Has No Jurisdiction in Civil Case Accusing Archbishop of Mexico City of Conspiring to Protect Priest Accused of Child Molesting, in California Catholic Daily (October 18, 2007)
- International Legal Tussle May Wait Alleged Pedophile, by Darah Hansen, Vancouver Sun (October 17, 2007)
- Vatican Publicly Washes Its Dirty Linen Amid Homosexual Scandal, in Pravda (October 18, 2007)
- CA: Nuns Evicted, on WIFR (October 18, 2007)
- Thai Boy Claims Abuse by Canadian Suspect, AFP (October 18, 2007)
- Ex Priest Appears in Court on Child Sex Charges, by Clare Kennedy, This is Hampshire (October 18, 2007)
- Iowans Say Dinardo 'So Holy and So Fun': He Swiftly, Directly Confronted Abuse, by Erin Jordan, Des Moines Register (October 18, 2007)
- Scola: «Don Sante? Ce Ne Occupiamo»: «Dobbiamo Accettare LA Dolorosa Attenzione Con LA Quale LA Chiesa Affronta LA Vicenda», in Il Gazzettino (October 18, 2007)
- SD Diocese Sends Letters Asking for Abuse Settlement Help, on 10 News (October 16, 2007)
- Rudy Giuliani and His Moment to Stand up for Child Sex Abuse Survivors, by Marci Hamilton, FindLaw (October 18, 2007)
- Ex-Altar Boy to Fight on against Mexico Cardinal, Reuters (October 17, 2007)
- Sex-Assault Conviction Is Reinstated, by Heather Ratcliffe, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 18, 2007)
- Advocacy Group Seeks Names from Catholic Diocese, by Anne Pressly, KATV (October 17, 2007)
- Cardinal Grew up in Castle Shannon, by Ann Rodgers, Cindi Lash and Jonathan D. Silver, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 18, 2007)
- Guest Blog: the Salesians: Record Holder Pedophiles, by Joey Piscitelli, in City of Angels (October 18, 2007)
- Parish Council Releases Statement about Gondek Situation, in The Dispatch (October 18, 2007)
- Motion in Ejares Case Gets Stalled, in Sun.Star (October 19, 2007)
- Church Members May Seek Legal Action after Pastor Arrested, on Fox 12 (October 18, 2007)
- Vatican Sex Sting: An After-Hours Office Meeting between a Young Man and a Top Roman Catholic Official Has Prompted a Fresh Inquiry into Gay Priests. What the Investigation Could Mean for the Holy See, in Newsweek (October 18, 2007)
- Suspected Pedophile Studied at Seminary, by Sheena Jackson, Mission City Record (October 18, 2007)
- Diocese Responds to Arkansas Chapter of SNAP, in Arkansas Catholic (October 18, 2007)
- Aarrrgggh Sometimes You've Just Got to Rant and Rave, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 18, 2007)
- Bradford Church Official Accused of Sex with Boy, Associated Press (October 18, 2007)
- Youth Pastor Arrested on Child Sex Charges, by Justin Averette, Shelby County Reporter (October 18, 2007)
- Child Porn Possession Gets Former Youth Minister 5 Years: Former Youth Pastor Convicted on Child Porn Charges, on News4Jax (October 18, 2007)
October 19
- Canadian Pedophile Arrested in Thailand, Associated Press (October 19, 2007)
- Aitkens Join Cunningham in Urell Support, by Frank Mickadeit, Orange County Register (October 19, 2007)
- Anglican Bishop Suspends Abuse Investigation, by Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail (October 19, 2007)
- Catholic Lay Group to Meet in Providence, Associated Press (October 19, 2007)
- City Prosecutor Takes over Case Vs Fr. Ben, by Nilda Gallo, Cebu Daily News (October 19, 2007)
- LA Curia Processa Don Sante Per Atti Impuri, in Il Gazzettino (October 19, 2007)
- Suspended Catholic Cleric Has Vatican Gay List — Report, in Inquirer (October 19, 2007)
- Oral Roberts President Asks to Take Leave after Accusations of Improprieties, by Richard Roberts, Religion News Blog (October 17, 2007)
- Scoop Di "Chi", in Il Gazzettino (October 19, 2007)
- Jubal Speaks, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 19, 2007)
- What I'Ve Been Thinking, in OC Blog (October 18, 2007)
- Thomas J. Tobin's Petition for Writ of Certiorari, (January 9, 2007)
- Parish Predators: Are Daniel Dinardo and Juan Carlos Patino-Arango Cut from the Same Cloth?, by Craig Malisow, Houston Press (October 19, 2007)
- Creep of the Week: Monsignor Tommaso Stenico, by D'Anne Witkowski, PrideSource (October 18, 2007)
- Suspended Vatican Priest Draws up List of Homosexual Bishops and Clerics, by Gerlie Anobong, AHN (October 19, 2007)
- Report: No. Of R.I. Priests Accused of Sex Abuse Doubles, by Tom Mooney, Providence Journal (October 19, 2007)
- Charity Director in Half Moon Bay Charged with Soliciting Sex, by John Cote, San Francisco Chronicle (October 18, 2007)
- R.I. Priests' Abuse Cases Double, Report Says, by Tom Mooney, Providence Journal (October 19, 2007)
- Documents List Previously Unknown Priest Abuse Allegations, in Turn to 10 (October 19, 2007)
