Lockeford Priest Accused of Abuse

Stockton Record
October 11, 2007

Stockton — The Roman Catholic Diocese of Stockton has placed a parish priest on administrative leave after a 33-year-old man about a week ago alleged he was sexually abused by the priest sometime in 1984 to 1986.

The Rev. Michael Kelly, 56, was placed on leave by Bishop Stephen Blaire this week while the matter is being investigated. Kelly was most recently the priest at St. Joachim's Church in Lockeford. He was a priest at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Stockton during the time the alleged incident is said to have occurred.

"He categorically and emphatically denies this ever took place," said Stockton lawyer Albert Ellis, who is representing Kelly. "Father Kelly feels passionate that priests with good names need to stand up and fight these allegations."

According to diocese spokeswoman Sister Terry Davis, the Stockton Police Department has been notified of the allegation as part of the diocese's policy dealing with allegations of priestly sexual abuse. Davis said Blaire was unavailable for comment today.

Today's revelation was the latest in a long string of allegations brought against Stockton diocesan priests.

To read more of Rick Brewer's story, pick up Friday's Record.


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