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Bishop McFarland to Priests: Stop Touching Boys! By Gustavo Arellano Orange County Weekly October 30, 2007 [See also other
articles by Gustavo Arellano.]
Now here's the rest of the story, according to Smith: The day McFarland received the allegation, the bishop phoned Jim Dunning, then and today St. Kilian's pastor. Smith roomed with Dunning, so he was privy to an early-morning chat between Dunning and his boss. While Smith prepared breakfast, a shaken Dunning revealed that McFarland had ripped him a new one for allowing Ziemann—who had previously given McFarland headaches by harboring porno-painting priests —to continually visit St. Kilian. The kicker, according to Smith: McFarland yelled at Dunning, "Why can't you priests stop touching boys?!" McFarland is long-retired, while Dunning wouldn't return calls for comment. Smith, though, stands by his story. Thank the priest for his honesty by buying his book, Thou Shalt Not Kill: Genocide in Central Africa , which recounts his days ministering in Burundi. E-mail: GARELLANO@OCWEEKLY.COM |
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