- Gays Face Fallout after Cornwall Paedo Witchhunt: Opinion / Lives Ruined, Gay Community Vilified Even Though There Never Was a Paedophile Ring, by Claude McIntosh, Capital Xtra (October 19, 2007)
- Canadian Accused of Internet Sex Crimes Also under Investigation in B.C. 'I Would like to See Him Come Back to Canada,' Says Brother, on CBC News (October 19, 2007)
- Sexual Abuse Allegations against Providence Diocese, on WPRI (October 19, 2007)
- Group Wants Diocese to Name Accused Priests, on WAPT (October 19, 2007)
- Seized: How 'Swirly' Paedophile Worked with Boys All His Life, by Andrew Drummond in Bangkok and Cyril Dixon in London, Daily Express (October 20, 2007)
- Adoption Files Unsealed in Local Greek Priest Investigation, by Jackelyn Barnard, First Coast News (October 19, 2007)
- Priest Abuse Lawsuit Settled, by Jim Salter, KTVI (October 19, 2007)
- Pastor Sentenced in Molestation of 13-Year-Old Boy, by Crystal Carreon, Sacramento Bee (October 19, 2007)
October 20
- Family Supports Suspected Pedophile, in Nova Scotia News (October 20, 2007)
- 'Do We Have an Epidemic or Not?': With a Proliferation of Horrific Allegations in the Headlines, Canadians Can Be Forgiven for Thinking That Child Molesters Are Everywhere. But What Is the Actual Prevalence of the Problem? in This, the First of a Four-Part Series, the National Post Explores the Extent of the Problem and the Ways of Dealing with It, by Adrian Humphreys, National Post (October 20, 2007)
- Del. Priest Honored for Supporting Abuse Law: Reissmann Stood against Official Church Policy, by Beth Miller, News Journal (October 20, 2007)
- Abuse Victims Slam Church, by Vinaya Saksena, Pawtucket Times (October 20, 2007)
- New R.I. Report Raises Questions on Clergy Abuse: Diocese Says Vague Cases behind Rise; AG Concerned, by Michael Paulson, Boston Globe (October 20, 2007)
- Marianists Order Settles Repressed-Memory Suit, by Heather Ratcliffe, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 20, 2007)
- Allowing Married Priests May Be Group's Next Goal, by Richard C. Dujardin, Providence Journal (October 20, 2007)
- Diocese's Silence Doesn't Benefit the Flock, by Michael Miller, Peoria Journal-Star (October 20, 2007)
- Cries of Abuse, Outrage Erupt at Church: Scandal - the Case against a Portland Pastor Began When Female Parishioners Rose to Confront Him, by Maxine Bernstein, Oregonian (October 20, 2007)
- Updated: Judge Doubles Bail for Pastor Accused of Rape, Abuse, by Maxine Bernstein, Oregonian (October 19, 2007)
- Pastor Facing Rape Charges Now under Fire for Lavish Homes, on KATU (October 19, 2007)
- Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools: Surdy Finds More Than 2,500 Teachers Punished in 5 Years, by Martha Irvine and Robert Tanner, Salt Lake Tribune (October 19, 2007)
- (Ri.Ba.) Don Sante Lascia..., in Il Gazzettino (October 20, 2007)
- "Quello Che Mi Preoccupa..., by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 20, 2007)
- Group Wants Sex-Offender Priests Identified, on WLBT (October 18, 2007)
- Group Decries Abuse by Priests, by Pete Thompson, Arkansas Matters (October 17, 2007)
- Group Asks Catholic Diocese of LR to Release Names of Predator Priests, by Sandra Kirk, Fox 16 (October 17, 2007)
- Birmingham Diocese Asked to Identify Abusive Priests, by Jeff Hansen, Birmingham News (October 20, 2007)
- Merrimack Woman Honored, in Nashua Telegraph (October 20, 2007)
- Ncube Adultery Case Takes New Twist, by Caroline Murapa, ZimDaily (October 20, 2007)
- Accused Priest to Plead Guilty in Theft Case, by Tom Campbell, Richmond Times-Dispatch (October 20, 2007)
- 'Orsmond Was Jealous of the Boys', by Kashiefa Ajam, IOL (October 20, 2007)
- Review: Fear, Sex Are Driving Forces Within Children of God Cult, by Mary D'Ambrosio, San Francisco Chronicle (October 19, 2007)
- Judging Giuliani by the Company He Keeps, in Carpetbagger Report (October 20, 2007)
October 21
- Diocese Revises Number of Priests Accused of Abuse, on WPRI (October 21, 2007)
- Catholic Group Accused of Not Supporting Abuse Victims, by Anna Badkhen, Boston Globe (October 21, 2007)
- Providence Diocese Revises Number of Priests Accused of Abuse, Associated Press (October 21, 2007)
- Delaware Careful to Screen Teachers: Despite Precautions, Some Abusers Get into Schools, by Cris Barrish, News Journal (October 21, 2007)
- Group Wants List of Abusive Priests, in Decatur Daily (October 21, 2007)
- Accused Sex Offender Not under Investigation in B.c., Says AG, on CBC News (October 20, 2007)
- Dave Woods: Faith, Not Fashion, Drives Comments, in Joplin Globe (October 20, 2007)
- Lay Catholic Group Wraps up National Conference in Providence, Associated Press (October 21, 2007)
