Reform That Is Crucial to the Church

By Barney Zwartz
The Age
August 28, 2007

A PENTECOSTAL pastor once told me of the triple perils charismatic leaders have to guard against: girls, gold and glory (egomania). Many have spectacularly failed.

Inside the Catholic Church, matters are much more complex and priests and prelates don't have the same financial temptations. But sex and power, those deepest human drives, can still grip and twist people. Nowhere has this been more obvious than the clerical sexual abuse crisis of the past decade.

Sexual abuse has been called the biggest crisis for the Catholic Church since the 16th-century Reformation. It has caused untold anguish, hammered church credibility and is now costing hundreds of millions of dollars around the world. Some American dioceses have gone bankrupt, and important church ministries to the poor and homeless have collapsed.

It's a cruel irony that the attempts to protect the church's good name are what most sullied it: the cover-ups, lying, abandoning of victims to protect priests.

According to retired Sydney bishop Geoffrey Robinson, himself an abuse victim who spent eight years heading efforts to tackle the crisis in Australia, the church is still mostly tinkering around the edges.

Robinson's book Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church, which went on sale yesterday, is extremely impressive: thoughtful, open and constructive. It will surely get worldwide attention among Catholics, though the probable response from the Vatican will be silence. That's because it can't do much: he is retired and the book is on the shelves.

Until the Catholic Church tackles deep structural and theological flaws about sex and power, until it is prepared to rethink doctrines dating as far back as Augustine (4th century), it will still be merely "managing the problem" rather than confronting it, the bishop says.

Start with sex. Catholic teaching on sex is often caricatured, not least by priests themselves over the centuries, but the central thesis is clear.

The church holds that sex is designed only for married couples for the twin purposes of expressing love and conceiving children. Therefore, unless conception is possible it is a sin and so are all other sexual acts, as "against nature".

This view has been parodied on the grounds that, given that human eyes are designed by nature to look forwards, we should not have driving mirrors on our cars.

Robinson suggests that a sexual ethic that sees acts as offences against God — a position drawn from tradition rather than the Bible — reflects an inadequate view of God. He wants to replace that ethic with one based on persons. This doesn't mean sexual licence, because sex is still the deepest expression of human love but can be trivialised, deceitful or coercive.

The key to sexual ethics is the good — and harm — done to people and their relationships. The whole church (it can't be left to the Vatican) needs to reconsider its fundamental understanding, which reopens for discussion sex outside marriage, homosexual sex and an end to compulsory celibacy for priests.

On power, the Catholic Church has long treated priests and those in religious orders as a higher caste, separate and superior to laypeople. It doesn't even have a collective term for all members in the way that nations have "citizens" — a category to which the newest Australian belongs as much as the Prime Minister — because the primary meaning of "laypeople" is non-clerics.

Such a view encourages dictatorial attitudes and sees the relationship between people and priests as one of obedience. The responsibility appropriate to adults is too often reduced to the obedience appropriate to children.

Papal power has increased vastly, so much so that the failure of John Paul II to respond properly to abuse damaged the whole church. The Curia (Vatican bureaucracy) is committed to protecting and preserving the Pope's power, so is a key part of the problem. Indeed, Robinson suggests the Curia should be made up of laypeople rather than cardinals, bishops and clerics, while the Pope should function as a prime minister rather than a monarch.

Only reforms on this sort of scale will clear the sometimes murky climate that can arise when an unhealthy psychology, unhealthy attitudes to sex and power and an unhealthy environment combine. This is the climate in which abusers flourish.

The Catholic Church, at least in the West, cannot continue as it is, behind the battlements, portcullis down, with the faithful steadily diminishing. Many in the Vatican know that, including Benedict XVI, but institutional inertia and self-protection are formidable obstacles.

Such a restructuring will naturally be resisted by those whose influence will wane, especially the Curia. As Saki wrote: "Every reformation must have its victims. You can't expect the fatted calf to share the enthusiasm of the angels over the prodigal's return."

Lay-led reform will be slower, but changes will happen. As Robinson says, only a truly radical reform will again give the church credibility. His most important achievement is calmly and carefully to set out the issues that must be on the table. Let discussion begin.

Barney Zwartz is religion editor. A more detailed analysis of the book is posted on his Age blog:


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