Lawyer Defends Sex Attack Priest

By Kate Uebergang
Herald Sun
September 11, 2007,21985,22396480-2862,00.html

AUSTRALIA — A catholic priest found guilty of sexually assaulting boys over a 14-year period had done "so much good" as well as causing harm, his lawyer told a court yesterday.

Terrence Melville Pidoto, 62, had performed his duties as a priest and been a close friend to many, the court heard.

"He is a man who has obviously lost a lot of his reputation and self-esteem," lawyer Ian Polak told a pre-sentence hearing.

The County Court heard the former priest, who maintains his innocence, had made reference to "his feelings of guilt and the need to make up for the harm that has occurred" to a psychiatrist.

But prosecutor John Champion, SC, said that material before the court made no reference to Pidoto's remorse for his victims.

"What is apparent is that there may well have been some sorrow and remorse that these allegations were made and the effect on his family and friends," Mr Champion said.

He said Pidoto's crimes were "a most serious set of offences" that constituted "a gross breach of trust" over young people he had owed a duty of care to.

Pidoto was ordained into the priesthood in 1971 and worked in Heidelberg, Box Hill North and Kilmore during the 1970s and early 1980s.

In July Pidoto was found guilty by a jury of 11 charges, including one count of rape, one count of buggery and seven counts of indecent assault.

His four victims were aged between 14-16 at the time of the offences, which took place between 1972-86.

Mr Champion said a jail term was the only sentencing option open in the case.

Judge Ross Howie remanded Pidoto, of Bacchus Marsh, in custody to be sentenced on Monday.


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