- Un Via-Vai Di Abitazioni Intorno a Don Sante: Un Collaudato Meccanismo Di Aiuto Agli Immigrati Che Ha Permesso a Persone Oneste Di Trovarsi Un Impiego in Italia, in Il Gazzettino (October 21, 2007)
- Miglior Scelta Don..., by Orfeo Meneghetti, Il Gazzettino (October 21, 2007)
- Charity Director Accused of Theft, Associated Press (October 21, 2007)
- Ex-Minister Denies He Manipulated Teen, by William C. Lhotka, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 20, 2007)
October 22
- Carolyn B. Disco: Diocese's New Web Site Hides Some Uncomfortable Truths, by Carolyn B. Disco, Union Leader (October 22, 2007)
- Ireland's Catholic Head Apologises for Sex Abuse, in Gulf Times (October 22, 2007)
- $25 Million Short: Diocese of San Diego May Have to Sell Chancery and Seminary If Parishioners Don't Pony up for Sex-Abuse Settlement, in California Catholic Daily (October 22, 2007)
- Don Sante VA a Messa. Seduto Tra I Fedeli: I Fedelissimi Lo Hanno Convinto a Non Celebrare LA Contro Funzione. L'Ex Parroco Appare Sempre Più Isolato, by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 22, 2007)
- Priest Cleared of Abusing Girl, in Derry Journal (October 22, 2007)
- Priest Cleared of Abusing Girl, on BBC News (October 22, 2007)
- Silent Victims: Neither Church nor Advocates Have Done Enough. " You Don't Patch over the Rot, You Expose It," Says Boston Organizer Paul Kellen, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 22, 2007)
- Priest Is Cleared of Sex Assault Charges, by Clare Weir, Belfast Telegraph (October 22, 2007)
- Rhode Island Diocese Doubles Number of Accused Priests, in Catholic World News (October 22, 2007)
October 23
- Derry Priest Acquitted: 'Awful Nightmare Ends', in Derry Journal (October 23, 2007)
- Diocese Wins Approval from Bishops' Group, by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (October 23, 2007)
- Vermont Catholic Diocese Now in Sex Abuse Prevention Compliance, Associated Press (October 23, 2007)
- Church Sex List to Include Cheaters, Abusers, in IOL (October 23, 2007)
- Church Denies National Sex Register a Blacklist, on ABC (October 23, 2007)
- Cheating Priests May Be Named, Associated Press (October 23, 2007)
- Church Problems Mean Pennies from Heaven for Ron Burkle, by Rush & Molloy, New York Daily News (October 23, 2007)
- Using Power of Connectivity to End Abuse, in Daily Texan (October 27, 2007)
- Accused Priest Deserves Closure, by Patrice O'Shaughnessy, New York Daily News (October 23, 2007)
- Don Sante: «I Conti Della Cassa Peota Ora Sono in Ordine», in Il Gazzettino (October 23, 2007)
- Settlement Reached in Case of Alleged Sexual Misconduct, in Canadian Jewish News (October 23, 2007)
- Case of Rabbi Tobias Gabriel, in Awareness Center (October 23, 2007)
- US Wants Extradition of Prominent Ger Hassid Accused of Sodomy, in Jersusalem Post (October 23, 2007)
- Giuliani Defends, Employs Priest Accused of Molesting Teens, by Brian Ross and Avni Patel, ABC News (October 23, 2007)
- More Accusations Emerge against Convicted Sex Offender Priest, by Bernie Tafoya and John Cody, WBBM (October 23, 2007)
- ABC's Ross Accuses Rudy of Being Pedophile Priest's Pal, by Scott Whitlock, NewsBusters (October 23, 2007)
- Around the Net, by Matt Lewis, Townhall (October 23, 2007)
- Pederasts for Giuliani!, in Wonkette (October 23, 2007)
- Archdiocese of Mexico Says Case Closed against Cardinal Rivera, in Catholic News Agency (October 23, 2007)
- Commentary: Stop Sex Abuse Now, Associated Press (October 23, 2007)
- New Sex-Abuse Allegations against Convicted Priest, by Manya A. Brachear, Chicago Tribune (October 24, 2007)
- Catholic Priest Denies Rape Charges, by Peti Siyame, Daily News (October 24, 2007)
October 24
- Diocese Settles in Alleged Abuse Case in Pawcatuck: Priest Was Accused of Molesting Youth at St. Michael's Church, by Joe Wojtas, Day (October 24, 2007)
- Chicago Priest Accused of Abuse in Phoenix, on 12 News (October 23, 2007)
- Man Wants Group Home for Victims of Priest Abuse, by Gary Rotstein, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 24, 2007)
- Man Who Alleges Priestly Abuse Seeks Youth Home, by Craig Smith, Tribune-Review (October 24, 2007)
- Giuliani Defends Accused Pedophile Priest: a Warning to US All, by TK Kenyon, Blogger News Network (October 23, 2007)
- New Sex Abuse Allegations Leveled at Priest, by Angela Caputo, Daily Southtown (October 23, 2007)
- Archdiocese Asks That Names of Sex Abuse Accusers Should Be Made Public, in The Oregonian (October 23, 2007)
- Abuse Victim Seeking Millions: Man Suing Diocese Says Psychological Damage Caused Him to Lose Earning Capacity, by Terrie Morgan-Besecker, Times Leader (October 24, 2007)
- Names of Cheating Clergy Will Be Put on Register of Sex Offenders, by Bernard Lagan, The Times (October 24, 2007)
