Statement from Msgr. Urell's Attorney

OC Blog
September 14, 2007

This came over the transom earlier today:

    Statement regarding Msgr. John Urell from his personal attorney, Patrick A. Hennessey:

    On Sept. 6, Msgr. John Urell entered the medical facility Southdown Institute in Canada following the orders of his medical physician. He suffers from an acute anxiety disorder caused by the strain of his prior responsibility for responding to complaints of sexual abuse by others.
    Msgr. Urell has never sexually abused anyone, and he has never been accused of sexually abusing anyone. His treatment at Southdown is specifically related to acute anxiety. In no way is his stay related to pedophilia, and for anyone to imply such is being irresponsible and untruthful.

His physician has determined that he is unable to finish his testimony as a witness in the case involving the former Mater Dei coach. Msgr. Urell is not accused of any wrongdoing in this case.

His primary focus now is to heal and make himself well so he may continue to do what he loves: minister to his parishioners at St. Norbert Church.

Msgr. Urell's compassion and concern for all who have been devastated by clergy sexual abuse has been evident in his ministry.

Here's the related OC Register online story.

In the erratum category, yesterday's OC Register story contained this line, regarding Msgr. Urell and former diocesan priest Michael Pecharich:

    Urell did not order Pecharich to be removed from priesthood.
Msgr. Urell has no more power to defrock a diocesan priest than I do. Ordination and laicization is the province of bishops on up.


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