Abused Men to Meet

By Chris Thompson
Windsor Star
September 24, 2007

The organizer of the city's first information session for male victims of sexual abuse is hoping victims can shed their shame and attend the event.

"I hope it brings out men and gives them the courage to step forward," said Daniel Cahill, 69, who has organized the event, which takes place Wednesday night at the main branch of the Windsor Public Library starting at 6:30 p.m.

Cahill is preparing seating for 150 and believes that is a fraction of the number of male sexual abuse victims in the city.

"I know that there are hundreds and hundreds of men in the city who have been sexually abused by clergy and coaches, boy scout leaders, teachers, anyone in close contact with children," said Cahill, who says he was the victim of a priest in the 1950s.

Men are frequently unwilling to publicly acknowledge they have been abused, he said.

"It's not something that you really talk about as a male," said Cahill, who said he did not deal with the abuse in his past until he watched a CBC movie about abuse that included the phrase: "If you think you have been sexually abused, the chances are you have."

The event is being funded by the Catholic Diocese of London and a group known as Hope and Healing Associates. Speaking at the session will be Lynne MacDonnell, a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist from Toronto who has been working with victims of sexual abuse at Maple Leaf Gardens.

Also speaking will be Tom Wilken, the author of the book Rebuilding Your House of Self-Respect and the founder of Hope and Healing Associates.

Therapist Michael Cardinal and Pat Ing will also provide one-on-one counselling and there will be a panel discussion by male sexual abuse survivors.

Cahill said research shows that 37 per cent of sexual abuse victims under the age of 21 are male.

"The sad thing is that it goes undiagnosed. It's usually covered up by some kind of addiction. It's not something that goes unnoticed."

Similar sessions are being held in Chatham and London, Cahill said.


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