- Protect the Innocent, Ignore the Unfaithful, in The Age (October 24, 2007)
- Man Abused by Clergyman Wants to Sue, in Ninemsn (October 24, 2007)
- Trial, Jury Selection, Continue in Trial of Ex-Paterson Priest, by Jeff Diamant, Star-Ledger (October 24, 2007)
- Church of England Lists Sinner Priests, by Andrew Norfolk, The Times (October 24, 2007)
- Jury Quickly Rejects Suit against Ex-Minister, by William C. Lhotka, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (October 24, 2007)
- St. Louis County Jury Finds in Minister's Favor, in Kansas City Star (October 23, 2007)
- La "Contro-Messa" ..., by Riccardo Bastianello, Il Gazzettino (October 24, 2007)
- Pastor Bob Gray Hospitalized, in First Coast News (October 24, 2007)
- Audit Declares Pastor Innocent, by Jean Torkelson, Rocky Mountain News (October 23, 2007)
- Accused Ex Dover Pastor May Be Defrocked: Former Monsignor Faces Fourth Sexual Abuse Claim, by Abbott Koloff, Daily Record (October 24, 2007)
- 'He Did Horrid Things': Civil Suit | Priest Convicted of Child Molestation Accused of Abusing 2 More Boys, by Susan Hogan, Chicago Sun-Times (October 24, 2007)
- Audit Clears Breakaway Pastor in Springs, by Electa Draper, Denver Post (October 24, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Refuses to Accept Plea Bargain for Assault, by Jeff Diamant, Star-Ledger (October 24, 2007)
- A Very Familiar Story about Rudy, by Joan Walsh, Salon (October 24, 2007)
- Giuliani Hires, Defends Accused Child Molester, in Short News (October 24, 2007)
- Giuliani Says Innocent until Proven Guilty—keeps Accused Priest As Consultant, in Mother Jones (October 24, 2007)
- New Sex Crime Charges for Canadian Held in Thailand, on CBC News (October 24, 2007)
- " Wow We've Never Heard Allegations like This Before," Said Msgr. Urell, Now Recovering from Deposition Anxiety in Toronto, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 24, 2007)
- A Grim Story, with Unresolvable Accusations, Circling around the Giuliani Campaign, by Rudy Giuliani, National Review Online (October 24, 2007)
- The Daily Muck, by Peter Sheehy, TPMmuckraker (October 24, 2007)
- Ex-Paterson Priest Accepts Plea Deal, by Rudy Larini, NJ Blog (October 24, 2007)
- Piscataway Priest Charged with Criminal Sexual Conduct, by Tom Haydon, NJ Blog (October 24, 2007)
- Family: Our Sons Abused in Confessional, in United Press International (October 24, 2007)
- Pastor of Piscataway Church Faces Sexual-Contact Charges, in Home News Tribune (October 24, 2007)
- Audit Finds Anglican Priest Innocent of Theft, by Lillian Kwon, Christian Post (October 24, 2007)
- They Who Understand, by George Kocan, Illinois Review (October 19, 2007)
- Breaking News: No New Sex Trial for Former Kirtland Pastor, in News-Herald (October 24, 2007)
- Retired Priest Pleads Not Guilty in Molestation Case, in San Francisco Chronicle (October 23, 2007)
- Retired Courant Reporter Gerald Renner Dies, by Rinker Buck, Hartford Courant (October 24, 2007)
- Gerald Renner, Retired Courant Religion Writer, Dies at 75, in Newsday (October 24, 2007)
October 25
- Ex-Priest Admits Weapons Offense, by Rudy Larini, Star-Ledger (October 25, 2007)
- Gerald Renner, 75, Wrote on Clerical Abuse, in New York Sun (October 25, 2007)
- Group Wants Sex-Abuse Claims Made Public, by Ryan Kost, Arizona Republic (October 25, 2007)
- Gerald A. Renner; Religion Journalist, by Adam Bernstein, Washington Post (October 25, 2007)
- 80 Poems Tell Plight of Pedophile Priest's Victims, by Sharon Hill, Windsor Star (October 24, 2007)
- Giuliani Hires, Defends Accused Priest, by Kilian Melloy, EDGE Boston (October 24, 2007)
- Ex-Priest from Sex Abuse Case Pleads Guilty in Hotel Rage Case, in Newsday (October 24, 2007)
- The Uninspiring King County Prosecutor's Race (IV), by Stefan Sharkansky, Sound Politics (October 24, 2007)
- Diocese's Hearing Moved to Tuesday, in Union-Tribune (October 25, 2007)
- Administrators Say Pantry Is Staying Put, by Maria Armental, Providence Journal (October 25, 2007)
- Former Assistant Pastor Indicted in Abuse: He Is Accused of Molesting 2 Girls, in Times-Picayune (October 25, 2007)
- Sex Victim to Pursue Clergyman, in Northern Star (October 25, 2007)
- Sides Prep for Ex-Priest's Sex-Abuse Civil Trial, by Stacy Brown, Times-Tribune (October 25, 2007)
- Bertone Contro Le Inchieste Sulla Chiesa : " Finiamola Con Questa Storia Dei Costi", in La Repubblica (October 25, 2007)
- Democrazia E Religione, by Ezio Mauro, La Repubblica (October 25, 2007)
- Ex-Morris Priest Free after Pleading Guilty: Admitted Sex Abuser Takes Deal in Hotel Rage Incident, by Abbott Koloff, Daily Record (October 25, 2007)
- (Ri.Ba.) «Per Me E Tutta ..., in Il Gazzettino (October 25, 2007)
