Don Pierino, Lascia Stare LA Croce!

Gente d'Italia
August 12, 2007

Italy — Catholic journalist Stefania Nardini writes further in Italian about the embattled Rev. Perino Gelmini, who is accused of sexual misconduct by at least seven men in Italy. The priest at one time gave her a cross, which she still keeps. This is the link to the newspaper which is produced for Italians living in the United States and Canada.

Some highlights:

She met armed body guards in his communities. He organized shows under large tents where he would appear dressed as a bishop. Those attending included politicians, some who donated money. She said that many of his drug rehabiliation communities exist only on paper and are far fewer than what he claims to have. While it is stated that 164 communities exist in Italy, there are in fact only 64 and people entering for rehabilitation are fewer in number than what the priest has stated.

While Rev. Gelmini said that Masons were conspiring against him when the allegations were recently made public, Ms. Nardini writes that Italy's most powerful Lodge called Grande Oriente d'Italia has inivited its members on tax forms to indicate they will donate part of their income to Incontro, as the community is called.

Ms. Nardini mentioned an article by journalist Francesco Grignetti, who writes for La Stampa, that Rev. Gelmini was arrested in 1969 when he was secretary to Archbishop Luis Copello of Buenos Aires in connection with financial irregularies of a failed business. He was also investigated for a fraudulent bankruptcy and for signing bad checks for another company. He fled to Vietnam where he contacted Archbishop Dihn-Thuc, but was later denounced by the archbishop and widow of President Diem for financial irregularities. He returned to Rome in 1971 where he spent three years in jail. Ms. Nardini said in the article that while in jail, Rev. Gelmini had to be isolated because of sexual activity with other inmates.

He later started the Incontro communities and he received money from wealthy and influential donors. Ms. Nardini said rumors circulated frequently about sexual misconduct by Rev. Gelmini.


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