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Sue the " Sexperts" California's Dr. Judith Reisman Urges Bishops to Take Action against Sex Therapy Experts Who Have Advised the Church. And, If They Don't, the Laity Should. California Catholic Daily August 20, 2007 California-based lecturer and author, Dr. Judith Reisman (she holds a Ph.D. in Communications) has served as an expert witness in lawsuits involving sexual abuse. Her research paper, "Reliance of the Catholic Church on Sexuality Advisors Whose Moral Foundation Differs Markedly from that of the Church," was submitted to a select group of bishops in 2002, so far without official response. California Catholic Daily interviewed Reisman on Aug. 12. A number of Catholic priests later convicted for sex abuse were ex-patients of sexual therapy centers. What's the problem here? Reisman: "Human sexuality education" has always been based on the Kinsey model. The "Harvard" of the Kinseyan field was the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco . The IASHS "education" canon reflected the frauds created by Kinsey, a pedophile advocate.
Kinsey's research was ultimately used to eliminate laws banning pornography and sexual deviancy in all fifty states. Didn't anybody realize he was a fraud? Several highly respected academicians, including Abraham Maslow, charged that Kinsey's work was shoddy and un-scientific. Even Warren Weaver, a lead scientist with Kinsey's funder, the Rockefeller Foundation, knew and warned that Kinsey's statistics were worthless; but Weaver was ignored. Is there evidence of fraud perpetrated against the Catholic Church? Susan Brinkman gives the details in her book, The Kinsey Corruption (Ascension Press). Certain Catholic Church administrators hired sexuality educators who taught Kinseyan values. This employment pattern held as well for some selected psychologists who screened aspiring seminarians, many of whom were rejected because they were said to be too sexually "orthodox," not "tolerant" of homosexuality. Bishops sent pedophile priests for treatment to therapists who accepted pedophilia as an "orientation." Which experts and treatment centers? The Johns Hopkins clinic and St. Luke Institute [in Maryland] are two Kinseyan therapeutic venues. Fr. Rossetti took over St. Luke Institute after its founder, Michael Peterson, a priest and practicing homosexual, died of AIDS. Some of their infamous pederast patients included Fr. Rudy Kos of Dallas and Fr. John Geoghan of Boston . The key experts were Dr. Fred Berlin and his mentor, the late Dr. John Money of the Johns Hopkins clinic. Yet, Money claimed his failed sex change operations were complete successes. He originated the notion that there is no genetic woman or man. Culture only determines one's sex, he said. Money also told The Journal of Paedophilia that sex between men and young boys was healthy. He advocated an end to age of consent. His protégé and successor Fred Berlin refused to report his patients who were actively offending pedophiles and pederasts during his "treatment." You want the Church to sue the clinics where the priests and psychologists had been trained. Are there legal precedents ? Yes, medical malpractice is one approach that immediately comes to mind. These "sexperts" held themselves out as authorities; bishops and vocations directors listened and commonly followed their directives. Yet, almost all of these "sexperts" built their therapies on the fraudulent research of Kinsey and his disciples. Could the ordinary Catholic laity seek damages, for instance through a class-action suit? I did speak with several attorneys who confirmed that the Catholic laity was empowered to seek such damages. As "the Church" the laity would have legal standing for redress of grievances, loss of religious trust and amity, and other claims due to the fraud and harms perpetrated by bogus sex experts |
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