- State Supreme Court: Accepts Seven New Cases, by Tom Sheehan, WisPolitics (October 25, 2007)
- Forensic Audit Faults Diocese in Armstrong Investigation, in Living Church Foundation (October 24, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Victims Want Bishop Olmstead to Reach out, on KFYI (October 25, 2007)
- Brothers Say Convicted Chicago-Area Priest Molested Them, Associated Press (October 25, 2007)
- No Religious Haven from Abuse: New Study Finds Orthodox Women Are Sexually Victimized As Much As Other American Women Are, by Debra Nussbaum Cohen, Jewish Week (October 25, 2007)
- Jesuit Leader Is Sorry for Abuse: Status of Convicted Priest Questioned, by Margaret Ramirez, Chicago Tribune (October 26, 2007)
- The Catholic Indian Mission Pedophiles Must Not Go Unpunished, by Tim Giago, Huffington Post (October 25, 2007)
- 2 Arizona Men Accuse Priest of Molestation, by Chris Kline, ABC 15 (October 25, 2007)
- Child Protection Review Ordered, by Ed Beavan, Religious Intelligence (October 25, 2007)
- Controversial Danish Satirists Put Late Pope John Paul II in Hell, in Digital Journal (October 25, 2007)
- Colorado: Persecution of Orthodox Priest Raises Question: " Was It Worth It Bishop O'Neill?", by Sherry Shinogle, Virtue Online (October 25, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Pleads Guilty after Threat, Associated Press (October 25, 2007)
- Jesuit Leader Apologizing after Sex Abuse Allegations, on ABC 7 (October 25, 2007)
- Clergy Sex Abuse Affected Man's Life, by Alaina Anderson, WSAV (October 25, 2007)
October 26
- Ex-Priest Molester in LI Case to Get Prison after Cancer Delay, in Newsday (October 25, 2007)
- Blanco Monk Sentenced to 80 Years for Child Sex Assault, in Orthodox Reform (October 25, 2007)
- Orthodox Church Members Firm in Faith after Monk's Sentencing, on KXAN (October 25, 2007)
- Ex-Monk Sentenced to 80 Years in Sex Case, Associated Press (October 25, 2007)
- Ex-Abbot Convicted in Child Sex Assaults, by Zeke MacCormack, Express-News (October 24, 2007)
- Jesuits 'Sorry' for Clergy Abuse, Critics Say It's All Talk, by Susan Hogan, Chicago Sun-Times (October 26, 2007)
- Church Abuse Case Review Outlined, on BBC News (October 26, 2007)
- Clergy Sexual Abuse Cases Settled: One of the Cases Involved a Former Priest from Immaculate Conception in Everett, by Jim Haley, HeraldNet (October 26, 2007)
- Victims of Clergy Abuse Urged to Join Support Group, by Dana Clark Felty, Savannah Now (October 26, 2007)
- G. A. Renner Dies at 75; Wrote of Abuse Within Church, by Laurie Goodstein, New York Times (October 26, 2007)
- LA Settlement Checks Close, Salesians Still on for Jury Trials, Jeff Anderson Holds National Meeting Nov. 3: Friday Roundup at City of Angels Blog, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 25, 2007)
- Former Brooklyn Priest Heading to Prison for Abusing Child, in Empire State News (October 26, 2007)
- The Head of the Jesuit Religious Order Apologizes for Abuse, Associated Press (October 26, 2007)
- The Passing of Religion Journalist Gerald Renner; Catholic Activist Stephen Brady Recovering from Injuries; Priest Comments on Catholic Blogger's 'Empathy' for Homosexuals, by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (October 26, 2007)
- OC's Scariest People: Our Congressional Delegation Tops This Year's List of 33 Villains (31 for October, Plus Two More to Get to the Día De Los Muertos, Ese), in Orange County Weekly (October 25, 2007)
- Catholic Priest Back in Court; Ex-Richmond Employee behind Bars till Dec, on NBC 12 (October 26, 2007)
- Hong Kong Pastor Admits Molesting 3 Boys, in Khaleej Times (October 26, 2007)
- Judge Weighs Bad Acts at Trial: He Fears Creating Rush to Judgment, by Margaret McHugh, Star-Ledger (October 26, 2007)
- Rudy Employs Pal, an Accused Pedophile Priest, by Marybeth T. Hagan, ProLife Blogs (October 25, 2007)
- Justices to Hear Catholic School Abuse Case, in Capital Times (October 26, 2007)
- Priest Accused of Sex Abuse: Suit Claims Archdiocese Covered up Abuse, on Local 10 (October 26, 2007)
- Two Western Washington Clergy Sexual Abuse Cases Settled, Associated Press (October 26, 2007)
- Dade Priest Takes Leave after Abuse Allegation, by Evan S. Benn and Jorge Valencia, Miami Herald (October 26, 2007)
- 30 Months for Ex-Pastor Who Molested Boys, by Nickkita Lau, Standard (October 27, 2007)
- Priest Pleads Guilty to Swindling Parishes: Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Stolen, by Fredrick Kunkle, Washington Post (October 26, 2007)
- Rodis Pleads Guilty in Church Embezzlement Case, by Matt Holmes, WCAV (October 26, 2007)
- Man Accuses Miami Priest of Teen Sex Abuse, by Gary Nelson, CBS 4 (October 26, 2007)
- Miami Man, 23, Says He Was Abused by Priest, by Mike Clary, South Florida Sun-Sentinel (October 26, 2007)
