Former Episcopal Priest in Central NY Admits to Sexual Abusing Boys

August 14, 2007,0,3742693.story

Skaneateles, N.Y. - A former state Legislature chaplain who ran for the Assembly last year has admitted to sexually abusing four underage boys while serving as rector of a central New York church.

Officials with the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York say J. Edward Putnam, 66, recently admitted in a written statement to the bishop that he engaged in "inappropriate conduct with minors" while at St. James Episcopal Church in Skaneateles (skan-ee-AT'-lus).

An investigation begun in May resulted in his being suspended last month from acting as a priest for 20 years. Diocese officials say Putnam, who was ordained in 1970, admitted to sexually abusing the boys from early 1985 to mid-1993.

Putnam served as chaplain to the Assembly from 1994-96. Last year he ran unsuccessfully for the Assembly.


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