Friday Roundup: Where Is the Outrage? Plus, Note to Those Who Say Childhood Sex Crime Victims Should Just Get over It.

By Kay Ebeling
City of Angels
September 21, 2007

Yes it's those Salesians, the Catholic order whose sole purpose since the 1800s has been to reach out and uplift young boys from poverty and disadvantaged homes.

It was the Salesians' attorney who called low income boys from LA Salesian schools "10 year old now 60 year old juvenile delinquents" as he tried to get civil lawsuits dismissed in LA Superior Court Wednesday, lawsuits filed by sex crime victims from Salesian run schools that were not part of the July 16th settlement but are on calendar for a jury trial November 5 in LA Superior Court.

This is from the firm profile of Foley & Lardner LLP, whose partner Stephen A. McFeely represents the Salesians.

"For more than 160 years, Foley & Lardner LLP has delivered legal services. Foley is dedicated to understanding industry issues, government policies, and client goals." Today they represent a religious order many of whose priests it turns out are pedophiles.

McFeely himself "focuses on commercial disputes in such areas as contracts, trade secrets, unfair competition and corporate control." Today he defends the Salesians, who for more than 160 years have taken in vulnerable little boys to be raised, groomed and nurtured, by in many cases pedophile priests. And monsignors and bishops.

Apparently he's going to do it by convincing a jury that the 10 year old now 60 year old juvenile delinquents are a pack of liars. November 5 jury trial date, we'll see. . .

Where Is The Outrage

By Anonymous and Making Its Way Round the Internet:

In three months it will be six years since the clergy sex scandal appeared in the Boston Globe featuring the perp John Geoghan.

Last May it has been 15 years since James Porter.

This year it has been 23 years since Gilbert Gauthe.

This year we found out that sexual abuse by Catholic priests has been going on for two centuries, documented in the book "Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes."

So where is the outrage?

The bishops who transferred perps all around the world are still in place — if they hvaen't died.

Cardinal Law was rewarded by living a luxurious life at the Vatican.

Where is the Justice? —

No justice. The incredible fact that there are still sheep trouping into those churches, to me, is mind boggling. Are people that weak and mindless?


That happened when you were five years old.

Why don't you just get over it?

People say to childhood sex crime victims, why don't you get on with your lives. Truth is it follows you wherever you go and flies back in your face at the most unlikely times.

Take me entering the Superior Court building Wednesday morning. As usual before going through the security screener, I put everything that might set off the alarm on the tray, even my shoes with the metal trim. Walked through the metal detector in my stockings but still the buzzer went off.

The guy approached with the baton they run up and down alongside your body and I started shaking.

Soon not just shaking but literally whirling around outside my body watching myself shake.

It's a state of disassociation I've been in so many times in my life I'm used to it, but it's still mystifying.

The guard wanted to wave the wand up and down my body as they do, but I was twirling and trying to get away from him, moving so fast I didn't even know what I was doing until I'd done it. I ran back to the conveyor to get my bags and get away from him. I pointed to the safety pin on my blouse, as that must have been what was setting off the alarm.

"It's the pin," I assured him and tried to get away as fast as I could.

The guard yelled at me and two more joined him. I still couldn't hold still, because that disassociation thing was happening. As long as that Baton was coming near me I was spinning around uncontrollably watching myself shake.

Finally I held still long enough for the guard to run the baton by me, but I was still almost shouting, it's just the safety pin, it's the pin,

Panic, shaking, twirling. If I were to try to shoot the scene it would be distorted like heat waves on concrete.

I was halfway up the second escalator before I calmed down enough to realize that's not the first time this has happened. In fact this panic at the metal detector guy's wand is why I'm so fanatical about getting everything metal off me in the first place before I enter the building.

Because I don't want that man coming towards me with that baton and running it up and down my body. Whatever it reminds me of I panic and disassociate just at the sight of that security guard coming towards me with a baton to check for metal on my body.

So no to those naysayers and poo-poo specialists who say why don't you just get over it. It's been almost 55 years now. Obviously rape at age five by a priest affected me for the rest of my life.

It is not something you get over and just put behind you. So get on with my life I will.

Next week:

Hearing Wednesday September 26th

Motion to Compel Answers and Motion to compel deposition


Father Reina,
Michael J. Alvarez

Father William Schafer
Father Nicholas Reina,
& to compel the deposition of
Michael J. Alvarez &
Thomas Prenderville.
RE: BC308301 & BC308555.

City of Angels Lady will be there


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