- Roman Catholic Priest Admits Stealing from Virginia Churches, on WJLA (October 26, 2007)
- Former Clinton Pastor Appears in Court on Sex Charge, by Rocco Laduca, Observer-Dispatch (October 26, 2007)
- Preacher Pleads Guilty to DUI, Public Indecency Charges, Associated Press (October 26, 2007)
- Preacher Pleads Guilty to Driving While Drunk, in TriCities (October 26, 2007)
- Bristol Pastor Gets 24 Hours Jail Time, 24 Hours of Litter Pickup,a Year Probation and Fined $800 for DUI, Indecent Exposure Charges, by Dee Goodin, Kingsport Times News (October 26, 2007)
October 27
- Lawyer to Abbey: Follow Settlement, by David Unze, St. Cloud Times (October 27, 2007)
- Lawsuit against Robinson Reinstated; Local Woman Accuses Priest of Rape, Torture, by David Yonke, Toledo Blade (October 27, 2007)
- Sex Abuse Settlement Talks Planned, by Stephanie Barry and Buffy Spencer, Republican (October 27, 2007)
- Audio: Cardinal Rigali Reaches out to Priest Sex-Abuse Victims, in Philadelphia Inquirer (October 26, 2007)
- Deputies Searching for SK Pastor Suspected of Sexual Abuse, in Kitsap Sun (October 26, 2007)
- Kitsap County Pastor Sought after Abuse Alleged, by Brian Alexander, Seattle Times (October 27, 2007)
- National Support Group Wants Answers from Lowcountry Diocese, by Brian Heins, ABC News 4 (October 26, 2007)
- Sex Suits against Church Dismissed: Catholic Diocese Escapes Abuse Claims Because They Were Filed Too Late, by Andy Kravetz, Peoria Journal Star (October 27, 2007)
- Church Orders Probe over Child Sex Abuse, by Richard Edmondson, Northampton Chronicle & Echo (October 27, 2007)
- Audit Finds Diocese in Compliance with Child Safety, by Jack Smith, Catholic Key (October 27, 2007)
- Pastor Sought after Sexual Allegations, by M. Alexander Otto, News Tribune (October 26, 2007)
- Former Clinton Pastor's Alleged Sex Abuse Confession Questioned, by Rocco Laduca, Observer-Dispatch (October 26, 2007)
- Gli Alberghi Dei Santi Alla Crociata Dell'ici, by Curzio Maltese, Radicali (October 25, 2007)
- LA Fama Di Don Sante Sbarca in Giappone Ma Anche Su Wikipedia, in Il Gazzettino (October 27, 2007)
- Suspended Priest Admits to Theft: Rodis Pleads Guilty to 2 Federal Counts; to Repay $400,000, by Tom Campbell, Richmond Times-Dispatch (October 27, 2007)
- Archbishop Lauds Faithful for Mission Resilience, in Catholic Sentinel (October 26, 2007)
- Abuse Group Visits Charleston Diocese, by Adam Parker, Post and Courier (October 27, 2007)
- Lawyer a No-Show in Ex-Priest's Sentencing, by Luis Perez, Newsday (October 27, 2007)
- LA Presenza Di Don Sante "Rovina" IL Percorso Di Fede Tra Brusegan E I Parrocchiani, in Il Gazzettino (October 26, 2007)
- Grandi Affari Alla Sacra Rota: Le Parcelle Gonfiate in Giudizio. Fino a 30 Mila Euro Per Causa: E Così Speculano Gli Avvocati, by Filippo Di Giacomo, La Stampa (October 27, 2007)
- Italy Gripped by Tale of the Priest, His Lover – and the Property Developer: Church Suspends Cleric over Affair, But, He Says, Allegations Were Concocted to Ease Land Deal, by Peter Popham, Independent (October 28, 2007)
- Parroco 'Ribelle': Sospensione a Divinis Per Don Sante: Aveva Dichiarato Di Essere Innamorato Di Una Donna Madre, in Ansa (October 27, 2007)
October 28
- Friar Molested Me, Man Says, in Chicago Sun-Times (October 28, 2007)
- Jesuits Pay for Sins of Abusers, by Janet I. Tu, Seattle Times (October 28, 2007)
- Adding to 'This Great Darkness', by Steve Duin, Oregonian (October 28, 2007)
- Catholic Congregations Recognize Priests' Work, by Jose Borjon, Brownsville Herald (October 27, 2007)
- Local Parish, Domicans Face Sex-Abuse Lawsuit, in WBBM (October 27, 2007)
- Port Orchard: Wanted Pastor Seeking Legal Help, Relative Tells Kitsap Deputies, in News Tribune (October 28, 2007)
- Shelf Life: What's New at the Bookstores, Relative Tells Kitsap Deputies, in Asbury Park Press (October 28, 2007)
- Victims in Law: Statutes of Limitation Must End So Sexual Abuse Victims — Not Predators — Are Helped, by Marge Markey and Marci A. Hamilton, Albany Times Union (October 28, 2007)
- Don Sante Sguotti Sospeso a Divinis: "aveva Ammesso LA Sua Relazione Con Una Donna:non Mi Stupisce, Andrò Avanti Finche E Possibile", in Il Corriere della Sera (October 27, 2007)
- Pelotte Photos Spark Lawsuit, Countersuit, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent (October 28, 2007)
- 'Women Shouldn't Be President. They Are Too Emotional': Travelling around the Vast US Continent, Things Are Divided. Colum Kenny Visits Phoenix, Arizona, by Colum Kenny, Irish Independent (October 28, 2007)
- Valley of the Shadow, in The Times (October 28, 2007)
- Sospeso a Divinis. «Ora Attendo LA Scomunica»: E Poi Parole Di Sfida: «Solo Atti Burocratici. Per Me Non Cambia Nulla: Resto Sacerdote E Vado Avanti Con LA Chiesa Dei Peccatori», in Il Gazzettino (October 28, 2007)
- IL Provvedimento, in Il Gazzettino (October 28, 2007)
- Cosi Ha Funzionato LA "ghigliottina Ecclesiastica" Nel Passato Applicata a Casi Ritenuti Gravissimi, by Leon Bertoletti, Il Gazzettino (October 28, 2007)
- Court Reinstates Lawsuit Involving Priests' Satanic Rituals, in North Country Gazette (October 27, 2007)
- I Got a Little Scripture and Couldn't Do It. Better off Not Pleasing the Bishops by Eating Our Own. Focus on the 5 Percent, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 28, 2007)
- Giuliani Criticized for Employing Priest Accused of Abuse, by Catholic News Service, iobserve (October 28, 2007)
- Insurance Carriers May Be Ready to Mediate with Diocese, on iobserve (October 28, 2007)
- Religione, IL Dogma in Aula: LA Spagna Studia LA Revisione Degli Accordi Con LA Chiesa, by Curzio Maltese, La Repubblica (October 25, 2007)
- Deputies: 'Predator' Pastor Still in the Area, on KOMO (October 28, 2007)
- Lakeland Church Volunteer under Investigation, on My Fox Tampa Bay (October 28, 2007)
October 29
- Norwich Diocese Agrees to Settlement of $170,000 for Sexual Abuse by Priest: Terms Announced at Stonington Church of 34-Year-Old Case, by Joe Wojtas, The Day (October 29, 2007)
- Catholic Men Who Remind US of Injustice, by Harry F. Themal, News Journal (October 29, 2007)
- Psychological Assessment of Priesthood Candidates Remains Ambiguous, in Indian Catholic (October 29, 2007)
- Former Priest Denies Teenage Sex Abuse Charge, on ABC (October 29, 2007)
- Stunning New Documents on Convicted Predator Priest to Be Released, in PR Newswire (October 28, 2007)
- Norwich Diocese to Pay $170,000 in Priest Abuse Case, on WTNH (October 28, 2007)
- Abano Terme: Una Domenica Mattina ... in Il Gazzettino (October 29, 2007)
- Three Priests Set up Failed Business Called Shag, by Edel Kennedy, Irish Independent (October 29, 2007)
- "There Are No Cheap Graces", in Voice of the Faithful (October 20, 2007)
- Reconciliation Needs Truth and Justice, Not Damage Control, in Voice of the Faithful (October 22, 2007)
- Disgraced Priest Pleads Guilty to Swindling Parishioners, by Rodney J. Jaleco, ABS-CBN (October 29, 2007)
- Molester Ex-Priest Will Need a Home: Morris-Area Victims Say They'll Warn Whatever Community He Turns to after Dec. 7 Sentencing, by Abbott Koloff, Daily Record (October 28, 2007)
- Archbishop Gregory Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, by Steve Visser, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (October 28, 2007)
- LA Chiesa Sfratta: "dannoi Palazzi Solo Ai Ricchi": Un Comitato Di Inquilini Si Appella a Bagnasco: «perchè Privilegiate I Mercanti Del Tempio?», by Giacomo Galeazzi, Filippo Di Giacomo, La Stampa (October 29, 2007)
- The Orange Diocese's Record-Breaking Streak, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 29, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Begins Jail Term in Child-Abuse Case, by Alfonso A. Castillo, Newsday (October 29, 2007)
- In Her, Priests' Collars Touch off Night Terrors, by Patricia Snyder, Daily Courier (October 29, 2007)
- New York Judge Sends Terminally Ill Ex-Priest to Prison for Molesting Boy, Associated Press (October 29, 2007)
- Church Records and the Courts: Recent Court Rulings Undermine the Church's Promise of Confidentiality, by William W. Bassett, America (October 29, 2007)
- Former Church Pastor in American Samoa Serves 15 Days in Prison for Assault, on Radio New Zealand (October 29, 2007)
- Documents Surface Showing Order May Have Known of Priest Abuse, by Paul Meincke, ABC 7 (October 29, 2007)
- Catholic Church Aware of Donald McGuire's Abuse of Young Boys, by Kay Jones, Associated Content (October 29, 2007)
- I-Team Investigation: Father Robinson Trial, on WTVG (October 29, 2007)
- Accused Sk Pastor in Custody after Turning Himself in, by Josh Farley, Kitsap Sun (October 29, 2007)
- Pastor Accused of Raping Girls Turns Self in, on KOMO (October 29, 2007)
October 30
- Many Catholic Schools Fight to Survive: Santa Monica's St. Anne Is a Case Study in How Some Parish Campuses Are Barely Hanging on, by Carla Rivera, Los Angeles Times (October 30, 2007)
- 20 Men, Including a Rockland Priest, Charged in Bedford Rest-Stop Sex Sting, by Terence Corcoran, Journal News (October 30, 2007)
- Ex-Priest Begins Jail Term in Child-Abuse Case, by Alfonso A. Castillo, Newsday (October 29, 2007)
- Hearing Delayed Again on Diocese Bankruptcy, in Union-Tribune (October 30, 2007)
- New Book Shares Portraits of Abused, by Leslie Brody, NorthJersey.com (October 30, 2007)
- Pastor Booked in Sex Abuse Case: Port Orchard Man Turns Himself in after Accusations by Woman, Girl, by Ian Demsky, News Tribune (October 30, 2007)
- Ex-Minister Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charge, in Peoria Journal-Star (October 30, 2007)
- Papers: Jesuits Were Warned about Abusive Priest, by Barbara Bradley Hagerty, NPR (October 29, 2007)
- Documents in the Case, in NPR (October 30, 2007)
- Giuliani As President Brings Advisors like Alan Placa, the Pedophile Priest-Lawyer Who Created Catholic Church Policy for Pedophile Priests, by Kay Ebeling, City of Angels (October 30, 2007)
- Decades-Old Letters Told of Concerns about Priest: Abuse | Doubts Expressed about McGuire in 1969, by Maureen O'Donnell, Chicago Sun-Times (October 30, 2007)
- More Abuse Allegations Target Jesuit Priest, in Chicago Tribune (October 30, 2007)
- Vatican under Fire As 4,000 Face Eviction: Church Landlords Accused of Speculative Frenzy, Conduct 'Not in Line' with Papal Stance on Housing, The Guardian (October 30, 2007)
- Bishop McFarland to Priests: Stop Touching Boys!, by Gustavo Arellano, Orange County Weekly (October 30, 2007)
- Diocese Reveals Sex Conviction against Former Priest, Associated Press (October 30, 2007)
- Community Notification Statement, in Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix (October 30, 2007)
- Reformers Meet; Report of Abuse in R.i. Released, by Chuck Colbert, National Catholic Reporter (November 2, 2007)
- Suspended Mesa Priest's Case Goes to High Court, by Jim Walsh, Arizona Republic (October 30, 2007)
- Convicted Paedophile Must Not Remain Priest: Victim's Group, on ABC (October 31, 2007)
- Was Jailed Priest in Satanic Sex Ring? by Matt C. Abbott, Renew America (October 30, 2007)
October 31
- Sex Sting Nabs 20 at Highway Rest Area, by Kilian Melloy, EDGE Boston (October 31, 2007)
- Diocese Web Site Posts Info on Priest: Clergy Member Who Ran Phoenix Seminars Is Accused of Sex Abuse, by Nikki Renner, Arizona Republic (October 31, 2007)
- Church 'Risks Credibility' If Pedophile Remains a Priest, by Roberta Mancuso, Herald Sun (October 31, 2007)
- Archdiocese Gets a Second Auxiliary Bishop, by Tom Heinen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (October 30, 2007)
- I-65 Victim Was Man from Silver Lake, Ind., in The Courier-Journal (October 31, 2007)
- 'Pastor P' Cops a Plea: Decatur Man Facing Sex Charges Involving Children Cuts Deal with Da; Applies for Probation, by Sheryl Marsh, Decatur Daily (October 31, 2007)
- Kitsap County, WA, Pastor Appears in Court, Associated Press (October 30, 2007)
- Church Unfamiliar to Many in Sk's Religious Community, by Brynn Grimley, Kitsap Sun (October 30, 2007)
- Two More Victims Come Forward As Sk Pastor Appears on Sex Charges, by Josh Farley, Kitsap Sun (October 30, 2007)
- Church Sex Abuse Inquiry Continues, in The Ledger (October 31, 2007)
- Vicar Faces Sex Abuse Charges, in Evening Telegraph (October 30, 2007)
- Former Vicar in Sex Case, in Northampton Chronicle & Echo (October 31, 2007)
- Cleric Held for Trial in Sex Abuse of Minors, by Christine Olley, Philadelphia Daily News (October 31, 2007)
- Lombardi: Lack of Action in Jesuit Sexual Abuse Case Speaks Louder Than Words, by Eric Lombardi, Marquette Tribune (October 30, 2007)
- American Samoan Call for Tougher Penalties for Child Sex Abuse, on Radio New Zealand (October 31, 2007)
- Don Sante in TV Nessuna Novità Mentana Stoppa L'Accenno Al Libro, in Il Gazzettino (October 31, 2007)
- Garnerville Parish Reacts to Priest's Arrest on Sex Charge, by Terence Corcoran and Amisha Padnani, The Journal News (October 31, 2007)
- Anglican Church Considers Future of Paedophile Priest, by Michael Edwards, ABC (October 31, 2007)
- Court Battles Return for Portland Archdiocese, by Andrew Theen, OPB News (October 25, 2007)
- Warren Jeffs Court Documents Unsealed, on KUTV (October 31, 2007)
- State of Utah V. Warren Steed Jeffs - Court Filings, in State of Utah (October 31, 2007)
- Man Who Spurred Abuse Lawsuit Dies, in Telegraph Herald (October 31, 2007)
- More Suits Filed against Priest: Lawyer States Jesuits Knew Long Ago about Sexual Abuse Cases, by Chuck Salvatore, Southwest News-Herald (October 31, 2007)
- Lies of Little Miss Misery - Memoir of Abused Girl Is a Fake, Says New Investigation, by Hermann Kelly, Daily Mail (October 31, 2007)
- Exclusive: Woman Feels Victimized Twice, by Priest and Church, on KLAS (October 31, 2007)
- Questions Raised in Accusations against Former Priest, by Lacey Peterson, Union Democrat (October 31, 2007)
- Alleged Internet Predator Arrested at Statehouse, on WBNS (October 31, 2007)
- Polygamist Leader Said He Was 'Immoral', Associated Press (October 31, 2007)
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